With the system prompt beeping.

Zhang Wei could feel that the soul-calling flag in his hand seemed to come alive.

Do not!

to be exact.

It felt that at this moment, everything about the soul-calling banner was under his control, he could feel the power of the soul-calling banner, and he could also feel the condition of the soul-calling banner.

This is the function of the system point. As long as the thing blessed by the system point can become your own thing, and without your own permission, the thing can only be used by yourself, and you can control everything about it.


The fat man didn't know what Zhang Wei was doing, he only knew that Zhang Wei was holding the soul-calling banner, and stood there quietly looking at the soul-calling banner.

"What is Zhang Wei doing now? Stop admiring the summoning banner, bro, revive the tailor."

Fatty thought truthfully in his heart.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei also didn't know what the fat man was thinking, and he focused on blessing the system point to feel the internal situation of the summoning banner.

next second.

His face suddenly brightened.

Then, under the horrified gaze of the fat man, the soul-calling flag moved in his hand, and it was automatic without wind.


Zhang Wei looked at the fat man with a smile and said bluntly:

"It's done, fat brother. After a lot of hard work, I finally brought you the tailor back from hell."

His voice came out.

The fat man's face froze, and the corner of his mouth twitched for a moment. He subconsciously looked at the clock and carefully looked at it. From Zhang Wei's pick up of the soul-calling flag to now saying that the resurrection was successful, the hour hand has not changed, and the second hand has jumped less than 10 times. In other words, 10 seconds have passed. less than.

See here.

Fatty almost had the word egg pain engraved on his face.

It took less than 10 seconds to step on the horse. Is this a lot of effort?

The fat man couldn't help but said, while talking, he looked at the tailor's corpse on the sofa beside him:

"It's over?? Are you sure? But why didn't the tailor move..."

The words of movement and stillness have not been finished yet.

A voice sounded, interrupting Fatty's words.


The voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in Fatty's ears at this moment, causing Fatty's pupils to constrict suddenly, and he froze for a moment.

This name and voice are too familiar.

Not...the voice of a tailor! ! !


The fat man suddenly followed the voice:

"Tailor? Where are you, tailor?!"

in words.

He set his sights on the suspended soul-calling banner, the direction of the sound came from the soul-calling banner, but he couldn't see the tailor's figure, and looked at the sofa beside him, the tailor's body was still motionless, but he was sure that It wasn't a hallucination, he really heard the tailor's voice.


He just saw it, as if he heard Fatty's words, the soul-calling streamer floating in front of him emitted a dark and soft glow along with his whole body.


in an instant.

The light condensed into a soul-like figure, that is... a tailor!

She looked at the fat man, her eyes were a little confused, she looked at her physical condition, then at the fat man and said:

"I'm here, fat man, can't you see me? And am I dead? Are you dead too?"

The voice rang.

【Ding! The fat man is stunned]

[Host obtains system points +280]


The fat man's pupils dilated, this time he finally heard clearly and saw the tailor's figure, he was so excited that he didn't know his eyes were red:

"Tailor, really a tailor, you are alive, great, you are really alive, tailor, I can see you, I am not dead, but you are dead, but my brother brought you back to life."

The tailor was stunned when she heard the words, but when she heard the resurrection, her face changed, and there was an indescribable emotion in her heart.

In order to resurrect her mother, how could the tailor not know what resurrection means, and how could he not know the price of resurrection, but the fat man still resurrected her.

this moment.

The tailor has a lot to say, wanting to scold Fatty for doing this, don't you know the price of resurrection, and Fatty's brother revived himself? Who is his brother? She subconsciously looked around, and finally her eyes fell on Zhang Wei.

But I haven't waited to speak.

The fat man looked excitedly at Zhang Wei and hugged him deeply:

"Haha, Zhang Wei, you really didn't lie to me, you really revived the tailor, thank you, let's not talk about this, you first returned the tailor's soul to her body, I thank you very much."

