Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 360 Where Is The Oscar Statuette? Present It To The Old Man

Daxia, Southern Guangdong Province.

It was 11:30 p.m., but the night market in Nanyue Province was still lively. As one of the provinces with eight major cuisines in Daxia, there are all kinds of delicacies here, among which there are many health-preserving soups. Soup making is one of the major dishes here feature.

at this time.

Inside a health soup shop.

"Suck ~"

Mr. Liu Shu held a bowl of old hen stewed wild ginseng soup with both hands and drank it:

"As expected of a nourishing soup, it's really delicious, and I like it very much."

He seemed to think of something as he spoke, and couldn't help laughing:

"It's a good thing that Zhang Wei isn't here, otherwise he would have to tease the old man again when he saw the old man drinking the stewed wild ginseng soup."

in words.

He looked at the menu in the store, thinking about whether to order all the soup here.

Since the trip to Xishuangbanna, the old man Liushu listened to Zhang Wei's suggestion and continued to travel in Daxia. During this period, he went to two cities one after another, killed 3 ghost kings, and accumulated some "wealth" for Zhang Wei. Arrived in Southern Guangdong Province.

Jingle Bell.

A phone call interrupted Mr. Liu Shu and asked the waiter to order some soup. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Zhang Wei calling.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

Mr. Willow put down the soup and connected the phone:

"Zhang Wei, why haven't you slept at this point? You're only in your 20s and you're still growing, but you need to go to bed early and get up early. Do you have anything to do with your old age?"

"Old man, I usually do waist exercises at this point, or play games, and don't sleep, but I do have something to do with you, old man. Where are you now?"

"In Nanyue Province, there is a soup shop, do you need me to send you your address?"

Old man Liu Shu thought that Zhang Wei was coming to find him, so he sent the address first.

To this.

Zhang Wei was blunt:

"Old man, I'm not looking for you, but I got the news that Sen Luosi's people are looking for you."

"Oh? Sen Luosi came to find the old man?"

The old man Liu Shu changed his kind smile and his eyes were serious.

During the period of traveling in Daxia, besides playing and killing the ghost king, he also knew about Senluosi, what happened in the Northeast, and knew that Senluosi was powerful, even if he asked himself that he had such a little ability, But there is no guarantee of safety against Mori Ross.

Is it because of Zhang Wei that the old man is also being targeted?

He thought of Zhang Wei being targeted by Senluosi, thinking that he was also being targeted by Senluosi, and couldn't help saying:

"Okay, the old man knows, the old man will act carefully recently to avoid being found by Sen Luosi."

The words just came out.

Zhang Wei's voice came from the phone immediately:

"No, no, old man, you're going to misunderstand. I mean, Sen Luosi wants to find you, but you must let Sen Luosi find him."


Accompanied by the voice of old man Liu Shu.

【Ding! Mr. Liu Shu was dumbfounded, huh? Did the old man hear it wrong, or did Zhang Wei say it wrong? 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

【Ding! The old man Liu Shu looked confused, could it be that the old man has spent a lot of money recently, Zhang Wei can't stand it anymore, and is angry? Want to send the old man back to the West? Not so much, the old man doesn’t spend much]

[Host obtains system points +220]

The system prompt tone also sounds.

Zhang Wei laughed out loud, the old man had a lot of psychological drama recently, he quickly explained:

"Old man, don't get me wrong, I need your help with something."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei didn't hide it. He put the fat man, the tailor, and Huahua in Senluosi. Everyone in Sen Luosi said it.

【Ding! Mr. Willow was stunned and shocked, oh my god, Sen Luosi is... taken in by Zhang Wei? 】

[Host obtains system points +240]

Thinking that he was about to enter Senluosi, the corner of Liu Shu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help muttering:

"How does this old man feel... It's more appropriate for Zhang Wei's ghost back pattern to be directly called Mori rib pattern."


The old man Liu Shu calmed down, his old eyes were full of light:

"Since it's Zhang Wei who asks the old man for help, the old man is naturally obliged to do so. It's just that the old man's acting skills are a bit poor, so he won't reveal his secrets."

"It's okay, old man, you can just pretend to be controlled when the time comes, isn't there still Fat Brother and the tailor helping you?"

