Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 373: Ghost King Wholesaler? Or The Manufacturer?

"Captain Lin?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised, but Tong Lin rarely called him unless something happened. Thinking of this, Zhang Wei answered the phone:

"Captain Lin, what kind of wind brought you here today?"

"Haha, of course I have something good to ask you, Zhang Wei, are you busy now? If I'm busy, I'll call you later."

As soon as Lin Tong spoke.

Zhang Wei first glanced at the demons who were fighting for favor with each other, and then replied:

"Not busy, not busy, I'm free now, what a good thing, Captain Lin."

Lin Tong didn't hold back, and said bluntly:

"Zhang Wei, you traded the ghost king's head with us before, and the approval has come down. In view of the fact that Mr. Liu Shu and you have helped deal with supernatural events many times, the Department of Health and Dao agrees that you go to the prison of the Department of Health and Dao."

Zhang Wei was startled when he heard this, his eyes lit up instantly.

This is really good news!


Zhang Wei asked:

"That's a good thing. I've wanted to go to the prison of the Department of Defense for a long time. How about it? When will I go?"

"You can go whenever you want. When you come back from your trip to Hawaii, I will give you the approval document from the Department of Health and Dao, as well as the ID card to temporarily enter the prison of the Department of Health. If you want to go then, take these and I will take you there." , or let Lian Xue take you there."


Zhang Wei was originally in a great mood, but now he is on a higher level:

"Thank you Captain Lin for helping me. I'll come back from Hawaii in a few days. I'll treat you to dinner."

"You're welcome. I'm just an intermediary. I can't help you by reporting the news. Oh, by the way, Zhang Wei spent a total of 7 ghost king heads for your transaction to the prison of the Department of Defense. The remaining ghost king heads There are still corpses, how do you trade with the Department of Health, you can tell me, and I will report it."

in words.

Lin Tong recalled the number of ghost king heads that Zhang Wei and Mr. Liu Shu had given to Wei Daosi for trade. He couldn't count the number for a while. There were too many, more than a dozen.

at the same time.

Hearing Lin Tong's words, Zhang Wei raised a smile on his face.

Is it so comfortable to exchange the heads of the seven ghost kings to go to the Weidaosi Prison? I really gathered the seven 'Dragon Balls' and summoned the dragon. The Shenlong helped me fulfill my wish to go to the Weidaosi Prison.


Zhang Wei responded:

"Captain Lin Tong, help me exchange for three town-level magical artifacts, the ones that need protection."

He had already thought about it a long time ago, if he couldn't go to the Weidaosi Prison, then he would exchange three town-level magic weapons for Qiu Xiaolin, his parents, and as for Lu Lianxue, he would get them for her later, after all, Lu Lianxue's back Relying on Longhushan, there must be town-level magic weapons, so adding accessories blessed by its own system will basically not be in danger.


Lin Tong's eyelids twitched violently. If he hadn't known that it was Zhang Wei who was on the phone with him, he would have definitely thought that the other party was a fool. It was a town-level magic weapon, and only a wealthy man like Zhang Wei dared to exchange so much at once.

"Zhang Wei, although you traded a lot of Ghost King's heads with the Secretary of Defense, the remaining quantity is not enough to exchange. At most, I can exchange two for you."

"How much is there?"

"I don't know about that. It depends on the town-level magic weapon that the Secretary of Defense gave you. However, you gave a lot of heads and corpses of the ghost king. It is estimated that at least three ghost king corpses are needed to exchange for three ghost kings. A town-level magic weapon, right?"

When Lin Tong said the latter, even though he was the captain of the Department of Health and Justice, he couldn't help being frightened. He didn't expect that one day he would be able to say such rich and powerful words, and he felt as if he was negotiating a tens of billions of business deals.

But he didn't wait for Lin Tong to savor the feeling.

Zhang Wei's voice came first:

"Three? That's okay, it's not too much. I have three imported ones now, and they are still alive and kicking. I haven't killed them yet. By the way, Captain Lin, if you give the ghost king alive to the Department of Defense, is it better than dead ones?" It’s more valuable, if yes, I’ll send you a living past.”

