Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 366 Devil Fruit, Nature, Burning Fruit

Under everyone's dumbfounded gazes, the demon's head flew high, drawing a perfect parabola, and accompanied by the demon's blood splattered in mid-air, it rolled to the ground and rolled all the way to the feet of the drowning ghost king.

It all happened so fast.

The last second they were paying attention to the lunatic young man, even if they dared to walk towards the terrifying demon, they still had time to make a phone call, but in the next second, their eyes blurred, and the head of the terrifying demon in front of the young man flew away.

Not only the people present, but also the four ghost kings were stunned.

【Ding! The devil is stupefied, huh? ? Why is my sight shaking, hey, isn't that my body, my Cao? ! No, I... lost my head? ! 】

[Host acquisition system +130]

【Ding! The ghost kings are sluggish, I Cao? ! What about the devil's head? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +300]

The system prompt sounds.

The remaining three ghost kings seemed to feel something, and looked at the feet of the werewolf ghost king, their pupils shrank suddenly:


Also at this moment.

Zhang Wei's voice came leisurely:

"Man, you talk a lot of bullshit, I don't like it very much, so it's not too much for me to slap you just now."

in words.

Zhang Wei was carrying the packing bag with one hand and digging earwax with the other, with a nonchalant appearance.

Everyone: "..."

Ghost kings: "..."

【Ding! The ghost kings want to swear at people, damn it, is that called slapping you? Your head is blown off when you are riding a horse】

[Host obtains system points +310]

The system prompt sounds.

next second

When they came back to their senses, the ghost kings felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and subconsciously jumped back, keeping a certain distance from Zhang Wei, their eyes were burning, and the cautiousness and shock in their eyes were undisguised.

They are real ghost kings, and they know how terrifying Zhang Wei's strength is. He was able to blow a ghost king's head off in front of them. A ghost king-level ghost exorcist stronger than any of them!

This scene.

The crowd behind looked dumbfounded.

"My God, am I dazzled?"

"Who is that Asian?"

"Am I dreaming."

It never occurred to him that the seemingly crazy young man not only knocked off the demon's head, but also scared the other three terrifying ghosts back.

at the same time.

"Who are you?"

The werewolf ghost king also spoke.

"Are you asking me?"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei raised a smile and pointed at himself.

【Ding! The Werewolf Ghost King is speechless, fuck, you're cute, aren't you! 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei picked up the packing bag in his hand, and while reaching into the bag, spoke fluent English and said slowly:

"I, I come from the D family, called the Jade Emperor."

Car stall staff: "????"

Ghost kings: "Huh??"

Everyone: "???"

Wesley: "Wodefa? The Jade Emperor??"

at this time.

Compared with other people, Weisili was not much more confused. In order to protect the thousands of meters of beach tourists who were involved in the ghost domain, Weisili rushed into the ghost domain regardless of the danger of his life. He knew the danger this time. They are all ready to fight to the death.

As a result, when he came in and took a look, he was shocked. There were twice as many ghost kings as expected, but he was also stunned. The expected massacre of the ghost kings didn't happen, but he saw the ghost king's head being blown away.

Can't help it.

He stared at Zhang Wei, looked at Zhang Wei's appearance and age... the Jade Emperor? Wait, he shouldn't be the Mr. Zhang that Matt and the others are talking about.

As the captain of the garrison in Hawaii, Weisili naturally knows what Father Dagger and the others have encountered recently, and also knows what happened to Zhang Wei from it. In his opinion, Matt and the others are just talking nonsense. There is no such thing as the Jade Emperor. It must be an exaggeration. A great talent and stronger Da Xia ghost exorcist.

at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came from over there, and Wei Sili had no time to think, so he looked over.

I see.

Facing the questioning of the Werewolf Ghost King, Zhang Wei did not stop moving his hands when he answered. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he took out a strange red fruit from the packaging bag with the One Piece logo printed on it.

