Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 361 The New Top Executive Of Senluo Division, Code Name: Willow

Just when Fatty communicated with Huahua silently.

The glasses were not idle either. He didn't change much in response to Old Man Willow's reaction. Through the collected information about Old Man Willow, he had already judged his temperament. He knew that he would fail to invite him to join with a high probability. Still making an invitation.

To this.

The glasses pushed the presbyopic glasses, and said slowly:

"Old Willow, you refused, there is no other way, we can only force it."

As he spoke, he glanced sideways at the fat man beside him.

The fat man grinned, and without any hesitation, he strode forward with a banner in his hand:

"Sure enough, as the most compelling villain, he should be the last to appear. Now it's my turn."


Accompanied by the waving of the soul-calling flag.

Including the glasses, everyone felt that there was a strangeness emanating from the soul-calling banner. This deserted street that had become ruins was trembling at this moment. With a wave, the soul is pulled out of the body.

"Is this a town-level ghost?"

His glasses flickered.

Even though the fat man used the soul-calling banner to deal with the old willow tree opposite him instead of himself, he still felt the terror of the soul-calling banner and felt that his soul would be pulled out by the soul-calling banner at any time.


Even the glasses.

Not to mention Mr. Willow, the target of the force.

Under the eyes of glasses.

Facing the fat man using the soul-calling flag, the old man Liu Shu also reacted immediately, shouting angrily, and the peerless aura belonging to the ghost king level erupted, destroying this place even more.


The old man Liu Shu used all his strength, his old face was flushed red, and as he waved the spirit-calling banner, the terrifying power that directly hit the soul made the old man Liu Shu scream in pain.

Same time

The old man Liu Shu's feet and crutches were stuck into the ground, and they were dragged into three deep ravines, but it still didn't help, and his whole body continued to be pulled towards the soul-calling banner.

Seeing the pained look of old man Liu Shu made the perverted glasses in his heart excited again and again.

In fact.

Not to mention the excitement in the glasses, both Fatty and Huahua were excited.

I'm crazy, if I didn't know that the tailor only pulled the old man willow into the soul-calling banner, I almost believed that the old man was severely injured by the tailor's attack.

Meow~ old man, the pain on your face is too real, hiss! Meow~ The old man vomited blood, so realistic and seriously injured.


The willow old man roared:

"Sen Luosi, old man... ah!!"

The words are not finished yet.

The old man Liu Shu was pulled into the soul-calling banner, and after that, the roar and shrill screams of the old man Liu Shu came from the soul-calling banner.

"Sen Luosi, if I get out of trouble one day, I will not let you go."


"Sen Ross!!!"

The sound from the summoning banner echoed in the ears, and the glasses smiled excitedly:

"It's such a miserable scream. I love to hear this kind of scream. The soul-calling banner is worthy of being a town-level ghost. It doesn't have a town-level magic weapon, or it is too powerful to resist the user itself. .”

From his point of view, old man Liu Shu is indeed very strong, and he slapped him, and he was sent flying back. He can be sure that old man Liu Shu is stronger than himself and even Fatty, and he is the strongest present.

But so what?

With the soul-calling banner in hand, as long as the old man Liu Shu is not too much stronger than the fat man, he can only be drawn into the banner by the soul-calling banner.

Just when the glasses were thinking like this.

at the same time.

In the inner space of the summoning banner.

Unlike what the glasses imagined, Mr. Liu Shu stood in the space, looked at a young and beautiful girl in front of him and asked:

"Ms. Tailor, do I need to scream more? I'm sorry, my acting skills are really clumsy. If there are any flaws, I hope you can help me cover them up."

in words.

Old man Liu Shu could hear this space, and there were screams and roars echoing, it was his own voice.

just now.

He was pulled into the soul-calling banner by the tailor, and the tailor told him to make some screams, so as to make a play on the occasion, so as to deceive people's eyes and ears, and then the old man Liu Shu let out some screams and roars.

"You don't need to scream, old man. I've already sent you screaming to the circulation, and that's enough. I'll play tricks later, pretend to brainwash you, control your soul, and become a member of our Sen Luosi."

The tailor said, looking at the willow old man who was wiping the blood stains from the corner of his mouth. It was the blood that the old man pretended to spit out when he was pulled in, and he couldn't help but say:

"And old man, you don't need us to cover up your acting skills, it's very good."

"The tailor girl is over the top. When the old man comes out, it means that his mind has been washed away by his soul, and he will become a ghost who no longer holds justice in his heart."

"Yes, as much as possible... how should I put it."

The tailor thought for a while, and the appearance of the fat man came to his mind, as well as the words that the fat man often said:

"It's just that the old man is as villainous as possible."

"The villain? Okay, let the old man understand."

That's all for words.

The old man Liu Shu leaned on a cane with one hand, and muttered to himself while stroking his white beard with the other.

the other side.

Calling back the soul outside the banner.

Fatty followed what he had said in advance, holding the soul-calling banner, chanting incomprehensible voice, performing soul cleansing, looking at the glasses and asking:

"Fatty, how long will it take?"

"Old Willow is very strong, and it takes some time to brainwash him. He will forget the past, leaving only his dark thoughts."

The fat man replied casually.

Immediately afterwards.

After waiting in the glasses for a while, the fat man said that it was done, and the next second, the soul-calling banner buzzed.


Gloomy light blooms.

When looking again.

A ruthless old man with a calm face exuding a chilly ghostly aura appeared, without feeling any emotional fluctuations at all.

"Huh? Why is this old man here?"

Old Man Liu Shu spoke calmly, as if he had never been here before, frowning at the ruins.

It seems to have a feeling.

With an indifferent face, the old man Liu Shu glanced at the glasses and the others, and said without doubt:

"Tell the old man, where is this place?"

Facing the old man before the change.

Eyeglasses raised his brows with excitement. He really deserves to be a town-level ghost. Even such a powerful ghost king can wash away, hahahaha.

I thought about it.

On the surface, the glasses were calm, as before, and once again gave a slight salute to the old man Liu Shu:

"Hello, Old Willow, let me introduce myself. I'm from Senluosi. You can call me Glasses. The one next to me is Si Zhai, and this one is Huahua. We..."

Glasses once again extended an invitation to Mr. Willow to join Sen Luosi.

And different from before.

this time.

Mr. Willow did not refuse. On the contrary, he showed great interest when he learned about Sen Luosi. After learning some information about Sen Luosi, he agreed to join Sen Luosi.

To this.

Glasses have a smile as expected.

He knew very well that the old man would join so easily because he had agreed with the fat man in advance, to cleanse the soul of the old man willow, to add a good impression of Sen Luosi to his memory, and he had long thought of joining.

"You are welcome to join, Old Willow, so I don't know what code name you want to call you. In Senluosi, we all call each other by code name."

Glasses smiled.

Huahua recognized that behavior, and it was invited in the same way at the beginning, so she couldn't help laughing inwardly.

at the same time.

Hearing the words of the glasses, the old man Liu Shu glanced over indifferently, and said casually:



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