Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 375 \"Blind Date Of Zhang Chao\"

Asked by Zhang Wei.

The demons rushed to answer, and at the same time they felt even more disturbed. After all, their fate was not in their own hands, but was determined by Zhang Wei's friend, Zhang Chao's hanging.

【Ding! The four ghost kings pray, our family, you must make Zhang Chao hard】

[Host obtains system points +450]

The system prompt sounds.

The werewolf spoke first:

"My lord, I am introducing my wife's younger sister. My wife's younger sister is pursued by many werewolves, but she is a bit weird as a werewolf. She doesn't like werewolves and is not interested in humans, so I introduced her."

"well done."

Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you for your compliment, my lord."

As the werewolf said, the wolf's tail behind the butt subconsciously swung quickly.

【Ding! The mouth corners of the other ghost kings twitched, Falk, Odd, you bastard! Actually flattering to this point]

[Host obtains system points +370]


Not to be outdone, the devil preemptively said:

"My lord, I am introducing my own younger sister. She is the youngest in my family, which means she is the youngest. By the way, my family has a little blood relationship with the succubus. My grandma is a succubus, so I My younger sister has the blood of a succubus, so she is born with skill and convenience."

The vampire king took over and said:

"My lord, I'm introducing my aunt, my aunt is a twin! I'm introducing the twin sister to your friend, and..."

That's all for words.

With the consent of Zhang Wei, the vampire king said cryptically:

"My lord, their sisters are very beautiful. Not only is my younger sister single, but my older sister is also single, and my older sister likes a macho man like your lord the most."

【Ding! The other ghost kings stared wide-eyed, damn it, are you playing tricks! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +380]

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment:

"Twins of vampires? Is it so magical? I've only seen it in colored comics before, but I didn't expect it to exist in reality."

As soon as his words came out.

【Ding! The faces of the other ghost kings suddenly changed, not good! Are you here for sex? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +390]


Every ghost king is trying his best to survive, but the drowning ghost king is the weakest. They are all species families, there is no comparison at all, and he stood there at a loss for a while.

【Ding! The drowning ghost king is desperate, he feels that he is clearly standing, but he has a sense of suffocation from being drowned before his death]

[Host obtains system points +130]

Just when the four ghost kings were frantically promoting 'Family'.

the other side.

Daxia, in a single room in a bathing center in Sanjin City.

at this time.

Knowing that Zhang Wei had arranged four blind dates for himself, Zhang Chao couldn't sit still, put on his clothes in a hurry, and drove the technician out, then looked at the four contact information sent by Zhang Wei, and fell into deep thought:

"Which one to choose, vampire? Werewolf? Demon? Or ghost? It's so hard to choose."

Zhang Chao struggled for a while talking to himself, and finally ruled out ghosts for no other reason. Compared with foreign ghosts, ghosts seem to have no characteristics:

"Li Junfei has a young girlfriend, and Wu Nian has a Neptune girlfriend. My girlfriend can't be compared, so it's up to the three of you!"

next moment.

Zhang Chao did not continue to choose, and stretched out his fingers and closed his eyes to scan the three contact methods:

"In East, West, North, South, whoever you click on is who... Let me see who it is, huh? A vampire, so let's go on a blind date first."

The words fell.

Zhang Chao added the contact information of the vampire, and soon, the two parties connected to the video call.

can be seen.

In the video, a blond girl with red eyes appeared, just as the vampire king boasted, the vampire twin sister he introduced was very juicy, although she showed two vampire fangs when she smiled at Zhang Chao, but It is not hideous, but has a sense of coquettishness.

"Hi, my name is Ciraline."

The vampire twin sister gave an introduction first, her expression was a little stiff, there is no way, don't look at her as a vampire, but she is often asked to go on blind dates at home, but she has seen many blind dates, the first time she meets a blind date that will kill her family, as long as The blind date failed, and the most powerful king in the family was about to die.

To this.

