Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 367 Is That Person... Devil Fruit Ability?

Can't help it.

The staff at the stall picked up a re-enacted Shao Shaoguo fruit, took a bite, then subconsciously imitated Zhang Wei and threw a punch, and shouted in broken Japanese:

"Ace! Fire Fist!!"

The words fell.

Nothing happened, only the people around were startled by his sudden yell, and Qi Qi looked at him. Although they didn't speak, the stall staff understood their meaning from their mentally retarded eyes... …

[Is this person an idiot? 】

[This person was scared to death, he still sells One Piece themed fruit, he's out of his mind, he doesn't really think his fruit is a devil fruit, does he?]

【Fool? 】

Those who can gather around the stall are not fans of One Piece, how can they not know what the actions of the stall staff mean.

Feeling the 'caring' eyes of everyone, the corners of the stall staff's mouth twitching, there is a sense of social death, it feels like masturbating at home, and then a bunch of relatives come to visit at home, parents open the door, relatives surround you and watch your social death .

"No, it must be the fruit I sell."

The stall staff murmured in pain, when they were about to try a few more 'Devil Fruits'.

boom! ! ————

It was as loud as a cannonball exploding into the sea.

Along with the stall staff, everyone's eyes were attracted.

look intently.

That was Zhang Wei and four scary ghosts.

After he ate the burning fruit, he punched the drowning ghost king.

【Ding! The drowning ghost king changes color, grass! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

The fire fist came head-on, bringing a wave of scorching flames to the face, even before the drowning ghost king, the water transformed by the ghost aura on his body sizzled and evaporated rapidly, it was not an ordinary condensed flame at all into a fist that can cause damage to it.

Realize this.

While the drowning ghost king was horrified, he did not forget the ghost king-level yin qi surged. With a ghost roar, he stretched out his hand and the blue Hawaiian sea churned. .


The loud noise was deafening.

The confrontation between the flame and the ocean created a wave of steaming air centered on the two. Even if they were hundreds of meters away, they could still feel the heat wave.

Immediately afterwards.

The heat is heating up.

Everyone saw that the scene where the water was supposed to restrain the flames didn't happen, Zhang Wei punched out, the flame fist continued to bloom, and the drowning ghost king's water fist was quickly evaporating, forcing the opponent to retreat steadily.

Seeing that the water fist of the drowning ghost king was about to evaporate, he wanted to engulf it in the flames.


The howling of the terrifying wolf started.

It was the Werewolf Ghost King, who appeared behind Zhang Wei at some point.

This scene frightened everyone.

The Werewolf Ghost King has a huge body, more than three meters high, exuding a very oppressive aura, and his speed is as fast as an afterimage. Compared with Zhang Wei's size, it is almost like a tiger meeting its prey and waiting to be slaughtered.

【Ding! The werewolf ghost king is ferocious, go to hell! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

The system prompt sounds.

The Werewolf Ghost King also stretched out an arm thicker than an adult's thigh, spread its wolf claws, and pierced Zhang Wei's body from behind.


"don't want!!"

Many women screamed in fright.

However, before they could despair, they saw that the face of the werewolf ghost king changed color, and he clearly pierced Zhang Wei, but he looked incredible. Looking at the young man in Daxia, he clearly maintained the act of being pierced through the chest, but still smiled the voice:

can be seen.

Zhang Wei looked down at the wolf claws protruding from his back, turned his head to the werewolf ghost king, and said with a smile:

"Sneak attack, right?"

"Your body..."

The werewolf ghost king didn't seem to hear Zhang Wei's words, and stared straight at Zhang Wei's chest. The imaginary blood was spilled on the spot, and the blood and flesh were not blurred. No injury, the chest hole was covered in flames.

this moment.

The Werewolf Ghost King had a feeling that what he pierced just now was not a person, that kind of feeling was not like piercing a person at all, but more like piercing a person made of flames.


Before the Werewolf Ghost King could wonder what was going on, another attack struck Zhang Wei.

That's a vampire.

Seeing that the werewolf ghost king's attack was ineffective, it rushed over in an instant, opened its bloody mouth full of fangs, and bit Zhang Wei's neck.

【Ding! The vampire king is gloomy, it's useless to hit your body, so let's suck your blood dry! 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

The moment the vampire king bit it.

Zhang Wei, who was pierced by the werewolf ghost king, moved. Under the shocking eyes of the vampire king and others, Zhang Wei's whole body, including his clothes, turned into flames, like a fireman made of flames, and then blown by the sea wind, the flames scattered , drifted to the side a few meters away, re-condensed into a fire man, and finally turned into Zhang Wei.

