Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 370 Daxia People, You Are Too Much, You...

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei, who was just about to continue working, stopped, his expression slightly startled:

"Slave collar?"

Knowing the function of the slave collar, Zhang Wei raised a smile, this is a good thing!

"With my current strength, I can have one more ghost king-level slave."


"If you use a slave collar with a stronger one, you can capture a stronger slave."

talking to himself.

Fatty and the others came to Zhang Wei's mind. If he let Fatty use it, then he would be able to have one more slave with Fatty's strength.

Think here.

He looked towards the demons who were swallowed by the sea and leaned forward:

"I just don't know how to use and control the slave collar, so I have to experiment first."


Zhang Wei used the shaking fruit ability again, restoring the calm of the sea and the beach. At the same time, the four ghost kings were also shaken out from the sea, lying on the beach like dead dogs one by one, letting the sea wash them away.

can be seen.

The current demons are full of scars, and they were severely injured by the tsunami carrying the power of the shaking fruit.

Immediately afterwards.

When they saw Zhang Wei walking towards them, their faces were full of fear, endured the serious injuries, and dragged their bodies by their shoulders to retreat, trying to stay away from Zhang Wei.

【Ding! The four ghost kings are terrified]

[Host obtains system points +520]

"We knew we were wrong, and we dare not do it again."

"Our mistake just now, I beg you to have a lot of adults, please forgive us."

The demons begged for mercy one after another.

Under the threat of life and death, they no longer have the demeanor of ghost kings, and they do not hesitate to kneel there in front of thousands of people, kowtowing their heads vigorously and begging for mercy.

"This is the power of the strongest man in the world. He is indeed the fruit of Zhenzhen. Then what will he do next? Kill them, or accept them as his son? Hahahaha."

It was the stall staff who spoke. When he saw the demons kneeling there, he knew that they had survived, so he couldn't help but tease out of joy.


He still doesn't forget to educate those who don't understand One Piece, and tell them that in One Piece, Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, his greatest hobby is to accept someone he admires as his son, because Whitebeard is very eager. have family.

"Haha, look at those four monsters. I don't think they are any different from my son now."

"There is a difference. They look like grandsons, one generation lower than sons."

After the catastrophe, the rest of the family was born, and everyone ridiculed them constantly.

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know what the crowd was talking about, so his eyes fell on the four ghost kings. To be precise, it was when the werewolf ghost king saw that Zhang Wei was unmoved by his begging for mercy, so he lost his face immediately and cried directly:

"Please let me go. If I die, no one will protect my family. I am the strongest in my family. There is an 80-year-old wolf mother in my family, and there is a ten-year-old wolf waiting to be suckled. Werewolves."

"If I die, my position as wolf king will be replaced, and my family will be killed by other werewolves. This Lord of Great Xia, you may not know that werewolves are a family of ghosts. We are actually the same as lions, wolves and tigers." , once the king is replaced, the king of the previous generation will be kicked out, or even killed."

His words speak out.

The Werewolf Ghost King and the others clearly saw it, and Zhang Wei froze for a moment.


The remaining three ghost kings thought it had worked, and some of them followed suit and cried, begging for their own family members, and so on.

【Ding! Werewolf ghost king, it seems that it is really useful. Fortunately, there is a very popular Daxia actor Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee) in the beautiful country. The people in his movies are just crying and begging, which will make people feel soft.]

[Host obtains system points +180]


In order to survive, the four ghost kings scrambled to compare each other, telling how they would be if they died.

They didn't stop talking until Zhang Wei raised his hand and waved it.

"So you have family members in your family, right? There are many, right?"

After seeing the demons and they nodded, Zhang Wei's eyes flickered, as if he had thought of something, and immediately changed the subject:

"Then do you have any women in your family? It doesn't matter if you are beautiful or not, but it is best to have a big enough breast and a good figure, is there any? I have a friend named Zhang Chao, and I want to give him a blind date. girlfriend."

It's not loud.

But the demons could hear them clearly, and even some people behind them heard it, and they were stunned for a while.

Four ghost kings: "????"

Everyone: "?????"

【Ding! The four ghost kings were stunned for a moment, you have a friend who wants to go on a blind date? You are teasing me, the friend named Zhang Chao you mentioned is you, right?]

[Host obtains system points +500]

When you see Zhang Wei's smiling face.

The mouth corners of the four ghost kings twitched violently.

【Ding! The four ghost kings came back to their senses, yes, it must be like this, this person is going to... Cao our family! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +520]

【Ding! The four ghost kings desperately want to curse people, draft it, you bastard! It's fine if you want to kill us, but you still want to fuck my women, I dnd, I will fight with you! 】

[Host obtains system points +540]

"Big Xia people, you are too much, you..."

The demon was the first to explode, and he yelled loudly, enduring his injuries.

But it's not halfway through.

Zhang Wei lifted up the air that hit the left rear with a fist, overflowing with the terrifying power of the shocking fruit, and the entire space cracked like a spider web of mirror traces.

next moment.

The devil immediately changed his words:

"You're going too far. How could you be so clear about my family's situation? Fate. This is, yes, there is a woman in my family, and it just fits what you said."

【Ding! The devil is scared, use force, right? Okay, you have the guts, you deserve to be a Daxia person]

[Host obtains system points +160]

"What about you? Do you have any?"

Zhang Wei asked the remaining three ghost kings.

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Yes, yes, I have a distant relative. She looks ordinary, but she has a good figure. She has a super big belly. I can call her here right now. You can do whatever you want. We werewolves are very patient."

"Me too, I can also call over."

Their words and deeds were observed by everyone in the rear, as if they had been rehearsed beforehand, Qi Qi showed a strangely consistent look, and couldn't stop looking at Zhang Wei.

that look.

that look.

It seems to be saying silently——Wori, this person... even wants to fuck monsters? !

Obviously they have the same idea as the four ghost kings. After all, how can any friend be so eager to have a girlfriend and lie to ghosts.

Just when everyone was thinking wildly.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded:

"Is this the enthusiasm of foreigners? I, a native of Daxia, feel it. It's not too late. Give me the phone numbers of your women. I'll let my friends go on a blind date with them."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei picked up the phone and made a video call to Zhang Chao.

Originally, he planned to kill them and leave one of them as a slave collar experiment, but the devil changed his mind with a word. There was no other reason. He remembered that he hadn't bought a Hawaiian 'souvenir' for Zhang Chao.


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