"Okay, the old man will do his best."

"Then I won't bother the old man anymore, you should prepare it first, I think Sen Luosi will find you soon."

When the phone hangs up.

The old man Liu Shu stopped ordering soup, stroked his white beard and thought:

"I'm going to have a headache when the time comes, I've only watched dramas, not TV series, I hope I don't mess it up."


the next day.

At midnight.

In Nanyue Province, on a street near a night market.

Old man Liu Shu went to the night market as usual, but in the middle of his visit, he felt a ghostly aura, and the degree of that emanation was at least that of a ghost king.

Didn't think too much about it.

Following the ghostly aura, he came to this street, and he felt something as soon as he walked in. He looked up and looked around the gloomy and uninhabited street at the moment.

"Ghost domain?"

Old Man Liu Shu frowned.

Also at this time.

Accompanied by a meow, three figures walked out from the deserted street ahead.

look intently.

There were two men and a cat, one was a fat man holding a blood-colored flag in his hand, the other was a young man with reading glasses, and there was a chubby raccoon cat.

"Sure enough, Fatty, you are right. Old Liushu is addicted to killing ghost kings. As soon as he smells the breath of ghost kings, he is seduced."

That's all for words.

The glasses pushed the presbyopic glasses, and said bluntly to the old man Liushu who was trying to break through the ghost domain:

"Hello old willow in front, let me introduce myself, I'm from Senluosi, you can call me glasses, next to me is the dead house, this is Huahua, don't struggle old willow, this place is borrowed by the dead house You can't break through the ghost domain that you live in and use to suppress the state-level ghost summoning banners."

The words fell.

Without any warning, the glasses popped up suddenly, and he came to Old Man Liu Shu in the blink of an eye. The eyes under the presbyopic glasses burst out with bloodthirsty coldness, and his five fingers stretched out to press on Old Man Liu Shu's chest.

Its attacks are swift and terrifying.

It is so powerful that it is difficult for ordinary people to catch it with the naked eye, and it is so powerful that just stretching out a hand, the surrounding deserted streets and buildings are shaking, as if this place is about to be crushed by his palm.


The old man Liu Shu still came to his senses, without flinching in the slightest, he raised one of his hands on crutches, and stamped it head-on.

boom! ! ! ————

The earth shakes and the mountains shake.

With the palms of the two facing each other as the center, it was as if a meteorite fell from the sky, and there was a monstrous impact, and billowing air waves swept all directions.

The thunderstorm roared like a typhoon.

In an instant.

This street was sunken, and all the surrounding buildings, flowers, plants and trees that were close to it were turned into ashes, and even those that were far away were overturned and cracked. The bustling and uninhabited street was turned into ruins at this moment. The two clapped their hands each.

The two came and went quickly against each other, and it happened within the blink of an eye.


Glasses grinned, didn't say much, turned around and jumped back to Fatty's side, excitedly said:

"Sure enough, it's as rumored, Old Willow, you are very strong, and you are worthy of living for three or four hundred years."

After testing the strength of Mr. Liu Shu and being qualified to become a member of Sen Luosi,

While the glasses praised him, he did not forget to tell the purpose, just like inviting Huahua back then, he bowed slightly and invited Mr. Xiang Liushu to join Sen Luosi.


The glasses just saw it.

Faced with his own invitation, Old Man Liu Shu frowned, his kind face was full of warmth and anger, he held the crutches in both hands and pounded the ground heavily, knocking dullly like a tripod, the sunken ground sank several meters again.

"Let the old man join forces with you and other youngsters, do you think the old man will agree?"

Old Man Liu Shu shouted angrily.

The sound was so loud that it rumbled in all directions.


All the attention was on the glasses on the old man Liu Shu, but he didn't notice that the action of the old man Liu Shu made the fat man and Hua Hua beside him look at each other, and they both saw the meaning of the eyes in each other's eyes.

They communicate silently.

"I'm sorry, didn't Zhang Wei say that the old man Liu Shu can't act, this is not bad, and the Oscar statuette, present it to the old man."

"Meow~ Mr. Liu Shu played really well~"


(ps: The third update is here, the Qixi Festival will be greatly updated for readers, and I wish all readers a happy Qixi Festival!)

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