Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 36 Get Help From The Corpse King Of Fengmen Village?


Listening to Zhang Wei's words, Huang Qingshan couldn't laugh or cry.

He didn't blame Zhang Wei for wanting to leave.

After all, whoever it is, upon hearing this task, will feel that he is crazy, or the whole world is crazy. That is saving the Huang family grandpa, what is the difference between saving the gods.

Just ask.

Let you save a fairy, who doesn't feel like science fiction after hearing it.

"Zhang Wei, don't rush to clean up, listen to me and finish what I have to say."

Huang Qingshan pulled Zhang Wei to sit on the sofa:

"I said I want you to save Mr. Huang's family, but I don't mean you should go now."

"It won't work in a few days." Zhang Wei responded bluntly.

Huang Qingshan smiled:

"No, no, I'm not asking you to go in a few days."

"You just need to save Mr. Huang's family within these two years."

"Within two years?" Zhang Wei looked over in doubt.

Huang Qingshan did not hide anything, nodded and said:

"Although Grandpa Huang's condition is not good now, with his strength, he can delay it for another two years."

"So you have two years to think about it."

"I know you feel that you are not strong enough to save Mr. Huang's family."

"Then wait for you to practice for a year or two, and your strength will come up. If you are sure, you can be saved."


"I asked you to save Mr. Huang's family. I didn't choose someone blindly. I thought that with your ability, you might be able to do it."

"I was planning to ask you to save Mr. Huang's family."

"What's the criteria for selecting me?" Zhang Wei asked again.

"The standard is your physical strength."

Huang Qingshan said bluntly:

"I heard Lin Tong talk about you and Xishuangbanna's bronze-armored and iron-coffined zombies."

"Your physical body is very strong, comparable to the golden body of Buddhism."

Speaking of which.

It seems to know that Zhang Wei has other doubts in his heart.

Huang Qingshan continued:

"Actually, we didn't just look for you to save Mr. Huang's family."

"I also found many capable people with strong physical bodies, and even..."

After hesitating for a while, Huang Qingshan chose to speak:

"I don't know if you know anything about Fengmen Village."


Just as Zhang Wei responded, he immediately realized something and couldn't help being surprised:

"Captain Huang, I heard that the iron coffin zombie in Fengmen Village was not killed, but was imprisoned by you."

"Could it be that your Department of Health...even called the zombie from Fengmen Village to help you?"

Huang Qingshan smiled wryly and shrugged helplessly:

"Yes, Zhang Wei, you are right."

"In order to save Mr. Huang's family, our Department of Defense has already communicated with that corpse king."

in words.

He couldn't help sighing.

"To be honest, asking this corpse king for help, including me, disagrees, and I feel very uncomfortable. Its hands are covered with the blood of innocent people."

"But there is no way."

"The body of the corpse king is very powerful."

"In fact, it is also the person who makes us feel most hopeful to save Mr. Huang's family."


Zhang Wei asked his last doubt:

"I do not really understand."

"Why do you Department of Health and Dao help so much to save Mr. Huang's family?"

Although there are horse immortals in the northeast, they use the power of the "immortal family" to eliminate demons and defend the way.

But it doesn't mean that Chumaxian owes the 'Xianjia'.


The "immortal family" wanted to become immortals, so they chose people to become horse immortals and enshrined them, allowing them to use their own strength to eliminate demons and defend the way, and accumulate merit to become immortals.

This is a mutual benefit, a two-way rush.

Huang Qingshan explained:

"We will try our best to save Mr. Huang's family."

"It's because if the old man of the Huang family dies, the Northeast will be in chaos, and it will be of no benefit to anyone."

Zhang Wei nodded.

Indeed, the five great fairy families in Northeast China will be among the top five fairy families precisely because of their grandfather.

Compared with the eight great masters of the Hu family, the Huang family only had five.


Zhang Wei knows a legend.

There are only three of the five great masters of the Huang family. There is a legend of the Huang family in the Northeast. It is said that the five brothers of the Huang family, two of the eldest brothers died in battle to protect the Jade Emperor. , has already become a fairy, and is no longer in the world.

This legend sounds exaggerated, let alone whether it is true or not, if the final result of the legend remains unchanged, then it means that there are only three of the five brothers left in the Huang family.

If one of these three is gone now, it means that there are only two brothers left.

There are only two grandfathers, and the other immortal families must be thinking about it.

You must know that the title of the Five Great Immortals brings merit and karma in the dark, which cannot be compared with other Immortals.


Huang Qingshan continued:

"Zhang Wei hopes you can think again, at least take a test."

"Test to see if you can bear it or not, and help."

"We won't let you test for nothing."

"As long as you go for the test, no matter whether your test meets the standard or not, our Health Department will give you 500,000 yuan as a test reward."

Immediately afterwards.

Some inquiries.

Zhang Wei agreed to test it.

He asked Huang Qingshan that the test is similar to a physical examination, testing all aspects of the body and so on.

Anyway, the test is not dangerous, and you can get half a million yuan, so why not go.


Before Huang Qingshan left.

Zhang Wei talked with him about Wu Nian, Zhang Chao and other missing persons.

"Then Zhang Wei will wait for you and Lin Tong to find Wu Nian and the others, and then test after you find them."

Huang Qingshan glanced at the time on his phone.

It was already noon at this time, and he didn't intend to delay Zhang Wei's search for Wu Nian and the others.


Just as Huang Qingshan got up, he hadn't reached the door yet.


[The 'Namo Gatling Bodhisattva photo' at the point of the host's blessing system is used. 】

The cold system prompt sounded.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a while.

next second.

Suddenly looked in one direction.

With the photo perception of the system blessing, he can feel that the photo response is in that direction.

Wu Nian is using that photo of mine.

Realizing this, Zhang Wei thought without hesitation.


The cold system notification sounded again.

[Blessing "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva Photo" 1098 system points]

at the same time.

Zhang Wei called Huang Qingshan, Lin Tong and the others to stop.

"Captain Huang, wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Huang Qingshan looked puzzled.

"I may know where Wu Nian and the others are, I will take you there now."


Captain Huang and the others were stunned, with black question marks on their faces.

"Zhang Wei, do you know where Wu Nian and the others are?" Captain Huang hurriedly asked, fearing that he had heard wrong.

Zhang Wei nodded.

"Yes, I was informed just now that Wu Nian and the others are in that direction, and I will take you to the specific location."

As soon as the words are spoken.

Captain Huang and the others were even more confused, they looked like they had seen a ghost.

What are you kidding me?

You have been talking to us from just now until now, and you have never seen you holding a mobile phone or other communication, where did you receive the notification.


Captain Huang asked:

"Is it my eyesight? Why didn't I see that you received the notification just now?"

"Captain Huang, of course you didn't see it, because someone transmitted me directly."

"Ah??? Sound transmission??"

Not to mention Captain Huang being weird, both Lin Tong and Lu Lianxue's expressions changed, what's going on? Also transmit the sound, this is the urban supernatural world, not fantasy.

As ghost exorcisers, or from the Department of Health and Dao, they know some Taoist techniques, which can send messages to people through the air, but there are some signs and so on.

Captain Huang couldn't help but said, "Can I ask who transmitted your voice?"

"Yes, Namo Gatling Bodhisattva told me." Zhang Wei grinned.

this moment.

Just like Captain Huang told Zhang Wei that he was going to save the Huang family's grandfather before, Zhang Wei's reaction to seeing a lunatic, now it's Captain Huang facing Zhang Wei.

ha? ? ? ? ?

Namo Gatling Bodhisattva informed you? ? ?

Are we crazy, or Zhang Wei is crazy for you.


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