To this.

The vampire king took a bite, and his upper and lower teeth clenched together, making a click.


The demon and the drowning ghost king who had just rushed up together were taken aback when they saw this.

The demon stared in surprise and said:

"Shet! Are you kidding, elemental?! How is this possible."

"Huh? Elementalization? Akro, what's that?"

Hearing the words, the drowning ghost king hurriedly asked.

But before the devil opened his mouth to respond, Zhang Wei's voice came over.

I saw that Zhang Wei used the unique ability of "Elementalization" of the natural devil fruit to elementalize his own flames, and after avoiding the attack of vampires, he said bluntly:

"Want to bite me? Sorry, except my girlfriend can bite me, you can't."

in words.

Zhang Wei was not idle, stretched out one arm and suddenly spewed out a large swath of flames. The monstrous flames instantly formed a huge wall of flames, covering the vampire king and werewolf ghost king.

Watching this scene.

Including the stall staff, everyone on the beach who had watched One Piece was stunned. They felt a sense of deja vu to this scene... Isn't this the move 'Mirror Flame' of Ace, the owner of Burning Fruit? .

at the same time.

Zhang Wei, who cast Mirror Flame, did not intend to stop at all, and continued to release one after another moves that they are very familiar with:

"That's Ace's Firefly Fire Dharma."

"My God, that's definitely the divine fire Shiranui released by Ace using the burning fruit, it's exactly the same!"

"Great Gift Crab!! Is that Crossfire?! I, Cao, that's Yanjie·Fire Pillar!! That's..."


A feast of fire is underway.

With the blessing of the system point, Zhang Wei briefly gained the ability to burn the fruit. He happily used some of the flame abilities of the burning fruit in One Piece, but he didn't notice it at all. Crazy look.

If Zhang Wei ate the 'Devil Fruit' before and released the Fire Fist, they thought it was just a fire ability.


As Zhang Wei became elemental, he also released the ability to burn fruits such as mirror flames, and they were stunned:

"Hey, the fruit he ate just now can't be really a devil fruit."

"God, what did I see, is that person... a devil fruit capable user!?"

"Son, isn't One Piece an animation, Falk, why did I see your favorite ability to burn fruit...I am Cao!! Look at it, son!! It's Great Flame Ring, Yandi."

Not just them.

the other side.

After the four ghost kings fought against Zhang Wei continuously, they worked together to perform a terrifying ghost technique.

Facing the four ghost kings with a combined attack.

Zhang Wei raised a finger, and in an instant, circles of huge spiral flames appeared under his feet. The flames formed a flame tornado, enveloping Zhang Wei, and finally the flame whirlwind spun extremely fast, and all of them condensed on Zhang Wei. On that one finger, a huge fireball gathered.

That fireball was too big.

Whether it was the four ghost kings or Weisili, everyone couldn't help but look up.

Wei Sili: "My God...the Jade Emperor..."

The four ghost kings: "..."


In the sky above this ghost land on the beach, everyone could hardly see the previous dark clouds, they were all covered by the fireball, it was really too big, it was like a blazing sun, covering most of the sky.

This is the move of Burning Fruit "Great Flame Ring·Yandi"

Ace, the owner of the burning fruit in One Piece, relied on this trick to confront Blackbeard, one of the four emperors who will rule the sea in the future, and finally sank an island with this trick, ending the battle with Blackbeard .

【Ding! The four ghost kings widened their eyes in horror]

[Host obtains system points +400]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

The huge sun flame on Zhang Wei's finger slammed down, hitting the four ghost kings who had been beaten all the way to the sea.

boom! ! ! !

The loud noise shook the heavens and the earth.

this moment.

The light of the flames flooded everyone's sight, and the loud noise roared in everyone's ears.

Also this moment.

A large area of ​​the blue Hawaiian sea evaporated, and an incomparably huge sea hole appeared, in which all sea water, fish, shrimp, etc. were evaporated.

at this moment

This Nuoda beach... was shrouded in white steam fog.


Even the beaches of Hawaii outside the ghost domain have been affected.

"What's going on? An earthquake?"

"My Cao, hey, look over there!"

On the beach outside the ghost domain, Father Dagger and the others who were evacuating the crowd felt the ground shaking, and then looked towards the beach covering the ghost domain, their pupils dilated in an instant.


The beach was like a transparent glass box. The box vibrated violently, and a mirror-like crack broke out. Billowing white water vapor gushed out from the crack. Watching that shocking scene there.


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