Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 371 Chang Wei, You Still Said You Don't Know Martial Arts

"Fortunately, the devil reminded me, otherwise I almost forgot that I haven't bought Zhang Chao's souvenir yet. It's ready now. I have the souvenir. It's still fresh, soft, and the key is transparent. Zhang Chao will definitely like it." .”

Zhang Wei muttered in his heart.


He ignored the astonished stares of the ghost kings and the people behind him, and made a video call to Zhang Chao.

After a few beeps, the WeChat video was connected.

can be seen.

On the screen, Zhang Chao is walking in a corridor wearing something similar to a bathrobe, and there seems to be a waitress beside him:

"Zhang Wei, why did you call me? Aren't you attending a Hawaiian festival? At this time, you should have found a European and American lady, and then you happily hugged each other, walking all the way to the back of a beach reef, and started the exciting time?"

Zhang Wei shook his head and said:

"Don't mention it. In the middle of the ceremony, a supernatural event suddenly happened. Four ghost kings came. I am now dealing with this supernatural event."

Zhang Chao: "????"

When Zhang Chao, who was walking in the corridor, heard the words, his footsteps stopped suddenly, as if he was hallucinating:

"Oh, the supernatural event of the four ghost kings, is it so unlucky, then I have to laugh... Wait, what are you talking about?! Four ghost kings?!"

After getting a nod from Zhang Wei.

Zhang Chao's eyelids jumped wildly, and he stared at the screen quickly, only then did he notice the beach dust on Zhang Wei's clothes.

I thought it was Zhang Wei rolling on the beach with the European and American ladies, so the dust was on it, but it turned out that it was not, but fighting with the ghost king.

Think about it.

Zhang Chao couldn't sit still any longer:

"Hey, Zhang Wei, are you okay? How's the situation? Can you handle the four ghost kings? Have you solved the problem? Otherwise, why don't you call me when you have time?"

"No, it hasn't been resolved yet."

As soon as Zhang Wei's words came out.

Zhang Chao's eyelids jumped wildly, and he cursed:

"You still call me before it's resolved, you have such a big heart?! You don't just call me, you want to leave a last message, fuck, don't do it, you send me the address, I'll go now Please contact me to see if there are any Daxia ghost exorcists in Hawaii, let them support you, horse riding, isn’t Hawaii the territory of the Holy See, what are those people doing for food!”

In the face of Zhang Chao's concern.

Zhang Wei's heart warmed, this friend was worthwhile and he helped him on a blind date:

"Zhang Chao, what are you thinking? I didn't know that I couldn't fight, so I called you in advance to leave a last message. I'm fine. The four ghost kings are just little hot chickens. I can handle them with more than enough rubbing."

【Ding! The mouth corners of the four ghost kings twitched, humiliating us in front of us, you...]

[Host obtains system points +420]

【Ding! The four ghost kings felt the eyes of the host... You scolded well, yes, we are garbage, just like you Daxia Wanwan, garbage among garbage]

[Host obtains system points +440]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Chao also heard a voice:

"Are you kidding me? Do you think you are the Jade Emperor? That's the ghost king. I know you have the strength of a ghost king, but the four ghost kings unite to kill a ghost king in a flash."

"I don't believe it, you see that your screen doesn't shake right now, and you're clearly hiding in one place without moving. In your current situation, you still say that you have more than enough rubbing. The only picture I can imagine is you Video chat with me with one hand, and fight back and forth with the four ghost kings with the other hand, is this possible, impossible!"

For Zhang Chao's words.

Zhang Wei laughed and said:

"Is there a possibility that those four ghost kings didn't call me, but just knelt in front of me and watched me talk to you on the phone."

Zhang Chao: "..."

next second.

Chao Zhang said:

"Are you fucking kidding me? How is this possible? This is more nonsense than the picture I made up, okay? If so, I'll live broadcast the handstand..."

The word shit hasn't been said yet.

Zhang Chao saw it, and the picture of Zhang Wei on the mobile phone suddenly turned to the front, and four terrifying figures appeared on the screen. Although they were in a panic, they could be seen as ghost kings, but they knelt on the knees together , after Zhang Wei's mobile phone was turned around, they both smiled and waved towards the camera:

"Hello, Master Zhang Chao."

"Master Zhang Chao, hello, I'm Akeluo, please take care of me."

They apologized one after another, without concealing their "dog licking" words and deeds, and even the werewolf ghost king directly kowtowed:

"I am the werewolf Odd, I have met the friend of the Jade Emperor, Master Zhang Chao!!"

Zhang Chao: "??"

Zhang Chao was stunned, with an indescribable expression on his face, staring at the screen until Zhang Wei turned the camera back, and then he came back to his senses.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei smiled and said slowly:

"Zhang Chao, what did you just say? If so, what did you do handstand live broadcast?"

Zhang Chao coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and said in shock:

"Made, I thought I had already overestimated Zhang Wei. It was my fault. I didn't deserve it. You are so strong."

"I must be very strong, you don't need to tell me."

"Depend on!"

Zhang Chao raised his middle finger when he heard the words, and now that Zhang Wei is fine, he is also relieved, his face returned to a hippie smile and continued:

"But to be honest, Zhang Wei, you can do it. You actually beat the four ghost kings to their knees. And what are you doing now? Why are you beating the ghost king and calling me? Are you pretending to be naked with me? Believe it or not I just opened my mouth, and I will directly change you from four ghost kings to five ghost kings, hahahaha."

"No, no, Zhang Chao, you are wrong. I'm not pretending to you. I'm making a souvenir for you. What you said, I must bring you a gift when I come back from Hawaii, right? Now I give you You gave me a Hawaiian souvenir."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Chao: "???"

"I'm sorry, Zhang gave you this f---ing present, so wild, just give me the ghost of Hawaii, and it's still the king of ghosts!"

"Zhang Chao, you are wrong again. I didn't want to give you the ghost king. They are so rubbish. It seems that I am inferior to sending you. I intend to introduce their women to you and have a blind date with you. Because you said, I want big naizi."

Following Zhang Wei's words, it fell again.

Zhang Chao: "?????"

Although Zhang Chao didn't speak, Zhang Wei could see what he meant from his expression at the moment, it was clearly saying "Wodefa!" silently.

I was stunned for two or three seconds.

Before Zhang Chao opened his mouth, his eyes were wide open, and he said in a shocking voice:

"My Cao!! Zhang Wei, this is too...exciting!! I understand now, why those four ghosts looked at me so flatteringly just now, they all want to be my relatives, Zhang Wei, you really What's more... to deliver food to the Panda's family, the bamboo shoots came home, beat up the ghost king, and even fuck their daughter, fuck, hahahaha."

"But to be reasonable, aren't you afraid of a chance that I will succeed in the truth?"

"After that, my child asked us how I got together with my mother, and how did my mother answer."

"Is it possible to say, baby, that mom will go with your dad? It's your dad's friend who threatened my family, saying that if I don't go on a blind date with your dad, he will kill all thirteen members of my family, including the dog. Don't let it go."

In the end.

Zhang Chao himself was amused, pointed at Zhang Wei and said:

"Chang Wei, you still said you don't know martial arts!!"


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