Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 364 Demon Appears, Accompanying Ghosts


Not everyone didn't notice that the beach was strange.

at this time.

On the sea not far from the beach, one of the largest yachts.

"Hey, Fry, you're here."

Matt looked at Father Dagger and others who came to the deck of the yacht in a boat. There were not only Father Dagger, Father Bible, but also five priests. They were all exorcist priests invited by Matt to the party. Affiliated to the Holy See stationed in Hawaii.

"Matt, your family is really rich, how much does such a big yacht cost, why don't you come to our team after your newcomer training this time, haha."

said one of the priests.

Matt smiled:

"It's not up to me which team to go to. It depends on the arrangement of the Holy See. Although my family is one of the sponsors of the Holy See, it is not the head of the team. I have no right to change the personnel transfer."

"Hey, you can't have the final say, but our captain can. Every captain stationed in the Holy See can choose his teammates himself."

As the priest said, he pointed to the side behind him, motioning Matt to look at a middle-aged priest:

"Matt, whether you come to our team or not is not a matter of Wesley's words, so hurry up and get close to Wesley. If you come by then, you will be able to exorcise demons with Frye and the others. Am I right, Wisley? What are you doing?"

His words sounded.

Matt and everyone looked at the middle-aged priest named Wesley.


However, Wesley didn't seem to hear their conversation, and didn't even look at them, his eyes were fixed on the direction of the beach.


They all followed his gaze to the beach, wanting to see what attracted Weisili.

But look at this.

They didn't find anything special. There was nothing special about that beach except that there were a lot of people and a grand ceremony was about to be held. You must know that they were the exorcist priests stationed in Hawaii. They had seen such festivals and would not be attracted.

"Wisili, are you looking for a woman?"

"We're so far away, don't talk about faces, I can't even see clearly, I'm sure I'm not looking for someone, I think Weisili wants to participate in the festival."

"Haha, no, the last time Weisili participated in the festival, I don't know why, and said that he would never participate in the festival again."

Father Dagger and the others teased their captain one after another.

Only the previous priest did not. Compared with them, he was the closest to Wesley, and he noticed Wesley's frown.

Just when he was about to ask.

After observing the beach for a while, Wesley seemed to notice something was wrong, and suddenly changed his color and shouted:

"No, it's really Ghost Domain!"

next second.

Without waiting for everyone's doubts, Wesley said in surprise:

"Quickly, notify the Holy See and let them send a bishop-level priest."

As soon as his words came out.

Everyone knew the situation even if they were in a daze. This was a supernatural event, and they needed to invite a bishop-level priest. That was the level of an exorcist priest who could deal with ghost kings.

"Weisili, do you think there are ghost king-level ghosts appearing? Is it impossible for us to cooperate with you?"

Earlier the priest spoke.

Others also looked over one after another.

As Weisili's teammates, they are well aware of Weisili's strength. He is also a bishop-level priest. In other words, the other party is also an exorcist priest who can deal with ghost kings. The garrison captain of a region.

But now he was shocked. What kind of supernatural event did this have to make a bishop-level priest so anxious?

face inquiries.

Weisili didn't talk nonsense, and said with a solemn face:

"I felt strange just now. On that beach, I felt a demonic breath that made my heart palpitate, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Now I feel it carefully, and I know the reason. There is a ghost king who has cast the ghost realm."


Everyone gasped, as if realizing the seriousness.

There are demons? ! And it's a demon that can make bishop-level priests feel palpitations, isn't that... a ghost king-level demon!

The essential.

In addition to this demon, there is also a ghost king who has already cast the ghost domain. In other words, there are at least two ghost king level ghost kings there, and some people on the beach have been brought into the ghost domain.


Father Dagger and the others were shocked, staring at the beach where the ceremony was about to be held. There were at least thousands of people there! !

Also at this time.

Wei Sili's face was sullen, and his voice came:

"Later, you go to evacuate other citizens on the beach. You must be fast, and you cannot let them approach that beach area."

"What about you in Weiss?"

Father Dagger noticed that Wisley was about to disembark and walk towards the beach.

Wei Sili didn't hide it, anyway, he couldn't hide it anyway, and his teammates weren't blind and couldn't see it:

"I want to enter the ghost realm."

As Wisley spoke, he took out a Bible in his hand and held it tightly, muttering solemnly with an unprecedented expression on his face:

"Although I can't deal with two ghost kings by myself, I can at least delay for a while, hoping that support can come quickly."

The words fell.

Regardless of everyone's obstruction, Weisili rushed towards the beach.


"Wesley, are you crazy! Falk! Come back!"

Father Dagger and the others are impatient, Weisili is powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to serve as the captain of Hawaii's garrison, but no matter how powerful they are, they can't deal with the two ghost kings. One of them makes him feel palpitations, and it is obviously stronger than him.


In their view, Wisley was the last time they met him, and they would never have another chance, and when the Holy See got on the phone, the Holy See told them that the bishop-level priest would come over in at least half an hour. It's getting stronger.

"My God, are all the bishop-level priests gambling in Las Vegas? Why are they all so far away from Hawaii? What are they doing, Shet! There is no one close."

"No, we can't just sit and wait for Weisili to die. Think of a way. By the way, are there any powerful exorcists near Hawaii? The Holy See can't catch up with them. Let's ask other exorcists to help!"

They spoke one after another.

In foreign countries, there are not only ghost exorcism organizations such as the Holy See, but also many ghost exorcism organizations, such as shamanism, witch sects, etc. They also manage some states in the beautiful country. There is no way, who made the beautiful country only have a history of more than 200 years .

"Can this work? Contact now. As far as the current situation is concerned, unless they come right away, they won't be able to help Weisili."

"Then what else can I do, a dead horse is a living horse doctor."

They immediately wanted to contact other exorcism organizations.

But at this time.

A voice suddenly sounded:

"Maybe there are other ways, because... now there are really people in Hawaii who can help Weisili."

It's not loud.

But everyone at the scene heard it, and all looked towards the person who made the sound. It was Matt.

"Matt, what can you do?"

The priest asked quickly.

at the same time.

Before Matt could respond, Father Dagger and Father Bible, who were listening to his words, were taken aback for a moment, then looked at each other, understood what Matt meant, and said in unison:

"Matt, you mean... Mr. Zhang?!"


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