Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 365 The Four Ghost Kings, Zhang Wei Needs More Money

Matt nodded:

"Yes, only Mr. Zhang can save Wei Sili."

Everyone saw the fanaticism and admiration in Matt's eyes when he said this.

Can't help it.

They looked over:

"Fry, what are you talking about? Mr. Zhang?"

"Mr. Zhang? You mean the Mr. Zhang who saved your life before? Is he that powerful?"

In the face of people's inquiries.

The dagger priest and the two looked at each other, and Youyou responded:

"I don't know how powerful Mr. Zhang is, but if anyone can save Wei Sili now, I think it can only be Mr. Zhang. He is in Hawaii, and his strength is at least ghost king level."

at the same time.

The beach that was brought into the ghost domain.

Watching the weather change, no one complained except Zhang Wei.

To this.

Zhang Wei ignored it. Unlike others, he didn't pay attention to the weather changes. He knew that this place was already in the ghost domain, so he looked straight in one direction:

"Ghost King? More than one?"

At this point, Zhang Wei's face bloomed with a smile:

"It seems that this festival is right, and it will make people very happy to really participate in the festival."

Just at the moment when he finished speaking.


"My God, what is that!"

"The devil, that's the devil."

The screams came one after another, and they sounded from the beach near the sea, which was the direction Zhang Wei had been paying attention to.

Even though the beach was noisy, the movement over there was so loud that everyone was attracted to look at it, and some even wanted to go forward to check on the situation.

This look.

Everyone was terrified and screamed in fright.

In the direction of the sea, the original blue sea water has been stained red with blood, and there are more than a dozen corpses with severed limbs and disemboweled bodies floating on it. The bloody scene is tragic and shocking.


Although the corpses were extremely tragic, everyone's eyes were not on those corpses, but on the two figures walking from the red-stained sea water.

A ghostly man, through the disheveled scalp, his face is rotten, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a person who has been drowned in the sea for a long time, but now he is walking around alive, holding two hands trying to swim from the sea. The beach, the head of a tourist trying to escape.


There is also a figure, he looks like a human being, but he has demon feet, a ferocious face, sharp teeth in his mouth, and demon wings on his back. Look closely, there is blood dripping from the sharp nails on the demon hands hanging down. , as if those who died in the sea were all killed by him.

See this scene.

At first, most people thought it was a special program for the festival, until the devil walked onto the beach, casually grabbed the head of a boy who was taking pictures beside him, and crushed it.

Brains splattered, and blood burst from between the devil's fingers.

Everyone finally realized that this was not a festival, but real demons and monsters.

for a while.

This lively beach was in chaos, and screams kept ringing out. Everyone was frightened and ran desperately away from the beach.

But soon.

They were horrified to find that there was no escape from here. There seemed to be an invisible wall blocking the beach. Even though they could see other people outside the beach and shouted for help, the other party turned a blind eye and blocked their voices. .

Immediately afterwards.

The screams sounded again.

Looking along the sound, when they saw the situation clearly, everyone's faces were even more desperate. They were in the other two directions. There were also monsters there, one that looked like a werewolf, and the other that looked like a vampire.

Four terrifying ghosts appeared. They formed a triangle and forced everyone together to form a circle waiting to be slaughtered. The people in the front row cried out in despair, while the people in the back kept beating the invisible wall, wanting to get out.

Seeing the ghost approaching.

Just when the distance from the frontmost crowd was less than ten meters.

Thousands of people crying for help made the crowd noisy, and a voice sounded, which made the crowd including the demons startled:

"Hey, hey, don't squeeze, please give way, let me go out for a while."

Not loud.

But the calm and calm voice was completely different from the voices of the desperate crowd, and was heard by the demons and many people around them.

Stay tuned.

I saw a handsome young man walking out of the crowd with a bag containing fruit and lunch.

He didn't seem to understand how dangerous the situation was now, so it was fine if there was no trace of fear on his face, and he walked out of the crowd and walked straight in the direction of the demon.

That look.

Everyone was stunned, and felt that the young man was frightened crazy.


Someone recognized the young man, that was the staff of the One Piece theme stall, he saw the bag with the One Piece logo in the young man's hand, and immediately recognized him, wasn't that the guest just now!

"Fack, what is that guest doing, my God, he won't be watching One Piece too much, and wants to learn from Luffy and do what is right."

Not only the stall staff, many people think so.


Facing their words, even some well-meaning people told him to come back quickly, Zhang Wei turned a blind eye to them, looking at the demons and other ghosts happily, and murmured:

"Is that a demon? Good guy, four ghost king-level ghosts."

His words sounded.

Many people were stunned. Since Zhang Wei spoke Chinese, many people couldn't understand them. They thought that Zhang Wei was really crazy, and they all started talking about it.

And Zhang Wei's next move made them feel that this idea was right.

Jingle Bell.

It didn't take long to see Zhang Wei walking towards the demons and werewolves when the cell phone rang.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't care, looked at the caller ID, it was Matt calling, and then picked up the phone.


Everyone understood what Zhang Wei said this time. He communicated with the person on the phone in fluent English:

"It's Matt, why are you calling me at this time?"

"Want me to help? Matt, yes."

"Don't worry, I'll make it, because I'm at the scene right now, but there's one thing to say, there are not just two ghosts here, but four,'s okay if you want me to help you exorcise the demons, but you have to add more time." money."

Its sound is not too loud.

But everyone present heard it, and they were stunned when faced with his words.


Before everyone could think about the meaning of Zhang Wei's words, they all saw that Zhang Wei had already walked in front of the frontmost demon.

The two looked at each other.

Taking advantage of its towering height, the demon looked down on Zhang Wei from above.

【Ding! The devil sneered, thinking it was crazy, it turned out to be a ghost exorcist, but you don't think you can deal with us four ghost kings alone, do you, at your age? Everyone in Daxia likes to be a hero? 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

The system prompt sounds.

The words of the devil also came:

"Ghost exorcist, do you think you alone can..."

The words are not finished yet.

Boom! ! ! !

A loud bang exploded, and the sound stopped abruptly.

Under all eyes.

I saw the devil uttering human words, but just halfway through his words, Zhang Wei, who was standing in front of him, held the phone and the packing bag in one hand, and still put it to his ear to talk to the phone:

"make a deal."

With these words fell.

next second.

His other hand was thrown out with a bang, so fast that his hand seemed to disappear at that moment, leaving an afterimage.

Immediately after that, the demon that was full of fear in everyone's hearts, its tall body was still standing there, but its head had already flown out, and scarlet blood sprayed out from its broken headless neck, shooting straight three feet high.


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