Zhang Chao: "??????"

The female devil's voice echoed in his ears, and Zhang Chao was stunned, his eyes widened even wider than before.


He looked towards the female demon in the video, to be precise, he landed in the middle of its two white flowers.


The female devil's posture is very strange. She stands up, her legs are slightly bent, and she holds the bottom of her trousers with both hands, maintaining a posture of dragging her trousers.

face this scene.

Zhang Chao's heart twitched violently, he felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead and nostrils, and he cried out in his heart:

"God, the one Zhang found for you is better than the other. I thought the vampire sister was good enough. This direct volcanic explosion is amazing."

Facing the operation of the female devil.

Rao Zhang Chao, who usually prides himself on being coquettish, was a little hard to resist, so he quickly waved his hands and said:

"Wait a moment, don't rush to do this, sit down and talk for a while, at least get to know each other's names."

As soon as his words came out.

The voice of the female demon came out immediately:

"My name is Elizabeth."

As she spoke, she did not forget to put on her jeans and sat on the sofa, looking at Zhang Chao strangely and continued:

"Are you sure you want to chat first? You...you can't."

In his view, he thinks that although he is not beautiful, he is at least above average. The key is that he has a good figure, has the blood of a succubus, and has a charming temperament. Don't mention it's my own move now.

"Huh? I can't? If I can't, there are not many people in the world who can do it. And... are you sure your name is Elizabeth?"

Zhang Chao recalled the behavior of the female demon just now, and couldn't help saying:

"Your name really doesn't suit you. The name is very pure, and the things you do are not pure at all."

Facing complaints.

The female devil is also the same as Zhang Chao, not angry, she smiled and said:

"Isn't that good? Don't you have a word to describe my situation in Daxia? It's called Contrast Meng. My name is sacred and pure, but I'm actually very silver."

in words.

The female demon named Elizabeth blinked her demon eyes:

"You are very interesting. You are different from the human beings I met. They were eager to see me all over, but you didn't. By the way, you just said your name, but you didn't say it halfway through."

"My name is Zhang Chao."

"Zhang Chao? I understand Daxia Chinese. Which word is it? Li Zaozhang's Zhang, or Gong Zhang Zhang's Zhang, and which one is Chao? Cao Cao's Cao? It's the grass that moves the mouth, or the grass that moves."

"Elizabeth girl, you are very naughty. Step by step, you use words to imply that it is not the grass, but the transcendence."

For Zhang Chao's words.

The female demon chose to ignore it, and said with charming eyes and mischievous tongue:

"Is there? No, and are you sure you don't want to take a look?"

"What do you think?"

Zhang Chao didn't answer the question instead, thinking that this girl was quite interesting and suited his own taste.

Also at this time.

The female demon immediately stood up.

To this.

How could Zhang Chao not know what she was going to do, he was startled, and hurriedly said:

"I said I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

"Of course I'm anxious. If you don't like me, my big brother will die, so I just want you to like me now. Of course, it's better to remove the look."


Zhang Chao was stunned for a moment, he didn't know what Zhang Wei did to the four ghost kings.

Immediately afterwards.

After the female demon revealed the situation, Zhang Chao was stunned, feeling the warm current rushing like a torrent, and shouted in his heart:

"Zhang Wei, you are so kind to me, don't say anything, you are my brother, I have decided, who dares to say that you are not, or who dares to touch you, I will kill his whole family!"


After chatting with the female devil for a while, Zhang Chao was very satisfied with this female devil in all aspects, but when he was about to skip the werewolf and female ghost and directly choose this female devil to date, Zhang Chao couldn't help but asked again. Ask the vampire sister the same information:

The female demon heard this and said:

"My family has a house and a car. There are 17 people in my family. Akro and I are brothers and sisters. As for my experience...it's a bit innumerable, about thirty or so, but none of them are ghosts. I don't like ghosts. I I like humans, so more than 30 people are humans."

As if she was afraid that her number would scare Zhang Chao, the female devil hurriedly added:

"It's a bit more, but it's less among our demons. Really, our demons are just like those introduced in Western myths, so there are at least fifty or more of each."

"Tuigui, you are a bit fierce."

Zhang Chao was completely stunned.

Although he knows that it is almost impossible to find a chick these days, so he doesn't care about it. After all, who hasn't dated a few boyfriends and girlfriends when they were young, but there are more than thirty... This is no longer the female sea king, but the sea goddess up.


Zhang Chao didn't even think about it. Although Elizabeth was interesting enough, he still refused.

But before hanging up the video call, Zhang Chao didn't forget Zhang Wei's kindness, and sent Zhang Wei a message.

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, pay attention to the little sister introduced by the devil, you can be friends with her, ヽ( ̄w ̄( ̄w ̄〃)ゝ亲气jpg

Send message.

Zhang Chao looked at the clock on the wall:

"We chatted for more than an hour. Sure enough, a blind date is time-consuming and laborious."

in words.

Zhang Chao looked at the contact information of the werewolf and the female ghost. Now there are only two left who have not been on a blind date. Plus werewolf contacts.

"I used to be too young to think that a Chinese ghost story is a good love, but now it seems that there are better ones, hahahaha."

He laughed to himself.

at the same time.

The werewolf passed his contact information and sent a video link.

this time.

With the experience of the previous two blind dates, Zhang Chaoqing was familiar with the road, and took the lead in saying:

"Hello, my name is Zhang Chao, and my height is..."


Zhang Chao also observed the other party, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Contrary to imagination, this female werewolf is not strong at all, and her figure can be called a model. If it is said that whether she was a vampire sister or a female devil, she had a delicate female figure and looked slender, then the female werewolf is Hua Mulan , or like an Olympic swimmer girl, she may not look strong, but she is also slim and healthy!


The female werewolves are also above average in appearance.

If he hadn't known that the other party was a female werewolf, Zhang Chao would have thought that the other party was some kind of female fitness trainer or professional athlete.

for a moment.

When Zhang Chao finished introducing himself.

The female werewolf also spoke up, looked at Zhang Chao, and said bluntly:

"Are you the friend of the man who defeated my brother-in-law? It's different from what you imagined. It looks very weak."


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