In a villa on the beach in Hawaii.

at this time.

Although it has been a long time since the tailor, the tailor has learned the cause and effect from the fat man's mouth, and also learned that it is Zhang Wei who revived her, so she recovered from the shock.

However, even after so long.

Whether it's a tailor or a fat man, the thought of the tailor being revived as a banner is still shocking every time I think of it.

For a long time.

The fat man couldn't help but said:

"Zhang Wei, you really have your own. This bug is stuck for you. God will be very angry if he finds out."

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Fortunately, after all, I'm a legal citizen. I haven't violated the rules. How can you be angry with me, right? Haha."

The fat man also laughed out loud when he heard this:

"Zhang Wei, your smile is very compelling, hahahaha, it's a pity that you don't become a villain."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei pointed directly at the fat man, then pointed at the corpse of the tailor who had been manipulated by the soul-calling banner and was revived, and the soul-calling banner said:

"I am no different from the villain now. You see, the two high-level officials of Senluosi and the national-level ghosts of Senluosi are all beside me. Hey, I don't know. I thought I was Senluo The boss of the company."

The words did not fall.

Just when the fat man heard the words, he was about to say something.

Zhang Wei checked the time:

"Hey, it's almost noon. The high-end restaurant I booked in advance is about to arrive. Let's talk, fat brother. I'll leave first."

Now that the tailor has been revived, Zhang Wei doesn't plan to stay for long. Although he doesn't know the relationship between Fatty and the tailor, it is worth Fatty's reviving the tailor at all costs. The relationship is definitely not an ordinary friend. As someone who can be Zhang Chao's wingman, how could he not see it? , to give the fat man and the tailor some alone time.

Zhang Wei didn't have any ink marks, got up and left immediately, and gave the fat man a subtle wink.

But at this time.

The tailor's voice suddenly came:

"Zhang Wei, wait a minute."

Zhang Wei and the fat man couldn't help but looked at the tailor together, with doubts in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

The tailor got up and came to Zhang Wei:

"Zhang Wei, thank you for resurrecting me. Maybe for you, resurrecting me is just a matter of a few seconds, but it is a great favor for me, because you helped me accomplish what I dreamed of."

She said that the image of her mother appeared in her mind.

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"You don't need to be so polite, anyway, just share more information about Sen Luosi with me in the future."

The tailor nodded and did not refuse. She joined Sen Luosi to revive her mother. Now that her mother has been resurrected, there is no need for Sen Luosi to work for her. Zhang Wei is different. He resurrected himself so that he can see her again. To my mother, to live with my mother.

Also for this.

Regarding Zhang Wei's words, she nodded without hesitation. She didn't even wait for Zhang Wei to say more, as if she had made up her mind, she asked bluntly:

"Zhang Wei, according to the information I have collected about you, have you made a contract with a very powerful old willow tree?"

Zhang Wei was stunned for a while.

Although he didn't know why the tailor asked this, he still nodded and admitted that there was nothing to deny it anyway, and many ghost exorcists in Daxia knew about it.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Zhang Wei spoke instantly.

next second.

The tailor replied:

"So, you really want companions like powerful goblins, don't you?"

"Of course, who would mind having a powerful contract partner, right?"

As Zhang Wei spoke, he vaguely understood what the tailor meant.

as predicted.

Following his own words, the tailor said:

"Then if it were me, I am very grateful for everything you have done. Although this is for the fat man, I still thank you, and I also promise you that in order to thank you, I will go back to Senluosi. If Senluosi has What information, I will tell you."

"And besides this."

"I know I told you just now that Fatty killed you, in fact, to show Sen Luosi and Wei Daosi cold-blooded, but this reason is somewhat unconvincing, so to thank you for resurrecting me, and to avoid your doubts Me, I make a contract with you."

Although he expected the tailor's actions in his heart, Zhang Wei's heart still beat when the tailor said it out. You must know that this is a tailor, the senior executives of Sen Luosi, and even the current state-level ghost summoner banner!

To this.

Zhang Wei looked at the tailor and said only one sentence:

"you sure?"


The tailor nodded solemnly, with an undisguised seriousness.


Zhang Wei did not refuse the tailor's suggestion, stretched out his hand, and cast the ghost back pattern, choosing and tailoring the contract.

By telling the fat man about the tailor, he knows that the tailor is a stubborn person, and it is useless to persuade such a person. Instead of doing this, it is better to follow his will, and make a contract. It is good for himself and the tailor. Why not make a contract? .

Just when Zhang Wei bit his finger and wanted to make a contract with the tailor.

"Wait, make a contract with me too."

The fat man stood up, looked at Zhang Wei and coughed, and said slowly:

"I said I owe you a favor, and I will definitely pay it back in the future, and then I told the tailor, we are more or less Sen Luosi, if we want to gain your trust, then we should make a contract with you, which can not only gain your trust, but also I can make a contract with you, and I can also return your favor."

The voice did not fall.

The fat man pointed to himself and said:

"In order to save my friend's life, I, the villain, chose to make a contract with you. It's very compelling to think about it."

Zhang Wei did not refuse either, since he contracted a tailor, it would be great to contract a fat man.

next moment.

Zhang Wei bit his finger and made contracts with the tailor and the fat man.


The light of the contract bloomed brightly, dazzling and gorgeous.


A tattoo appeared on Zhang Wei's back.

It was a big tree in the sky, under the tree a fat man sat cross-legged, beside it was planted a bloody flag fluttering in the wind, and on the branch of the willow tree lay a lazy cat that looked like it was basking in the sun ,

The picture is weird.

But there is no violation.

this moment.

After Lao Liushu and Huahua, Zhang Wei makes contracts with Tailor and Fatty.

Wait until the light fades.

"Hey, Zhang Wei, you not only contracted the old willow tree, but also contracted other ghosts?"

The fat man noticed the condition of Zhang Wei's back.

Zhang Wei did not hide:

"Yeah, I also made a contract with a cat named Huahua. I will introduce it to you in the future. I think you will meet soon. When the companions of the contract with the ghost back pattern meet, there will be a feeling for each other, hehe."

"Huh? Soon?"

The fat man was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously:

"You contract Huahua, isn't this Huahua very special, and is she also very strong?"

"It's okay, Huahua's strength is the king of ghosts."

"The strength of the ghost king is all right. You are really good at Versailles. That's right. How many ghost kings have you killed? By the way, did you bring Huahua to Hawaii?"

Fatty thought of what Zhang Wei said before, that we will meet soon, and thought that Huahua was also in Hawaii.


As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei shook his head:

"Huahua is not in Hawaii, but somewhere else."

"Uh, where is that? Luxia City?"

Facing Fatty's inquiry.

Zhang Wei didn't hide anything, just smiled and said:

"No, in Senluosi."

Fatty: "What are you talking about? Where are you??"

Tailor: "Sen Ross???"

can be seen.

The fat man looked like a tailor, as if his face was full of question marks.


Under Zhang Wei's explanation, the faces of the fat man and the tailor gradually became strange.

I was stunned for a long time.

Only then did the fat man come back to his senses, he looked at himself, then at the tailor, and thought of Huahua again, he couldn't help muttering:

"A high-level executive of Senluosi, a strongest ghost of Senluosi, and a future talent of Senluosi, all the fuck are you undercover, and Zhang is the villain who is full of character."


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