Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 368 To Deal With The Natural Devil Fruit, Of Course Use Sea Water Or Armed Domineering

Looking at the beach where the ghost domain is located, Father Dagger and the others were shocked:

"The ghost domain is cracked?!"

"My God, what's going on inside, how it's done like this."

Without exception.

They all showed worried expressions. Although they didn't go into the ghost domain, Matt had contacted Zhang Wei. It exceeded expectations. There were four ghost kings. You must know that Wei Sili and Zhang Wei were just two people, four against two, We are at a disadvantage in numbers.

But now that Huangquan has been beaten to pieces, how far can it be done.

Can't help it.

A priest speculated worriedly:

"Wesley won't blow himself up to see God, will he?"

In his view, Weisili is definitely unable to deal with the four ghost kings alone, and he can still beat the ghost domain like this. There is only one possibility, that is, he sacrificed his own strength and used some kind of self-destruction Big move.

"No, Weisili is not me, so I wouldn't be so reckless. Maybe it was Mr. Zhang's method."

"Is this possible? Mr. Zhang is so powerful? There are four ghost kings in it."

"Mr. Zhang must have done it."

The last words were spoken by Matt, his eyes were full of determination, and he kept his eyes on the ghostly beach with white steam.

As soon as his words came out.

The priest present came to pay attention, and the dagger priest smiled wryly and shook his head:

"Matt, Mr. Zhang is amazing, but there are four ghost kings in it. The ghost kings are not ordinary ghosts. Oh, forget it, God bless, Wesley and Mr. Zhang are fine, let's do the work at hand first Ok."

"I believe it's Mr. Zhang, and if God blesses you in this situation, the Jade Emperor will bless you."

Matt replied.


the other side.

Inside Ghostland Beach.

at this time.

This Nuoda beach was covered in fog, not to mention seeing the battle between Zhang Wei and the ghost king, even if he stretched out his hand, he might not be able to see his fingers.

But that's why.

The stall staff and others were all shocked there, looking at the white mist and water vapor in front of them, there was only one thought in their mind... Now I know why Blackbeard was almost killed by Ace, the Great Yanjie Yandi really... So strong, so handsome.

Immediately afterwards.

As the white fog gradually dissipated, they could barely see the people around them. Without exception, everyone was talking about it. Apart from how the conversation was going, the most talked about was who Zhang Wei was.

"He is definitely a devil fruit capable user, that is the natural ability to burn the fruit, I swear on my lower body and the happiness of the second half of my life!"

"Yes! I think so too."

"It turns out that he said before that he is a family of D, the family of One Piece D."

Facing these people, many people are confused:

"What are you talking about? What devil fruit ability user?"

"Why do you clearly speak English, but why do I not understand what you are saying?"

For those who have never seen One Piece, the stall staff and others bluntly summarized the things about One Piece to everyone.


Many people were stunned and said something like "Huh? The power that the Daxia people used just now came from the cartoon One Piece? Are you kidding me? Can the moves in the cartoon be used in reality?".


Someone pointed at the booth staff and said:

"You profiteer, I think you just want to promote the fruit you sell, what are you talking about, and the Daxia people got the ability to burn the fruit after eating your 'Shao Shao Guo', your bragging ability is not as good as Trump Same."

"Fake, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, ask those people who lined up with the Daxia people before. They all saw that the Daxia people came to buy my devil fruit empty-handed, and then you also saw it. He It's a devil fruit from the bag at my house."

While talking, the stall staff picked up their own 'devil fruits' one after another, and prepared to eat them one by one until they got the fruit ability to hit them in the face.

Just when the stall staff just picked up a 'dark fruit'.

"Look, the fog is about to disperse!"

An exclamation sounded.

After hearing this, everyone looked forward to the place where Zhang Wei was fighting with the ghost kings, without bothering to discuss.

can be seen.

As the time goes.

The water vapor gradually dissipated, revealing the scene of the sea ahead.


"my Lord."

