Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 374 You Are Not Only A Zhang Who Just Opened His Mouth, But Also A Zhang Who Spurted Blood

the other side.

Seeing that the four ghost kings were about to fight, Zhang Wei appeared in front of them and said:

"Gula la la, seeing that you are doing this for me, I appreciate you even more, but if you fight for me, it will be bad if you get hurt."

As soon as his words came out.

The demons subconsciously looked at their wounds.

【Ding! The corners of the mouths of the four ghost kings twitch... we are only allowed to be injured by you, not ourselves, right?]

[Host obtains system points +400]

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei continued:

"So you don't want to compete with each other by force. It is recommended to adopt a peaceful method. After my friend Zhang Chao finishes his blind date and see which one he likes, then which one of you will be my slave."

The four ghost kings: "..."

【Ding! Fuck the four ghost kings, are you talking in human language? Too bad! Never expected, you are... your friend treats you as a brother, but you want to be your friend's master? Wrong, dog? Dog in-laws? 】

[Host obtains system points +440]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei can’t laugh or cry, the brain circuits of these ghost kings are quite strange. I obviously let Zhang Chao’s girlfriend betray Zhang Chao, so I let my girlfriend’s relatives be my slaves, okay, how come you are like this .


It seems that this is indeed the case. If Zhang Chao chooses someone to be his girlfriend, then the relationship spectrum seems a bit messy.

"Forget it, don't think about it for now. It's just a present for Zhang Chao. Maybe even Zhang Chao doesn't like it."

Zhang Wei muttered in his heart.


Zhang Wei sent a message to Zhang Chao.

【Zhang Wei】: How is it? Have you started a blind date?

[Zhang Chao]: No, no, this is a blind date, brother, at least I have to change into some good clothes. It’s not like you haven’t seen the bathrobe I’m wearing now, how can I have a video blind date with someone.

【Zhang Wei】: What are you afraid of? Isn't this just right? You can take off your clothes at any time. After all, it's a blind date, and you have to be honest with each other!

[Zhang Chao]: It’s good to be honest with each other. Convex (ラッド) how can you be honest with each other, that is to show ru.

【Zhang Wei】: This is not honest, but you have exposed your truest side, Yin Xiao,jpg

[Zhang Chao]: Listen to me, thank you for warming the four seasons jpg

[Zhang Chao]: Don’t worry, you caught them anyway, so don’t be afraid that I’ll be late for the blind date. Speaking of which, I’m thinking about two questions. If I fall in love with their female family members, then my relationship with you seems a bit delicate, squint eyes jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Cough, everyone has their own opinions, and I don't want to be a slave for a lifetime. If you are successful, I will not be a slave. Let's not talk about this, you have two questions? What is that other one?

[Zhang Chao]: Another thing I was thinking about, if... I mean, if I valued that werewolf girl, and she was really matched, would I be condemned by dog ​​lovers, after all, I am super super If you want to do wolf silver, dog lovers will get angry, cover your mouth and laugh out loud jpg

【Zhang Wei】: Gan, your idea... Hahaha, Zhang Chao, I think you are not only a Zhang who just opened his mouth, but also a Zhang with blood, this idea is very bloody.

This message is sent.

Zhang Wei's eyes did not leave the WeChat interface, and he always felt that with the effectiveness of Zhang Chao's mouth, the werewolf girl might not be...

Knowing that Zhang Chao was about to go on a blind date, Zhang Wei didn't plan to stay for a long time. He took the four ghost kings, scanned the rear, finally found Matt and the others, and walked straight over.

Zhang Wei's move.

They startled Wei Sili.

I see.

Zhang Wei walked towards them, followed by four ghost kings who were undisguisedly terrifying. The scene was comparable to that of ordinary citizens who saw the young and Dangerous Hongxing gang mobilized, and would have to urinate a few drops in fright.


Before Zhang Wei opened his mouth, he pointed to the four ghost kings behind him. The ghost kings also saw Zhang Wei pointing, and immediately nodded to their priests with an apologetic smile:

"It turns out that your lord knows the priest. Hello, priests."

"The priests have worked hard. Exorcism must be very tiring. I, Akro, will apologize to you on behalf of the demon family."

Weisili and the others felt like they were in a dream when they heard the words. They were always exorcising demons. Where did they ever see demons apologizing to them? He waved his hand with an apologetic smile.

Zhang Wei didn't pay attention to these, pointing at the demons behind him, he said:

"I've dealt with them for you. They are mine now. I've dealt with the matter for you. I'll issue you a bank card later, and you'll be paid on my card. You need Daxia money, not US dollars. I'll pay you back." Let's go first if you have something to do, see you at the party later."

The words fell.

While Matt and the others were stunned, as well as the stall staff and everyone else, Zhang Wei left with the four ghost kings.

For a long time.

After waiting for the stall staff and others to relax, the crowd erupted:

"That Daxia man not only beat the ghost, but also surrendered? I'm not dreaming."

"I now understand why Daxia was able to expand its territory to Europe during the Yuan Dynasty. Is this how the ability to surrender along the way came?"

"Gift Crab, I've decided. This time I'm going to study abroad, I'm going to Daxia. No one should persuade me, even if God comes, don't try to persuade me!"

"Party? Could it be Mr. Matt's yacht party at night? Will the Daxia people also go? My God, no, my bikini is not sexy enough, and the fabric is still too much."

The last word is about a woman who is 1.78 meters tall, with a slender posture and perfect body proportions. She is a model. She was invited by Matt yesterday to participate in a yacht party. Because of this, she deliberately arrived at the beach early and bought a Set of sexy bikinis, ready to hang Matt the scarab.


It now appears that the real scarab on the yacht is someone else.

at this time.

She didn't notice that when she said this, a middle-aged woman next to her listened to her words, instinctively looked at her clothes, suddenly showed a strange expression, and murmured in a low voice:

"You call it too much cloth? Just slap the cloth the size of your palm and tie it with a few ropes. How little is that?"

at the same time.

Zhang Wei didn't know about the model, he walked out of the beach with four ghost kings:

"What do you mean, actually, you came to the beach this time, you were not voluntary, you were invited, that is to say, there is also a ghost king?"

"Yes yes, my lord."

The devil nodded and bowed.

The other ghost kings also echoed, telling the reason why they and others came. It turned out that a ghost king said that there are many people on the beach in Hawaii, but there are not many ghost exorcists. They can eat and improve their strength, so they came here.

"My lord, he must have been there before. He must have been scared away after seeing his heroic appearance. Damn it!"

"Yes, yes, yes, he said before that he would enjoy it with us."

"Fake! If it weren't for him, I... I wouldn't be able to see the strength of the adults, I should thank him."

Listen to the demons and what they say.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled and he said:

"What kind of ghost is he?"

"My lord, he is a man, an evil exorcist."

"Huh? People?"

When Zhang Wei heard that it was a person, he lost interest in an instant, and said bluntly:

"Forget it, this is not my territory, so let's ignore him for now. Let me tell you what the girl you introduced to my friend Zhang Chao has anything to do with you."

Zhang Chao will go on a blind date later, as one of Zhang Chao's best friends, how could Zhang Wei not pay attention.


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