Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 363 Our Surname Zhang Is Not The Same Zhang

the next day.

on the beach in Hawaii.

"It's so lively."

Zhang Wei got out of the car and looked up at the beach in front of him. As far as he could see, the beach was full of people, and white flowers could be seen everywhere. Many of these white flowers were soft and big, and they kept shaking when walking. Zhang Wei was sure that unless it was gay, otherwise this line of sight can't be taken away at all.

Zhang Wei has been going to the beach for the past two days, but today is different from before, the number of people has more than doubled.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei looked down at his phone.

"It's only 1:30 noon, and the ceremony will be officially held for several hours. Are there so many people now? It seems that Miss Liz didn't lie to me."

Not long ago when he came down for dinner, he ran into Miss Liz on the way. She told him that he could go to the beach now, and it was very lively there. If she didn't have to meet clients later, she would also like to go to have fun.

Originally, Zhang Wei planned to go later in the festival, so he changed his mind and went to the beach.

Come to the beach.

Zhang Wei moved away from the white flowers on the beach, turned his attention to the sea, and landed on a large yacht:

"That should be Matt's yacht."

Although the distance was far away, Zhang Wei saw people on the yacht carrying boxes of foreign wine and beer into the yacht from time to time, and Matt was standing on the yacht, directing those people.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't plan to go up to strike up a conversation. First, Matt was too enthusiastic. Second, the white flowers on the beach here are not as interesting as yachts now. Besides, the yacht party only starts at night, so it won't be too late to go there again.

"Let's have a meal first."

talking to himself.

Looking around, Zhang Wei was quickly attracted by a vendor's stall built on the beach:

"Hey, isn't that the One Piece?"

It was a stall with the theme of anime One Piece. One must know that One Piece is a popular anime sold all over the world. Themed stalls.

at this time.

There was a long queue in front of that stall, and the crowd almost drowned the stall. It was a stall selling One Piece-themed food, and also selling One Piece's peripherals.

"That Chopper hat is so pretty, I'll buy one later, huh? And there are figures? Buy it, must buy it!"

Zhang Wei saw three beauties in bikinis walking out of the stall. They were talking and laughing. In addition to their protruding figures, there was another thing that caught their attention. They were wearing Chopper hats, which made them look cute besides being sexy .

Immediately afterwards.

Look down from the top.

In addition to holding a fruit that looks like a devil fruit in their hands, and the big meat skewers that look like Luffy often eats, one of them also holds a figure in his hand, which is a figure of Chopper.

Without hesitation.

Zhang Wei hurried forward to line up.

Seeing that they still need to queue for a while, Zhang Wei picked up his mobile phone, took a picture of the beach scene around here, and sent it to Qiu Xiaolin, Lu Lianxue, Zhang Chao and others.

It’s a rare visit to Hawaii, so why not send it to your relatives and friends to show off, and take a photo of yourself on the beach, take a photo of the beauties around you, and send it to your circle of friends.


Ding dong, a WeChat voice came from his mobile phone.

[Zhang Chao]: Fuck, evil animal! So many beauties, so many beauties, I want beauties, give me those big beauties! ! ! The eyes with the word envy written jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Hehehe, Momonosuke hugged Nami and smirked jpg

[Zhang Chao]: Why is the same surname Zhang? Why am I working hard on duty while you are enjoying the warmth of the sun?

【Zhang Wei】: It may be because our surname is not the same Zhang.

[Zhang Chao]: Huh? Different one? Where is the difference? Aren't they all bows and bows?

[Zhang Wei]: No, no, it's different. Your Zhang is a Zhang that opens your mouth, and mine is a Zhang with teeth and claws. The meaning is different.

[Zhang Chao]: vertical middle finger jpg

[Zhang Chao]: I suspect that you are implicating me, and I have already grasped the evidence, but your statement sounds good, very good, and I will introduce myself like this in the future.

【Zhang Wei】: How would you introduce yourself? tell me the story.

[Zhang Chao]: Hello, my name is Zhang Chao, and I come here as soon as I open my mouth. Chao is beyond imagination.

【Zhang Wei】:Xiuer jpg

[Zhang Chao]: I don't care, Zhang Wei, you actually sent me a bag to seduce me, then I want a bag too, immediately, no, find me a big and soft girlfriend, otherwise I will open my mouth , It's time for a golden eloquence.

【Zhang Wei】: Damn, it's so easy to find, do you think I'm a fairy?

[Zhang Chao]: You are a god. Didn’t you say that you were considered by a foreign priest to be the Jade Emperor? You can’t even hide your identity, so... Jade Emperor, the villain Zhang Chao begged for a child, I want a child of the Jade Emperor friend! ! ! !

Look at the message sent by Zhang Chao.

Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing out loud:

"In terms of tidy work, Zhang Chao is too aggressive..."

The words fell.

Just as Zhang Wei was about to reply, a voice came from his ear:

"Hi sir, what do you want to buy?"

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei looked up and realized that he had chatted with Zhang Chao unknowingly and had already lined up in front of the stall, and it was his turn to buy things.

Looking at the menu handed over by the stall staff, although it is a small stall, it sells quite a lot of One Piece items, all kinds of food that reproduced One Piece.


Zhang Wei pointed to the menu and said:

"Give me these four kinds of devil fruits, and then bring me a Sanji seafood fried rice, and a huge big bone meat skewer."

"Okay, please wait a moment, sir."

Not long after the employee finished speaking, he brought four fruits that looked like devil fruits, as well as a lunch box of fried rice and big meat skewers.

Zhang Wei was very satisfied, and his eyes fell on the devil fruit:

"As expected of Hawaii, there are so many types of fruits, this replica is really similar, huh?"

As a Pirate fan, he knows that some of the devil fruits drawn by Oda actually exist in reality, but with some changes, and some fruits in these realities look very similar to devil fruits, and they are often Used in the One Piece themed restaurant.

Just as Zhang Wei was talking, when he was about to pay the bill.

It seems to have a feeling.

Zhang Wei frowned slightly and looked in one direction.

at the same time.


With thunder bursts.

Everyone on this beach looked up to the sky at the same time, and saw the sky was clear one second, and the next second was dark clouds, casting a shadow and covering the sun.

"Fack? Is it going to rain?"

"What's going on? I remember that the weather forecast didn't say that there would be a storm coming today."

Many people around complained.

In their view, today is a rare big festival. If it rains heavily, the ceremony will be ruined.

the other side.

On the beach not far from this beach.

Unlike that beach, although the two beaches are adjacent to each other, it doesn't mean that they cross regions, but there is a completely different weather here.

The sun is still shining here, and the sky is still clear.


The people here looked at the beach, and there was also a clear sky over there, and there were people walking back and forth, which was not at all different from what the people inside saw. It seemed that the two seemed to be in the same place, but they were in different spaces.


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