Everyone was astonished, seeing the sea in front of them, the sparkling sea water was no longer there, and sometimes a huge hole was blown out of the sea surface, and the surrounding sea water kept pouring into the hole.

And Zhang Wei stood by the beach, looking into the big pothole on the sea.


The four ghost kings either knelt on the ground, or stood there with trembling feet. None of them was in a panic, covered in blood, even the demon with the strongest healing power. Healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Yo, you really didn't die, I thought I was so small, you would be burned until there was not even a chicken left." Zhang Wei grinned and spoke fluent English.

The four ghost kings: "..."

【Ding! The four ghost kings want to swear, you are poisonous, you have a problem with your focus】

[Host obtains system points +440]

In fact.

Zhang Wei was not surprised that the four ghost kings were not dead, because he noticed that some of the ghost domains were broken, but they were not broken. It was obvious that they were still alive.

at the same time.

Seeing that compared with their bloody flesh, Zhang Wei has no skin injuries except that his body is more dusty. The ghost kings couldn't help their eyelids twitching, and couldn't help asking the demons beside them:

"Acro, what the hell is that man?"

Just when Zhang Wei's 'big move' came down, the werewolf ghost king and the others were desperate and thought they were going to die. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the demons took out a town-level ghost. In the end, at the cost of their embarrassment and injury and the ghost's shattering, they Fortunately, he survived.

Same time.

While the white mist dissipated, they learned about Zhang Wei's ability from the devil's mouth. According to the devil's words, it called Zhang Wei a devil fruit ability user, and the ability he used was only after eating the devil fruit. One hundred do not believe it, just kidding, it is a cartoon.

"That's really a devil fruit ability user, there's nothing wrong with it, although what I said is very fucking, but really, I don't need to lie to you at this time."

The corner of the devil's mouth twitched.

As soon as his words came out.

The other ghost kings were silent for a while. It is true that they are all about to be killed by Zhang Wei now. There is no need to hide their death, and there is no need to hide it for the enemy.

Can't help it.

Seeing Zhang Wei approaching them, the Vampire King hurriedly asked:

"Then how to deal with devil fruit ability users, tell me quickly!"

The devil heard the words and said subconsciously:

"To deal with the devil fruit of the natural type, it must use sea water, or armed domineering, sea water will not work, he can evaporate, and armed domineering, we will not."

Words come out.

The devil could feel that the vampire kings were looking at him with a look of "what are you talking about?"

He immediately changed his words:

"If you can't beat him, then seal him. Let's do it. We use the method of sealing the devil to seal him. Anyway, he is a devil fruit capable person, so it should work."

Without hesitation.

Facing the crisis of life and death, the four ghost kings dared not be careless, and rushed towards Zhang Wei in four directions, murmuring ancient spells in their mouths.


An ancient western six-pointed star circle appeared, accompanied by jet-black rays of light, and enveloped Zhang Wei.

This scene.

Seen by Weisili not far away, his face changed in shock, and he hurriedly shouted:

"Mr. Jade Emperor, be careful!!! That is an ancient magic circle that seals demons, run away!"

Zhang Wei, who was about to burn the fruit, stopped when he heard it, but he didn't retreat, and said to Wei Sili:

"Thank you for the reminder, but we can't leave because... I am a Daxia person, and I will never take a step back."""

His words speak out.

The four ghost kings who wished to tear up Wei Sili were stunned for a moment.

【Ding! The ghost kings wanted to laugh, haha, it turned out to be a big Xia reckless man, it seems that we have a chance to survive! 】

[Host obtains system points +460]

next second.

The ghost kings used ancient magic circles to cover Zhang Wei, trying to seal him.


Also this second.

Facing the attack of the ghost kings, Zhang Wei stood there and stretched out his hand to the packaging bag hanging on his waist, and took out a strangely shaped fruit from it.

【Ding! Demon thrillers, that's... not good! ! ! ! Yes, it is a shocking fruit! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +190]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Far away on the beach, the stall staff who were holding the 'Devil Fruit', and other people who were familiar with One Piece, all cried out in surprise:

"Shocking fruit?!"


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