Lin Tong was stunned.

It can be seen that Lin Tong maintained the posture of holding his mobile phone to listen, with a confused look on his face.

When he came back to his senses, he said with an auditory hallucination expression:

"... Zhang Wei, say it again, you still want to give us the corpses of the three ghost kings of Wei Daosi, no, they are alive?!"



With Zhang Wei's affirmation, Lin Tong felt that his brain was short-circuited, and he only had one thought... Zhang Wei, are you human? You just give me three directly. How many ghost kings do you have on hand? This is not a wholesaler, it's just a manufacturer. Wholesale production of ghost kings.

Just when Lin Tong was thinking wildly.

Zhang Wei thought that Lin Tong didn't speak because the three were not enough, so he couldn't help but look at the demons again and said:

"Is it because the quantity is not enough? If not, I can add one more."

As soon as the words came out.

Lin Tong: "????"

Lin Tong's expression changed, he looked frightened, he couldn't care less about being in a daze and hurriedly said:

"Enough, let's give three first, and wait for me to report."

Even if he was the captain of the Department of Health and Dao, Lin Tong, who had seen big winds and waves, couldn't bear Zhang Wei's wealth.


After chatting briefly with Zhang Wei again, Lin Tong hung up the phone and was about to report to the Department of Health and Justice. Zhang Wei came to trade again, and this time there might be three living ghost kings.

Think here.

Lin Tong couldn't help stopping the phone, chose to open the address book first, and added a note in parentheses to Zhang Wei's name - Zhang Wei (a person with 'money'), and then called.

the other side.

Hawaii, on Ghostland Beach.

After Zhang Wei hung up Lin Tong's phone, with a roar, the bang exploded, and Zhang Wei couldn't help but look towards the source of the sound.

Those are demons.

at this time.

After a long period of 'competing for favor', they finally entered the palace and fought like Zhen Huan's biography.

"Ode, do you think that you are worthy of serving as an adult? Only I am worthy."

The drowning ghost king was gloomy, and the water droplets transformed by the yin energy all over his body fell down, dyeing the sea surface where he was in dark green.

"Why am I not worthy? I am a werewolf. What do you know? In Daxia, there is a name for serving people. It is called dog licking. I, the werewolf Odd, is also a dog ghost, and dog licking is also a dog. How can I say that?" It doesn't fit anymore."

The werewolf Ord's eyes were cold, his hair was calm and automatic, and he seemed to have a big disagreement and a big fight.

Except for both.

The devil and the vampire king were not much better either, they were unwilling to remain silent, and they all said that they were the most suitable, and for a while the four ghost kings were fighting each other.

This scene.

Zhang Wei has a panoramic view.


It was also seen by Wei Sili and others in the distance, and they all froze in place.

"Wardfa, this..."

It was Wesley who spoke.

Although he couldn't understand Zhang Wei's conversation with Zhang Chao and Lin Tong, he could understand the demons' words, which were in English. He never thought that one day he would see four ghost kings trying to be "dogs" for others. And fight.

Not only Wesley, but also the other priests, just stood there in a daze until Matt's voice came...

I saw Matt looking into the distance, the demon roared and took the lead to attack the three ghost kings, his eyes lit up, and he spoke excitedly:

"My God, look at Frye and Wesley, even the devil has made a move. As expected of the Jade Emperor, even the terrible devil is willing to be his dog. It is impossible for God to do it. God can only let the devil Hatred and fear of him will not make the devil submit."

Those excited words made him want to tell all the good things about the Jade Emperor in one breath, and he wanted to persuade them to believe in the Jade Emperor with him in Weisili.

"The longevity of the Jade Emperor is equal to the sky!!"

in words.

Matt has decided that he will believe in the Jade Emperor for the rest of his life, and he must also become strong, so that in the future, the glory of the Jade Emperor will shine on the land of Europe and America.


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