Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 356 Wow! The Master Is Amazing, Meow

Not just fat people.

The tailor next to him also had the same idea, and looked at Zhang Wei strangely. Unlike others, they were from Senluosi, or Senluosi's senior management, and knew very well about Senluosi. Zhang Wei now has Senluosi' information ’, no different from being in your own backyard.

the other side.

Hearing what the fat man said, Zhang Wei smiled, waved his hands and said:

"It's all a coincidence, and I don't want to do this either. After all, you forced me to make the contract, and I was forced."

Fatty: "..."



Zhang Wei didn't want to miss it because he booked a high-end restaurant, so he left the villa after saying a few more words:

"I'm going to eat first, you guys chat slowly, by the way, are you going back tomorrow? I'll come to you later that night, tell me about Sen Luosi, I don't know much about Sen Luosi."

"it is good."

The fat man nodded.

After watching Zhang Wei off, the fat man and the tailor looked at each other as if they knew each other.


"Hello, tailor."

I don't know if it's too tacit understanding, or a tacit understanding, the two of them looked at each other for a moment, and they spoke in unison, and couldn't help being stunned again...


the other side.

On the way to a fancy restaurant.

Zhang Wei didn't know what was going on in the villa now, so he turned on his phone and was about to send a message to Huahua.

Now that he has opened up other routes of Sen Luosi, he has to communicate with Huahua as soon as possible, which can also make Huahua feel more at ease and safe.

"I don't know what Huahua is doing now."

Zhang Wei murmured.

【Zhang Wei】: Huahua, is it convenient for us to talk?


at the same time.

Daxia, inside a compartment of a high-speed rail.

Since it was not peak season, there were only a few passengers in this high-speed rail car, and at the very end, Huahua was sitting there, looking at the toilet beside her with a strange expression.

listen carefully.

The sound of vomiting can be heard from time to time in the toilet.

"Meow~ I didn't expect this guy to still get motion sickness. This is also a piece of information, so write it down first."

Huahua blinked the cat pupils.

It knows that the person in the toilet is none other than Sen Luosi's high-level executives, who are called glasses, but although he kills people like hemp, he has a fatal flaw. He is dizzy with transportation, and even a comfortable high-speed train will vomit.

Immediately afterwards.

Huahua took out a small book with the words "Sen Luosi Information Memorandum" from her body, opened it and wrote on it:

[Glasses will cause motion sickness when riding in a car, it’s true, he didn’t lie to me, according to what he said, it was the first time he killed people in a village, but one person ran away, he drove after him, and the car overturned , causing the man to run away. This is the only time he didn't kill anyone, so the vehicle has a psychological shadow. 】

Finish writing these.

Huahua put the notebook back into her body, and the next second she heard the toilet door creak open, her glasses covered her mouth with a tissue, and she walked out with a pale face, even sicker than before, and felt that it would be too late to take another step in the next second. Passed away.

"Meow~ are you okay?"

Huahua expressed concern on the surface.

"'s okay...vomit~ I'll take it easy."

Glasses shook hands:

"How about it, how about sitting on the high-speed rail."

After talking with Fatty on the phone, Glasses planned to take Huahua back to Senluosi, and in order to return to his life quickly, he planned to walk, because he ran faster than the high-speed rail, but Huahua said that he wanted to take the high-speed rail once, saying that he had never taken it. Pass.

In order to satisfy Huahua's curiosity, the glasses can only reluctantly take it to do it once.

However, that’s not the case. It’s just that Huahua brought glasses to Sanjin City to make trouble last time. When she was on the plane, she had a boring conversation and learned that the glasses were motion sick.

"Meow~ not bad."

"Sit still, why don't you sit down, I... vomit~"

Glasses felt like throwing up again halfway through.

"Meow~ Seeing you like this, it's better not to sit, let's get out of the car now."

"Okay, hurry up...vomit~ no, I'm going to vomit again."

The words are not finished.

The glasses felt nauseous again, and hurriedly turned around and rushed to the toilet to vomit.


Huahua is laughing at the side.

But at this time.

Huahua seemed to have sensed it, and took out a mobile phone from her body. It was a mobile phone bought by Zhang Wei for sending messages. She clicked on the mobile phone and saw the message Zhang Wei sent him.

"Meow~ it's the master."


While the glasses were still vomiting, Huahua sent Zhang Wei back a message:

[Huahua]: Meow~ I'm here, what's the matter, master.

【Zhang Wei】: Let me bring you good news, Huahua.

[Huahua]: Meow~ I also have good news to bring to the master, master, I am now being taken back to Senluosi by the glasses, and then I will know the situation of Senluosi, and I have successfully entered Senluosi.

[Zhang Wei]: Thumbs up jpg, yes, Huahua, how long has it been, have you already messed up to this level.

[Hua Hua]: Master taught me better. Without Master asking your friend Wu Nian to help me burn Mount Wutai, I wouldn’t break into Senluosi so soon. By the way, master, what is the good news you are talking about?

[Zhang Wei]: Haha, the good news I said is just what you need now. After a lot of hard work, I have successfully bought two senior executives of Senluo Division. Now they are also my contract partners. .

【Zhang Wei】: Now that you are returning to Senluosi, you will definitely meet in Senluosi. If you have any troubles at that time, you can go to them, so that there is a support.

[Huahua]: Wow! The master is amazing! Meow~

【Zhang Wei】: Hey, I'm so grateful.

[Huahua]: Then when I enter Senluosi, I will communicate with them, let alone the master, the glasses are here.

Seeing that the toilet door is about to open.

Huahua didn't dare to talk much, so she hung up chatting with Zhang Wei. Anyway, Zhang Wei said that they are contract partners. Ask Zhang Wei to prevent the glasses from being exposed.

"Come on, let's get out of the car."

As soon as the glasses came out, he greeted him, turned around, opened the car window and jumped off the high-speed train.

"Meow~ here we come."

Huahuamaozhuo covered his mouth and smiled, and jumped out of the car.

As soon as it landed.

Only then did the glasses look a little sicker:

"Let's go, let's go back to Senluosi. I just received a call when I was throwing up in the toilet. They told us to go back and leave things to us."

"Is that so? Meow~ It's a pity. I also said that this time I will take a long-distance bus. I haven't taken it yet."


The corners of the glasses mouth twitched, and he coughed to cover up his embarrassment and said:

"Next time, when the time is over, you can go to the bus by yourself."


That night.

Hawaii, in a villa near the beach.

at this time.

It was exactly 9 o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Wei not only finished eating at the high-end restaurant, but also went to the beach, saw the girls in bikinis for a while, and played beach volleyball enthusiastically for a while at the invitation of some enthusiastic girls in bikinis on the beach. Play well and leave.

"Hawaii is really nice, there are big and round white flowers everywhere, we will continue tomorrow."

Zhang Wei muttered and walked to the door of the villa and knocked:

"Hello, hello~ fat brother, are you there? Open the door, I'm here."

Not long.

The fat guy opened the door:

"Zhang Wei is here for you, come in."

"Brother Fat, did I come early? Have you finished your work?"

"...Go, go, don't think so badly about me, okay?"

"That's right, the tailor is now a ghost... Well, it's very funny."


Seeing the corner of the fat man's mouth twitch, he raised his middle finger.

Zhang Wei laughed, stopped joking, sat on the sofa in the lobby, and asked the fat man and the tailor beside him:

"Tell me about the situation of Senluosi, what kind of organization Senluosi is, and you are the senior executives of Senluosi. It should not only be the two of you, but also other high-level people? For example, glasses, then Who else but glasses?"


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