Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 359 Sen Luosi Adds Another \"Fighting General\"?

As soon as the embroidered shoes came out.

Sen Luo and the others all looked over.

"Abba aba aba."

The mute gestured in sign language, his meaning was beyond words, and he said it was... the old willow tree ghost? Oh, I know that guy is an old willow tree ghost who has lived for three or four hundred years. He is very powerful. He has been running around in Daxia recently and killed several ghost kings.

Stuttering is also opening:

"I know it, I know it, it's very, very strong."

Chongzi also touched his chin and responded:

"I know him. A grass spirit ghost king I trained before was killed by the old willow tree ghost in the grassland province. Unfortunately, I spent a lot of time training that grass spirit ghost king."

That's all for words.

The worm thought for a while and said:

"I investigated this old willow tree ghost, and he seems to be a contracted ghost named Zhang Wei in the rising star list."

"Abaa baa baa baa."

Hearing Zhang Wei, the mute also made gestures, as if to say... I know that Zhang Wei is not from the Department of Health and Dao, but he is very concerned by the Department of Health and Dao. From this point of view, the old willow tree ghost is indeed a good candidate. If the old willow tree ghost is discovered by the Secretary of Health, he can still blame Zhang Wei.

His sign language gesture is over.

The glasses beside him pushed the presbyopic glasses and echoed:

"This suggestion is indeed good. The old willow tree ghost has killed many ghost kings. He is famous and powerful. I have heard of him, and he himself walks on the bright side and walks around. It is just good for us to act, and he is not afraid of being caught. The Department of Health found out."

"Even if we are discovered, we can still throw the blame on Zhang Wei, borrow a knife to kill people, and let others take the blame. I like it so much."

at this time.

They didn't notice the glasses, but Huahua's cat eyes beside her seemed harmless to humans and animals staring at the glasses, but Huahua's heart had already turned black.

Although Huahua has never seen the old willow tree ghost.

But Zhang Wei didn't tell it that the old willow tree ghost was his contract partner, and through their conversation, Huahua was able to confirm that the object they were eyeing was Zhang Wei's contract partner, in other words, it was his partner.

"Meow! Damn Sen Luosi, actually in front of me, wants to murder my partner, I have to tell the master as soon as possible, and tell the old man Liu to be careful."

Huahua thought so in her heart.

at the same time.

The glasses and the others talked with each other, sharing information about the old willow tree.

Finally negotiated.

Sen Luo took the words, pondered for a while and said slowly:

"Let's start voting, who agrees with the old willow tree ghost to become the top executive of Senluosi."

The words fell.

First the embroidered shoes, and then dumb, stuttering and others all raised their hands lightly to express their agreement to the proposal.

"Then it's decided to be the old willow tree ghost."

As Sen Luo said, the eyes under the bronze face slanted towards the glasses:

"Glasses, go and inform the dead house to let him come back as soon as possible. To be on the safe side, you and the dead house will go find the old willow tree ghost. You can deal with it who has lived for three or four hundred years. You can do it yourself, and add the soul-calling flag, and you can do it as much as possible." Reduce the noise and bring back Senroth."

Glasses will nod knowingly:

"Okay, I know how to do it. We won't let the Secretary of Health find out that we have contact with the old willow tree ghost. We will do it quietly. Of course... If the old willow tree ghost is not strong enough, I can kill it."

When it comes to killing people, especially powerful ghosts like the Old Willow Tree Ghost, the glasses pushed his presbyopic glasses, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

To this.

The dumb man spoke "Abaaaba" again, smiling and gesturing to the glasses, as if saying:

"Glasses, you have an occupational disease again, that is our future partner."

at the same time.

Sen Luo looked over, didn't care about the behavior of the glasses, and calmly replied:

"The strength is not enough, if you kill it, you will kill it."

Glasses nodded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards.

Sen Luo's voice continued:

"Also, who is that cat next to you with glasses?"

The moment his voice came out, Huahua could feel that all senior executives of Senluo Division, including Senluo, were paying attention. They were not too curious about the meeting before, and they had glasses as a guarantee, but now the meeting is over. It's different.

"It's called Huahua."

When it comes to glasses, the glasses that were already excited before became even more excited. The eyes under the presbyopic glasses lit up, and he got up and said:

"Huahua is my new recruit to Senluosi, our future of Senluosi is indispensable, haha."

"I know that you must think that it is not powerful, but it will definitely make you like it. Remember what I told you before, no, Mount Wutai was bombed. I didn't do that, but Huahua..."

this moment.

Glasses spared no effort to recommend Qihuahua to Sen Luosi.


Time flies.

Hawaii, in the villa.

at this time.

Zhang Wei has finished exchanging information with the fat man and the tailor, and obtained some information about Sen Luosi that he wants to know now.

Seeing that it was getting late.

Zhang Wei got up and said:

"You're going back tomorrow, so I'll go first, you pack up to avoid being exposed."

"Okay, when you go back to Luxia City, I'm looking for you, remember to take me to the top."

"Fatty! Are you still thinking about getting higher points?"

The tailor gritted his teeth when he heard the fat man's last sentence.

"That's not right, I haven't played lol for several days in order to revive you, and if I don't allow it now, I want to kill you, you creditor."

Just when the fat man finished speaking, the tailor was about to respond.

Jingle Bell.

Fatty's phone rang.


The fat man picked up the phone with a surprised expression on his face:


Zhang Wei, who was about to leave, stopped immediately when he heard it, and turned around to look over.

Immediately afterwards.

The fat man has no ink marks and picks up the phone call from the glasses.


Zhang Wei saw it. During the conversation between the fat man and the glasses, the fat man's face changed, and he was a little surprised. He couldn't help but respond:

"This high-level candidate, you don't wait for me and the tailor to come back, you make me very unqualified."

"Sen Luo and the others agreed, and you and the gardener will be missing, huh? Wait a minute, fat man, what are you talking about? Tailor? You really managed to resurrect the tailor?!"

"Hey, yes, who am I? I am the most powerful villain in history. After a lot of effort, I finally brought the tailor back to life."

"Haha, I really have you, then you should hurry back and find the old willow tree ghost with me. I will first tell Sen Luo and the others about the resurrection of the tailor."

After inquiring about the tailor's resurrection, the fat man had already thought about the reason with the tailor, and casually turned back, glasses nodded and hung up the phone.

next moment.

Zhang Wei stepped forward and asked:

"Fatty, what do glasses want you for? High-level candidates? What do you mean?"

The fat man didn't hide anything, and told about Sen Luosi's replacement of the zombie.

"Who is the replacement candidate? From what you told the glasses, it seems that it has been decided." Zhang Wei asked.

"Yes, it's been decided. I plan to use the soul-calling flag to directly control that candidate, so that Sen Luosi can act in the open. In addition... Zhang Wei, you also know this candidate."

The fat man said with a strange hey laugh.

"Huh? I know? Who is it?"

"Master Willow."



(ps: Add an update today, there will be a third update later)

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