Zhang Chao didn't take it seriously, he was still heartless, he looked at the vampire girl unhurriedly, and said bluntly:

"Hello, my name is Zhang Chao, the successor of the Great Xia Maoshan Sect, ranked thirteenth in the Great Xia potential new star list, and is a good brother of Zhang Wei, the third in the Great Xia potential list, so good that the other party will force the ghost king to introduce women Give me a blind date."

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce. I am 178 tall and weigh 146 pounds... Besides, I have good physical fitness, and I can do hundreds of push-ups and sit-ups in one go."

"Let's get to the point quickly. What is your relationship with the vampire king who introduced you? What is your family situation? How many people have you been raped by? Oh, I mean any ghosts, and what is your strength?"

"Oh, by the way, how big is your house, do you have a car, do you have a house, do you have brothers and sisters, I don't want to be a Voldemort."

His words speak out.

The vampire sister was obviously taken aback, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

what's going on?

How is this different from the Daxia people I know? Has the times changed? Why are men asking me these things? According to the situation in Daxia, shouldn’t it be us women who ask about having a house, a car, brothers and sisters? .

"I am the aunt of the vampire king. Besides me, I have a twin sister and my parents... I have never messed with anyone, and I don't have any ghosts. I am still a young girl... My strength is probably on your Daxia's side." The standard is to have just reached the red-clothed ghost, yes, yes, I am 166 tall and weigh 90 pounds..."

In the end.

She imitated the example and added information, and continued after a pause:

"You are very interesting, the funniest person I have ever met, I would like to..."

The words are not finished yet.

Zhang Chao interrupted his words by raising his hand, and couldn't help interjecting:

"Wait a minute, you seemed to say that you are twins just now? Do you have a sister?"

"Uh... yes."

The vampire sister nodded, not daring to neglect her in the slightest.

at the same time.

After being affirmed by the other party, Zhang Chao frowned, and said in surprise:

"Crooked day, Zhang Wei, you are my reincarnated parents, and the person you are looking for is actually a sister, and the younger sister of the sisters. It seems that Zhang Wei is the elder sister who is good for you, it's okay, My favorite is my sister, hehe."

I thought about it.

On the surface, Zhang Chao said calmly:

"It turns out that you are still twins. That's a plus, sister, I've always wanted to have a twin sister."

"Then choose me choose me."

The vampire sister pointed at herself frantically. In order to keep the vampire king alive, she gritted her teeth as if she had made a decision, and added:

"My sister loves me so much, she listens to me in know."


Zhang Chao patted the table, interrupted the vampire sister, frowned and said:

"Old sister, I was quite satisfied with her at first, but once you said that, I was not happy anymore. Who do you think I am!"

He said so in his mouth, but he was speechless in his heart... I just said that Zhang Wei chooses my sister, I choose my sister, and you just say that I want them all. You are not slapping me and Zhang Wei, no, I am not happy anymore, I don't like this girl!

next moment.

Regardless of the fact that the vampire sister was stunned and didn't understand what was going on, Zhang Chao just said:

"I'm sorry, Ciraline, you are a nice person, you are a nice person, but we are not suitable."


Zhang Chao hung up the phone, looked at the two contact methods of the devil and the werewolf, and after another blind selection, he chose the devil.

Immediately afterwards.

He made contact with the demon, and the two soon started a video call.

can be seen.

The moment the video screen was switched on, Zhang Chao saw a first-born devil with double horns, a woman with an ordinary appearance, but with a charming temperament and figure. enchanting.


Zhang Wei is very satisfied, the enchanting type, I also like it very much:

"Hello, my name is Zhang...Cao!!! What are you doing?!"

this moment.

Zhang Chao was stunned, his eyes widened.


The female devil in the video, as soon as she connected to the video, she began to take off her clothes without saying a word, and even slender her thighs to face the camera:

But when Zhang Chao yelled, the female demon stopped her movements and looked up at Zhang Chao:

"What are you doing? Can't you see it?"


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