【Ding! The ghost kings change color, it's not good, be careful! He's going to use a weapon...huh? What it is? 】

[Host obtains system points +320]


The corners of the mouths of the three ghost kings twitched, with the urge to curse.

Although I don't know what Zhang Wei is holding in his hand, it looks strange, but it is definitely not a magic weapon, it should be a fruit, because they all saw it, Zhang Wei took out the fruit and took a bite.

This makes them angry.

【Ding! The ghost kings feel humiliated, don't they take us seriously? Deal with us, there is still time to eat fruit]

[Host obtains system points +330]

Just don't wait for them to act.

【Ding! Blessing devil fruit fruit 50000 system points]

The system prompt sounds.

After Zhang Wei bit the fruit, he said bluntly:

"Sure enough, as rumored, the devil fruit is really unpalatable."

As soon as his words came out.

The three ghost kings were all stunned.

【Ding! The ghost kings are puzzled, devil fruit? what is that? 】

[Host obtains system points +340]


A startled voice came over:

"Is that a devil fruit? Are you kidding me? How can there be a devil fruit in this world."

In unison, the three ghost kings looked at a figure. It was the demon whose head had been beheaded by Zhang Wei. Its head flew back at some point and was connected to its body again. They didn't care about it. Not surprisingly, demons are the type of ghosts that are difficult to kill. They have strong healing power, and the heart is the weak point.


The three ghost kings couldn't help but speak:

"Acro, what is a Devil Fruit?"

If it was just a fruit, they wouldn't be curious, but when they heard that your fruit is called a 'devil fruit', they couldn't help but wonder, what kind of fruit can be linked to the devil? Fortunately, there is a devil around, and if you ask the devil, you will definitely know what a devil fruit is.

As soon as the words are asked.

The devil's mouth twitched:

"The devil fruit has nothing to do with the devil. I also heard about the devil fruit by chance, and I only found out after inquiring about it. It is a fruit that can gain devil-like power after eating, but it does not exist at all, because it is a fictional one in a cartoon. of……"

The words are not finished yet.

His pair of demonic pupils dilated, and he yelled out in disbelief:

"Fack?! Let go!!"

this moment.

The devil felt like he was going crazy, as if he had seen some incredible scene.


That terrifying young man in Daxia ate the so-called 'Devil Fruit', to be more precise, 'Devil Fruit·Natural System·Shaoyao Fruit'. When he learned about Devil Fruits, he went to learn about them and watched One Piece anime. Devil fruit, who made him a devil, how could he not be interested in things with the word "devil".


Then eat the fruit that looks very similar to the burnt fruit.

next moment.

Zhang Wei put on a punching posture, raging flames gushed out of his body, and his fist even ignited billowing flames. With a fist swing, his entire arm turned into a huge flaming fist with super high temperature, all the way like a dragon Rush out, burn everything in your path.

This scene was too shocking.

The flame fist, which was bigger than the head of a truck, drew a flame several meters wide and a hundred meters long, and rushed towards the drowning ghost king.

Don't say that people are dumbfounded.

Even the ghost kings and even Weisili were dumbfounded.

【Ding! The devil was stunned, Fire Fist, I am Cao Nima, this is the Fire Fist of Burning Fruit! ! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

【Ding! The ghost kings are horrifying, fire! fire! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +350]

Also at this moment.

Many people in the crowd at the back were stupefied, especially the staff at the One Piece-themed stall, who couldn't help but exclaimed:

"My god, is that the devil fruit I sold???"


His mind was a little confused, even though he was a little far away from Zhang Wei, he could still see clearly that the devil fruit that Zhang Wei ate was not the replica devil fruit he sold to him, and what he ate That one is a replica of the burning fruit.

Think here.

Looking at Zhang Wei, whose whole body is burning with flames and part of his body is elementalized, the stall staff can't help but look at the fruits on his stall and murmur:

"Fa~ke! The devil fruit I sell, can you really get the devil fruit ability by riding a horse?"


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