Excitement is excitement.

The fat man did not forget that the tailor was still in a state of soul, and the tailor's corpse beside him remained silent.

Same time.

The fat man did not forget to introduce Zhang Wei to the tailor:

"Tailor, although it is difficult to explain to you at the moment, let me tell you first, the person next to you is to help me revive you, he is Zhang Wei, yes, the Zhang Wei you want me to kill, haha , I didn’t expect it, but he is my friend now, I begged him for a long time before letting him help me revive you..."

The words are not finished yet.

Zhang Wei interrupted the fat man:

"Brother Fat, the tailor can't return her soul to her body, because she is a tailor right now, but at the same time she is also... a soul-calling flag."

"What the hell?"


It was Zhang Wei who didn't have time to shock and revive him, let alone say anything, the fat man and the tailor were both stunned, although they were ghosts, but now they looked like ghosts.

To this.

Zhang Wei had expected it a long time ago, and explained with a smile:

"Before, fat brother, you told me that the tailor was behind the scenes. You also said that the tailor's soul was eaten back by the soul-calling banner, and the soul was crushed and sucked into the soul-calling banner. It is precisely because of this that I said that I am sure to help you resurrect."

"Because the soul-calling banner is a backlash against the tailor, making the tailor pay the price and absorbing her shattered soul, but in fact it seems to be a backlash. To me, it is protecting the tailor, because the tailor's soul has not been wiped out, it still exists In the banner of summoning souls."

"Plainly speaking, the tailor's soul has become a part of the soul-calling banner. Then, to revive the tailor, I only need to let the soul-calling banner have spirituality."

"I think you, fat brother, know that my ability is very special."

That's all for words.

The fat man already understood Zhang Wei's meaning, nodded and said:

"I know, your ability has been found out by the Department of Health and Dao. It is ancient witchcraft, which can make certain things spiritual."

Zhang Wei nodded and said:

"Yes, there are legends throughout the ages that all things have spirituality. As long as things are used or consecrated, things will give birth to spirituality, such as Fusangshen, such as the spirit of weapons, and the soul-calling banner can actually be used, because it is also an item. , even a weapon."

"I made the soul-calling banner possess spirituality, and merged the absorbed tailor's soul in the soul-calling banner with the spirituality, revived the tailor, and became the spirit of the soul-calling banner, to be precise, the spirit of the weapon."



Even if the tailor didn't understand the situation, he seemed to know what Zhang Wei meant. Zhang Wei revived himself in a disguised form, and he became... a ghost at the level of a town!

The fat man was also stunned, and finally understood what Zhang Wei meant by resurrecting at no cost. It really was a bug, and the tailor would definitely be punished if he simply resurrected, but what if the resurrected tailor was a spirit? Then it's not resurrection, it's... giving birth to a new life, it's a state-level ghost with spirituality.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei looked at the tailor and the fat man with a smile:

"How about it, fat brother, I didn't disappoint you, I managed to revive the tailor for you, and it wasn't just a light resurrection, I also brought the tailor's strength to a higher level."

"Because the tailor is a town-level ghost now, so it's comparable to a real dragon guard."

"after all."

"Now the tailor is a soul-calling flag, that is to say, she can possess all the abilities of a soul-calling flag, such as summoning souls, attracting souls, extradition, etc., so..."

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the tailor's corpse:

"As long as the tailor is willing, now the tailor can use the power of the soul-calling banner to control the tailor's corpse and become a part of himself. Then the tailor can use her body to act. This is not equivalent to a different kind of resurrection. Not only has the strength of life, but also the soul-calling banner Strength."

"Then she has a tailor's body, and she can also use the yaya you mentioned as part of herself, so that she can be a tailor and a yaya, and she can live together with her mother."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, and said with a bright smile:

"You two, my resurrection package comes with extra business, are you satisfied?"


(ps: I'm sorry, I've been paying attention to the news, and the code word is slow qaq)

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