Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 357: The Twelve Senior Senluo Division

For Zhang Wei's words.

The fat man glanced at the tailor beside him. Although he is a senior executive of Senluosi, he has never been involved in Senluosi's affairs.

The tailor also understood and said bluntly:

"As for what kind of organization Senluosi is, let me say this. The purpose of Senluosi's establishment is to lock Longjing. Anyone who has become a senior member of Senluosi will know this."

The fat man nodded beside him:

"Who is the real boss of Sen Luosi, no one knows. I heard that since its establishment, it has been replaced all the time, but who it is, no one has seen his appearance. He wears a mask every time. He is always mysterious. It’s also old-fashioned.”

"However, this boss has his own code name, just like me and the tailor and other high-level executives, and no matter how many people the boss of Sen Luosi changes, he will always use this code name... Sen Luo."

As soon as the words came out.

Zhang Wei frowned:

"Then is he a man or a woman?"

"It should be a man, I think he has no breasts."

The fat man replied bluntly, but just as he said the words, he clearly felt the murderous eyes of the tailor, so frightened that he shrank his neck and smiled apologetically:

"What I said is true, but he has no breasts. Am I wrong? Besides, he also speaks very an. It should be a man."

in words.

The fat man seemed to have thought of something, and looked at the two rich fruits of the tailor, wondering what he was thinking.

He didn't come back to himself until the tailor Youyou opened his mouth.

Also at this time.

The tailor's voice came:

"It's true, fat man, your focus is really unique, and if you look at it again, I'll gouge out your eyes."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei's voice also sounded:

"The tailor, do you also think that the boss is a man?"

"Yes, he is a man, not to mention the observation point of a fat man. Even if he wears a mask, he can't see his face clearly, but his words and deeds are not what a woman should have. I am a corpse seamstress. I have a deep understanding of the human body." I understand, his words and deeds are masculine, definitely masculine."

And the tailor added:

"Sen Luo is led by Sen Luo, and he proposed the refinement of the soul-calling banner this time. The purpose is naturally related to the purpose of Sen Luo's establishment. It is to lock the Dragon Well. As for what it is for locking the Dragon Well, only Sen Luo knows."

"I don't know Zhang Wei, if you know it well, I once went to lock the Dragon Well, and I brought out the door-sealed zombies."

Following these words, Zhang Wei's eyes lit up.

He knew that the door-sealing zombie was brought out of Suolongjing by Sen Luosi, but he didn't expect it to be a tailor, so he hurriedly asked about the situation inside Suolongjing.

"Suolongjing is very special. I think Zhang Wei you have heard many legends about Suolongjing. I also investigated it before I got Sen Luo's order to go down to Suolongjing to find the door-closing zombies. When I went down to Suolongjing, I found that Suolongjing was really deep. , The space is very large, it is not a well, there is a very deep well in it, and I don’t know where it leads.”

"There's a lot of foul-smelling water in there, and there's a lot of dead bodies at the same time."

At this moment.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but said:

"You mean there is more than one corpse in Suolongjing, there are many?"

"Yes, there are many, let's not say thousands. Anyway, I swam through that well, and it was full of corpses, full of evil spirits and resentment. If I was not strong enough to hold it, it can be said that I fell into the well and died. "

The tailor continued:

"In addition, I followed Sen Luo's order to find the door-sealed zombie in the well. In fact, I was not looking for the door-sealed zombie, but the refining method of the soul-calling banner on his body. Sen Luo told me that the door-sealed zombie has a refining method."

"And just to be on the safe side, let me bring the door-closing zombie with me, because if I can turn him into a zombie, maybe I can learn the refining method directly from his mouth, and he can refine it."


The tailor seemed to have thought of something and said:

"The door-closing zombie wears very old clothes, a bit similar to Taoist robes. I suspect that he was also a ghost exorcist in his lifetime, otherwise he would not be able to wear that kind of clothes, and there are refining methods. It's a pity that he became a zombie, but he was also captured by the Department of Health. Although Fatty and I went to save him, but unfortunately we couldn't."

"Zhang Wei, didn't you ask me just now, who are the high-level executives of Senluosi? The door-closing zombie is one of the high-level officials. The secrets he knows should be second only to Senluo."

"Otherwise Sen Luo wouldn't let me and the dead fat man rescue him, and let me do everything possible to take the door-closing zombie out."

"There is also the code name of the door-closing zombie in Senluo, it is called zombie."

"These are the things I know so far about the purpose of Sen Luosi's establishment. Sen Luo and zombies are the closest to the purpose."

Zhang Wei nodded.

After digesting these contents, he asked again:

"Then besides them, does Sen Luosi have other high-level executives?"


The fat man and the tailor replied decisively.


The fat man interrupted the tailor who was about to speak, and hurriedly said:

"This kind of revealing of Senluosi's high-level, such a compelling thing, let me talk about it, haha."

"You fat man... Forget it, let's talk about it."

The tailor wanted to scold the fat man, but when he saw the expectant look in the fat man's eyes, his heart softened and he changed his words temporarily.

The fat man grinned:

"Zhang Wei, there are a total of twelve high-level executives in Senluo Division including me and the tailor. This is what I proposed to Senluo when I became a senior executive of Senluo Division. No matter how high-level executives have to have their own style."

"So high-level people are not expensive, and no matter how strong they are, they must maintain a certain number. Whoever is strong will be a high-level person, and whoever can enjoy Senluosi's information authority."

"Sen Luo agreed with me, so there are twelve high-level members in total in Sen Luosi. This is the number I gave. At the same time, these twelve high-level members are also the twelve strongest members of Sen Luosi. How about it? My suggestion is not bad. Well, it's pretty compelling, hehe."

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement:

"It's really compelling, twelve people, the feeling of the twelve signs of the zodiac, fat brother, you continue to talk, don't stop."


After being praised, the fat man was very happy and continued:

"Sen Luosi is a villain. In order to prevent the exposure of identity information, they are all called by code names."

"They are Sen Luo, Glasses, Yin Yang, Tailor, Dead House, Embroidered Shoes, Bugs, Gardener, Paper Man, Zombie, Stutter, and Dumb."

"Because strength is used to become a high-level executive."

"So they are all very strong, the weakest is the ghost king, and it's not an ordinary ghost king, at least the top Qilin guard."

Zhang Wei couldn't help interjecting when he heard the words:

"These people, who is better than the two of you?"

"Some are stronger than us, some are weaker than us, at least Sen Luo, Yin Yang, Gardener, these three are stronger than me, I am absolutely sure of this."

It was the tailor who spoke, she recalled.

The fat man also echoed and replied:

"Indeed, pay special attention to these three, they give me a very dangerous feeling, and because I proposed the Twelve Higher-Levels, I actually gave them a name of strength in my heart.

Listen to the fat man.

Zhang Wei is not surprised, this kind of behavior is very fat.

"So fat brother, where do you rank, and where is the tailor?"

The fat man didn't hide anything, he opened his fingers and said:

"Don't think I joined Sen Luosi late, but I am very talented. My strength ranks fifth, and tailoring ranks fourth."

"The top three are Sen Luo, Yin Yang, and Gardener. I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker. Anyway, the top three are the last ones."

"Sixth to twelfth are glasses, bugs, embroidered shoes, paper dolls, stutterers, mutes, and zombies."


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