Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 378 It's So Dark And Windy Tonight, It's Unlucky

Zhang Chao responded.

The female werewolf Stephanie also didn't have any ink marks, and said bluntly:

"You know, ghost breeding has always been difficult."

Zhang Chao was noncommittal. Although he didn't know much about foreign ghosts, at least he knew that no matter whether they were foreign ghosts or domestic ghosts, ghosts themselves were evil things, which were not tolerated by the world. Strong physique, but low fertility.

Think here.

Zhang Chao couldn't help saying:

"You mean that if I get married with you, I probably won't have any offspring, right? After all, I am a Daxia person who attaches great importance to the succession of the family. If I care about this aspect, I can't get along with you, right?"

As soon as his words came out.

It was the female werewolf who shook her head and denied Zhang Chao's idea:

"No, that's not what I mean. You're half right. I do know that Daxia people place great importance on the succession of their families, but I also know that it costs a lot to raise children. I want to tell you that although our werewolves breed Power is low."

"However, once you conceive, you will have a litter. That is to say, if you are strong enough and lucky enough to shoot one after another, and I get hit once, then I will have a litter instead of a twin. Well, this is our werewolf."

"So are you sure you can raise a brood of children? Do you have enough money? Raising children in your Great Xia is very expensive. Can you bear it?"

can be seen.

When the female werewolf Stephanie said this, Zhang Chao's eyes widened and he stared at the other party dumbfounded.

I guessed that the other party was very thoughtful.

I also guessed that it would say to have children.

But never expected.

The other party was so thoughtful that he even considered the expenses of the children. Zhang Chao couldn't laugh or cry for a while, he didn't know whether to laugh at the virtuous female werewolf, or to cry that the litter of children must be annoying to him.


Zhang Chao coughed again:

"You don't have to worry about this. How can I put it? If you can really have a litter, my parents will be very happy. After all, I am the only seedling in my family. They hope that I have many children to carry on the family and inherit the Maoshan sect."

The female werewolf nodded:

"My idea is similar to that of your parents. I also want to carry forward my family, so I must have a litter, otherwise my family will be thin."

Facing the words of the female werewolf, Zhang Chao inexplicably thought of the conversation with Zhang Chao, that sentence...Chang Wei killed 13 members of my family, not even the dogs.

Think about it.

The corners of Zhang Chao's mouth twitched in his heart:

"I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet, Ma De, I would have known that I would not have said this, this nima really has thirteen mouths, really...even the dog. "

He said and glanced at the female werewolf in the video.

Werewolves can also be considered canines, so they can be regarded as dogs.


Zhang Chao and the female werewolf chatted for a long time. They chatted for several hours. It wasn't until night fell that the street lights outside the window lit up and shone into the hotel. Only then did Zhang Chao realize the time.

Also at this time.

The voice of the female werewolf Stephanie came:

"Zhang Chao, I will give you three months. After three months, if you surpass me in strength, I will go to you. In Northeast dialect, I will be your daughter-in-law, and... if you want me at that time, you can also , We werewolves don't care how long we have to fall in love before we start dating."

"Cough, cough, I said Stephanie, don't say it so directly, it makes me look like a pervert."

"What? I don't like being perverted."

"All right, I'm perverted, I'm super perverted."

"That's right, my Stephanie's man has to be crazy strong."

After several hours of chatting, the female werewolf Stephanie's words and deeds were very aggressive, which made Zhang Chao a little overwhelmed, but even so, Zhang Chao also found it interesting, and the two had a very happy chat. There are similarities in hobbies.

to this end.

Zhang Chao also didn't intend to go on a blind date with the female ghost behind him, and chose Stephanie.

Seeing that it was getting late, considering that Zhang Wei arranged for his blind date, Zhang Wei must be waiting impatiently and had to report to Zhang Wei, so Zhang Chao ended his conversation with Stephanie.

"Alright then, go and tell your friend Zhang Wei."

The words fell.

Stephanie hung up the phone, but before hanging up, in order to motivate Zhang Chao, she reached out and squeezed the two white flowers and said:

"Zhang Chao, you work so hard, hurry up, my two lumps are still waiting for you to ravage me."

"Haha, I must work hard."

Zhang Chao's eyes were burning, he smiled, then hung up the video call reluctantly, and whispered:

"Stephanie is really interesting, I can't do it, I have to work hard, I must reach the half-step ghost king strength!! Fight hard!"

this moment.

Zhang Chao was eager to become stronger than ever before, so he got up and prepared to leave. He did not intend to massage anymore, and was ready to practice and improve his strength:

"Look for Wu Nian, as Zhang Wei said, exorcising ghosts is the best way to improve your strength! Kill, kill! Kill all the 0 ghosts in Sanjin City, help me become a half-step ghost king, help me beat Stephanie , Wuhu~hahahaha."

After the words fell.

Seemingly thinking of something, Zhang Chao added another sentence:

"By the way, it seems that I will talk less in the future, Ma De, my mouth looks really poisonous."


the other side.

Hawaii, National Hotel Chain.

at this time.

Zhang Chao was lying in a massage room, and a waiter was massaging him tremblingly. From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the four scary ghosts kneeling on the ground from time to time.

【Ding! The four ghost kings are tormenting, why is the blind date still not good, it’s getting dark]

[Host obtains system points +450]

Can't help it.

The four ghost kings glanced at the sky outside the window.

【Ding! The four ghost kings are in pain, it’s dark and windy tonight, Fake, it’s too unlucky...]

[Host obtains system points +460]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei's voice also came over:

"It's actually getting dark, time flies so fast, Zhang Chao should have almost gone on a blind date with the last female ghost."

Although it was Zhang Chao who was on a blind date, Zhang Chao also sent a message to Zhang Wei, telling him who he had finished the blind date with, so Zhang Wei knew that Zhang Chao had already been on three blind dates.

【Ding! The drowning ghost king is sweating like rain, God bless, I hope that although my family is the last one not to be favored, I hope to be favored]

[Host obtains system points +170]

"Then, while Zhang Chao is on a blind date with the last female ghost, let's continue the topic just now. In addition to knowing the whereabouts of the ghost king-level ghost exorcist who called you, you also know the whereabouts of other ghost-level ghosts, right?"

Zhang Wei looked over.

In order to ensure that he has three town-level magic weapons to exchange, he is currently short of ghost king heads, so he needs to prepare a few more, in case he needs more than three ghost king heads.

"Yes, sir, we are different from Daxia. In addition to being powerful, we ghosts also have many families, just like our families."

"Akeluo is right, my lord. In foreign countries, the families that the ghost king can form are all those that have the ghost king in charge, otherwise they will all be annexed."

"My lord, if you want to find the ghost king, Ode, it is actually easier to find it from those families than from the ghost forces. I know other families. Of course, my lord has a kind heart and will definitely not kill people randomly, but I know that kind of evil family, adults can kill it with peace of mind."

The demons and the others scrambled to talk, eager to learn everything.

They act.

Zhang Wei was very satisfied, and looked sideways with a smile:

"If you can really lead me to find them, then in order to thank you for your help, I don't mind letting you go at that time, but the premise is that you have to lead me to find at least 4 ghost kings, one life for another, you understand."

【Ding! The four ghost kings were overjoyed, Falk! ! ! can survive? Did you hear guys, we can survive! Wuhu! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +520]


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