Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 369 Destroy The Beach In Hawaii And Trigger Special Rewards

next moment.

Under the wide-eyed stares of everyone, especially the shocking eyes of the stall staff, Zhang Wei picked up the Zhenzhen fruit and bit it down.

【Ding! Take back 49999 system points of Shaoshao fruit]

【Ding! 50,000 system points for blessing the fruit of Zhenzhen]

The system prompt sounds.

The ancient magic circle cast by the demons and their joint efforts struck.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei, who had bitten off the Zhenzhen fruit, moved, and punched the approaching ancient magic circle head-on.


A shocking scene appeared.

Obviously, the ancient magic circle was still three or four meters away from Zhang Wei, and there was nothing in front of Zhang Wei's fist, but it seemed to hit an invisible mirror, and the mirror instantly shattered into cracks.

next second.

The crack spread and hit the oncoming ancient magic circle.

Ka Ka Ka...

Accompanied by the shattering sound of the mirror, the ancient magic circle shattered.

【Ding! The eyes of the four ghost kings are tearing apart, Fake? ! how can that be? ! puff! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +450]

The ancient magic circle was shattered.

The four ghost kings felt as if they had been hit hard at this moment, and they felt an incomparable vibration bombarding them, causing them to vomit blood, and flew upside down into the sea surface, splashing four waves of skyrocketing waves.

"What kind of power is this..."

The werewolf ghost king stared in horror, feeling that his internal organs were about to be displaced.

At this moment.

The devil also coughed up blood and stood up, terrified and said:

"In addition to burning fruits, there are also shaking fruits? Falk, is he Blackbeard? Didn't he say that devil fruits can't coexist, Shet!"

【Ding! The devil wants to swear, draft it, you hang up! You can use the devil fruit ability while riding a horse, why don't you follow the rules of the devil fruit, black beard you are riding a horse】

[Host obtains system points +170]

As the demon spoke, he seemed to sense the doubtful eyes of the other three ghost kings, and he hurriedly said:

"Be careful, it's the Zhenzhen Fruit, it's very powerful, and it's the Devil Fruit owned by Whitebeard, who is known as the 'World's Strongest Man'."

As soon as his words came out.

The hearts of the three ghost kings trembled violently.

Although they don't know what the Zhenzhen Fruit is, they know that this fruit is awesome just by hearing the name "World's Strongest Man".

【Ding! The ghost kings are trembling, generous gift crabs, the strongest man in the world? If you want to play such a big game, why don’t you come to Hawaii to have sex, how did you meet such a perverted existence]

[Host obtains system points +360]

at this time.

Zhang Wei also attacked.

After seeing him shatter the ancient magic circle with one punch, he couldn't help muttering:

"As expected, it's a shocking fruit. Everything can be shaken. It's a pity that White Beard can't use it. He can only use it to hit people. If it's used on a woman, it's like a human-shaped impact drill. Try it next time, hehe... oh, No, shouldn't I make this kind of laughter now, it should be... Gu la la la."

Speaking of back.

Zhang Wei imitated the laughter of the white beard.


He didn't stop the movement of his hands, raised his fist, and hammered out the air on the left and right sides.

Click! !

The air on both sides shattered like a mirror.

The next moment.

The sea that had just returned to calm shook violently at this moment, creating huge waves, which were no longer waves, but tsunami, with a height of half a hundred meters.

Not to mention the demons, even the drowning ghost king, who is a master of water control, shrank his pupils.


The drowning ghost king didn't look on, he raised his big hand and poured out a monstrous ghostly aura, trying to control the sea water to resist the tsunami caused by Zhang Wei.

But at this time.

"Hey, oh, that's wrong, Gula la la, want to fight me? Do you think I don't exist?"

Zhang Wei noticed the movement of the quasi-water turtle, and immediately grabbed it with both hands in front of the void, and with a roar, he suddenly tilted his hands and pulled down to exert force.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! —————

Earthquake mountainside.

At this moment, not only the sea surface, but also the beach in this ghost domain were trembling, like an earthquake of magnitude 18, everyone felt that the land was tilted.


Not feeling.

Really tilted!

Whether it was the stall staff or other people, thousands of people on the entire beach fell and rolled in one direction. The beach that was originally lying flat tilted in the direction Zhang Wei pulled down.

Same time.

When everyone tilted and fell, they also saw the sea in front of them, which tilted in the opposite direction.

This scene was spectacular and shocked people's hearts. The Daxia people subverted the beach and sea of ​​Nuoda by themselves. It was a real subversion.


Not only in this ghost domain.


Outside the ghost domain beach, it was also affected.

In the eyes of Matt and other priests and the evacuated tourists, the sea surface of the distant beach where there was a strange crack before suddenly shook violently, and then accompanied by a sound like a broken mirror, a tsunami set off on the sea surface, bringing with them the people on this beach. The surface of the sea was affected, the waves were rolling, and the surface of the sea tilted unprecedentedly.


"My Virgin Mary."

"Gift Crab..."

Matt and the others were all stunned, and the eyes of the evacuated tourists almost popped out of their sockets, all staring at the sea.

They all saw it.

The surface of the sea and the beach where they were located presented an angle of forty-five degrees.

"What the hell is going on inside?!"

"What are Weisili and the ghost kings doing?"

Father Dagger and the others trembled, looking at the waves that covered the sky, they were shocked as if their mouths were parched, and their breathing became short of breath.

for sure.

Whether it's them or the tourists inside and outside the ghost domain, what happened today is destined to make them unforgettable all their lives, especially everyone in the ghost domain. The creation of heaven and earth was not done by God, but by a Daxia man who called himself the Jade Emperor.

Also for this.

People who have the habit of keeping diaries in the ghost domain, without exception, looking at the scene in front of them, are thinking about one thing... If I can survive today, I must write down what happened today:

[Today, the weather is sunny and cloudy, and I am very excited because I saw a fairy, that fairy almost lifted the earth and the ocean with his own power, that fairy is called the Jade Emperor]

Just when these people were thinking.

at the same time.

A system prompt sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! The four ghost kings are scared to pee, stop fighting, I will stop fighting, are we sure we are fighting ghost exorcists? 】

[Host obtains system points +500]

【Trigger special reward】

[The host gets a permanent item 'Slave Collar']

[Slave collar: Use this item to put it on anyone or a ghost, and you can make the slave into your own slave. The other party cannot betray the host. Even if they have thoughts that are not good for the host, they will be shared by the host and cannot be rejected. The host's orders can only be obeyed.

in addition.

This prop is controlled by the host, no matter any 'user' uses this prop, in the end result, the slave is only enslaved by the host, and can only act on one object.

This method has strength restrictions, and the "enslaved" must not exceed the strength of the "user". 】


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