Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 353 Ding! Blessing The Town-Level Ghost Summoning Banner...

the next day.

Hawaii airport.

at this time.

Zhang Wei stood at the exit, waiting for Fatty's arrival. After talking with Fatty last night, in order to revive the tailor as soon as possible, Fatty didn't dare to procrastinate, so he chose to take the plane overnight with a spirit-calling flag.

Originally, he planned to go there in person, that might be faster, but now that the Department of Defense is paying attention to Sen Luosi's movements, and even the real dragon Wei Shengxuan has been invited out, he is afraid that his big movement will be discovered in the past, so he chooses to fly .

"There are still about twelve minutes, Fat Brother will be here."

Zhang Wei looked at the time at the airport, thinking that Fatty is now on the plane flying to Hawaii with a spirit-calling banner, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth:

"Brother Fat came to look for me in Hawaii with the soul-calling flag, didn't it mean that Sen Luosi came to me with the soul-calling flag, Zhang Chao has a crow's is necessary to find him a girlfriend, control Zhang Chao's mouth, and let him be less Say something."


at the same time.

In the province closest to the three northeastern provinces, Jizhou Province, the unfinished building where the fat man stayed with a tailor.

Several figures appeared here.

There were four people who came, and three of them looked at a young man from time to time, and they didn't even dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and they were a step behind, even though all three of them were older than the young man and reached middle age.


If any exorcist from this province saw the three of them, they would definitely recognize them. Not only were they old, but they were also senior. They were the heads of the Department of Health and Dao in Jizhou Province. However, even so, they still respected the young man. , all because of the identity of the young man, he is the real dragon guard——Sheng Xuan.

"President Sheng, today we received a notice that a strong ghost aura appeared here. It is preliminarily determined that it surpasses the ordinary ghost king. You can see if it has something to do with the Sen Luosi you are following."

One of the persons in charge spoke up.

Sheng Xuan didn't speak, but looked up nervously at the unfinished building:

"In terms of breath, it's the same as the sacrifice site where I went to the Northeast to summon the soul banner. It should be Sen Luosi's."

in words.

Sheng Xuan's little heart was pounding, and he muttered in his heart:

"That sacrificial place is so disgusting, it almost made me sick. The ghost made here is also disgusting, God bless, don't be too scary, but..."

Then he looked up at the weather, the summer is hot today, the sun is hot, the temperature is at least 40 degrees:

"Fortunately, the weather is hot enough, and I can pretend to faint from heatstroke."

its thinking.

The three people in charge beside him didn't know, and they were looking at Shengxuan fiercely. Just this morning when they learned that there was a suspected powerful ghost king here, they immediately notified Shengxuan, and the other party came immediately. Luo Si's members are still cultivators, and they will definitely not be weaker than the behind-the-scenes, so they can only be handed over to Shengxuan.


Under the leadership of Sheng Xuan, the group of them entered the unfinished building and came to the room where the fat man was before.

can be seen.

It was still freezing here, but the fat man was no longer there.

"It seems that the other party has moved places."

A person in charge looked at the emptiness of the room and said that there was only one sign lying down in the room, and the surrounding ground was covered with dust. It seemed that the other party had already left.

"But there is still the undulating breath of the soul-calling banner."

Sheng Xuan added a sentence, his eyes fell on the ground and lay on the traces, he could feel that the other party used the soul-calling flag and made ice that could freeze even the soul. Qilin Wei, even if he came in, he would be frozen into ice.

Checked it out.

After confirming that Fatty had left and that Sheng Xuan didn't stay any longer, he said politely:

"Since the cultivator is not here, I will leave first and continue to track down the whereabouts of the soul-calling banner."

"Okay, okay, Chief Sheng, I will trouble you about the summoning banner."

The oldest person in charge said.

Sheng Xuan waved his hand, nodded seriously and said:

"The soul-calling banner is of great importance. I will do my best to track down and get it. I will never let the soul-calling banner fall into the hands of Sen Luosi or others."


the other side.

Hawaii airport.

Zhang Wei, who was watching the exit gate, sneezed:

"Huh? I won't take a long bath yesterday. I have a cold."

in words.

Zhang Wei didn't care, his attention was focused on the exit, where many people were coming out, the plane had already arrived, and the passengers were coming out one after another.


Sweeping through the crowd, Zhang Wei's eyes fell on a chubby figure, who was holding a cello bag, and was also looking around, and when he saw Zhang Wei, his face was happy for a moment, and he ran over quickly:

"Zhang Wei."

"Fat brother."

Zhang Wei looked at the fat man, his eyes fell on the cello bag, his eyes were burning for a moment, he didn't need to think about the soul-calling banners inside, he had seen many magic weapons and ghosts, but he had never seen ones at the Zhenguo level.

"Brother fat, you didn't get noticed when you came here."

"No, my hiding ability, I say the second and no one dares to say the first. Look at how long I have been with Senluosi, and the outside world has not found that Senluosi has me."

"Really? But I found out."

"Ah, this..."

"I'm not joking with you, fat brother, let's get out of here first and go to a Hawaiian villa I booked."

"Okay, then let's go get the tailor's body."

The fat man responded, and when he walked out of the airport, out of curiosity, he couldn't help asking:

"Zhang Wei, you really plan to help me, that would be bad for you, after all, I am Senluosi, you help Senluosi, wouldn't you..."

The words are not finished yet.

Zhang Wei interrupted his words and said bluntly:

"Help me get more information about Sen Luosi in the future, friends should learn to share, don't you, hehe."

"Well, well, although betraying information is not enough for me to be a villain, but for the sake of tailoring, I can only make an exception."


Not long.

A seaside villa on a beach in Hawaii.

As soon as you enter the door.

Zhang Wei didn't have any ink stains, so he closed the door and the curtains, and after confirming that there was no one around, he asked the fat man to take out the tailor and the spirit-calling flag.

Following the fat man, he took out the tailor's corpse from a large wooden box.


Zhang Wei frowned and said:

"Brother Fat, now I know why you are trying to save the tailor at all costs. This is very handsome."

His eyes fell on the tailor's corpse.

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched, afraid of Zhang Wei's personality and asking, "Are you coming while it's hot, brother fat?", he quickly changed the subject and said:

"What nonsense are you talking about? I also saw the tailor's body for the first time not long ago. Let's not talk about this, and I will give you the soul-calling flag."

Same time.

He took out the spirit-calling flag from the cello bag, handed it to Zhang Wei without thinking, and asked:

"Next, what should I do? Do you need anything else? Tell me if you need it, and I'll get it now."

His words speak out.

Taking Zhang Wei who was looking at the soul-calling banner, he smiled slightly and said:

"I need you to sit by the side and watch me pretend later. After resurrecting the tailor, you clap your hands and applaud on the spot. If you kowtow a few times in thanks, then I will be even happier."


Zhang Wei picked up the soul-calling banner in his hand, looked at it for a while, felt the terrifying fluctuations on it, and murmured:

"Is this a town-level ghost? If this were to happen in the beautiful country, the number three character would probably not dare to go out."

The words fell.

He stopped talking, looked at the spirit-calling flag, and felt the tailor's corpse lying on the sofa beside him. He already had a certainty, that the tailor was indeed what Fat Brother said.

next moment.

With a thought.

A system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Blessing the town-level ghost spirit summoning streamer 1 system point]


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