Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 379 This Slave Deserves... So Exciting

As soon as they heard that there was a chance of survival, the four ghost kings became excited, and the ghost kings they knew began to frantically appear in their minds, and they quickly screened out the candidates to be their "surrogate ghosts".

next second.

The demons seemed to know it, and they raised their hands almost at the same time, like a good baby student raising his hand to answer the teacher's question, and kept raising his hand there:

"My lord, my lord, my lord, I know where the ghost king is, it's very close to Hawaii."

"I also know where the ghost king is. My lord, I can take you there, no! I'll find a reason to call it over!"

"I have mine too."

They spoke one after another.

Zhang Wei, who was being massaged, lay on the massage table, turned his head sideways, and lightly waved his hands:

"Don't be so anxious, say one by one, well, let's talk about the werewolf first."

"Well, my lord, I know a succubus, she did all kinds of evil, and countless lives died in her hands, and for her own status, she also hooked up with some evil demon exorcist forces, such as the Siamese exorcist. Many of them have contact with her, the Satanism in North America, the Senluosi in Daxia, etc., and she provides them with some human trafficking activities to supplement the number of people."

Following the words of the werewolf Ord.

Zhang Wei clearly saw that the demon and others were startled, as if they all knew the succubus king in their mouths, and even the corners of the drowning ghost king's mouth twitched, obviously the 'replacement ghost' that the other party was looking for was also the succubus.


Compared to the demons and others who were stunned, Zhang Wei didn't care about these things, and focused on another point:

"What did you just say? Sen Luosi of Daxia?"

Zhang Wei half stood up and looked at the werewolf:

"You said the succubus king has a connection with Sen Luosi?"

Although he didn't know about Zhang Wei and Sen Luosi, the werewolf ghost king nodded his head in order to survive:

"Yes, Sen Luosi of Daxia, I heard this. I think Akro and the others should have heard of it. If you don't believe me, you can ask Akro and them."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei looked over with a questioning gaze, and the devil and the others nodded:

"I've heard that too."

"I don't know if it's true, but there is indeed such a rumor, because succubi are specialized in human trafficking. It's wrong. To be precise, they are ghosts. Unlike other ghosts, succubi are not strong in combat, so they can only Find another way to use this kind of abducting and selling ghosts to gain benefits and improve yourself."

"The succubus king has a big business. Although it is not the most powerful family in the world, it is also very famous. Your lord should have heard of it in Daxia. Daxia Wei Daosi and Senluosi are fighting fiercely. Senluosi must be very good. It needs to be replenished, I think it is normal for succubus to do business with them."


After the werewolves explained one after another, Zhang Wei almost understood.

No matter which country you are in, for the evil forces, the ghost exorcist organizations of all countries are the key targets to get rid of, and because of this, the evil forces are often underpopulated, which leads to a strange industrial chain, which captures ghosts and sells them. Various methods control these ghosts for their own use.

"Ghost wholesaler, this is it."

Zhang Wei muttered.

The words fell.

He looked towards Ord, the werewolf ghost king:

"This succubus is not bad, it can be my target, you..."

Your life is saved Before Zhang Wei could say this, there was a ding-dong sound from Zhang Wei's mobile phone WeChat. He picked it up and saw that it was from Zhang Chao. He informed Zhang Wei of the result of his blind date, and finally attached There is another message.

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, I am going to retreat these days. If you have anything to do, leave me a message on WeChat. I will watch it when I have time during my practice. So let’s not talk about it. I will work hard for the sake of becoming a wolf! In addition, thank you for the blind date arrangement, good brother jpg

Looking at the message sent by Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei frowned:

"This guy Zhang Chao really succeeded in kissing him. I'm afraid my 'souvenir' will become a brother and daughter-in-law."

It wasn't loud, but the werewolf and the others heard it, and their hearts thumped suddenly, becoming uneasy.

Zhang Wei noticed the changes:

"Well, my friend has a blind date. He chose one of them. Originally, I wanted to tell you, werewolf, that you provided the Succubus King, and I can spare your life. Now it seems that it is unnecessary, because my friend chose you. sister."

【Ding! The Werewolf Ghost King was excited, hahahaha, long live Stephanie! ! ! l('w')┘三└('w')?】

[Host obtains system points +180]

【Ding! Other ghost kings are envious]

[Host obtains system points +380]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei also briefly talked about Zhang Chao's blind date, and when the drowning ghost king learned of his introduction, Zhang Chao didn't even go on a blind date, and his face turned green with fright.

"My lord, don't kill me. Although the ghost I introduced won't be liked by your friends, I know where the Succubus King is."

"Oh? Are you sure you know?"

"Yes and yes, and I can contact the Succubus now."

"That's fine, I will spare your life for the time being. When I get rid of the Succubus King, your life will be free. What about you, demons and vampires?"

"My lord, we can introduce other ghost kings."

In the last sentence, the devil and the vampire king said in unison.

Zhang Wei nodded:

"After I get rid of the Succubus King, you will take me to find the ghost king you mentioned, but before that..."

That's all for words.

As if by magic, Zhang Wei took out a collar:

"Except for the werewolf, after all he may be my friend's future in-laws, you three, rock-paper-scissors, choose one to be my slave."

【Ding! Werewolf ghost king surprises again, long live Stephanie, (~ ̄▽ ̄)~! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +190]

【Ding! The ghost king is so envious that Jill turns purple]

[Host obtains system points +390]

next moment.

A strange scene appeared.

In a massage room, the massage therapist was shivering aside, staring blankly at the three terrifying ghosts who played rock-paper-scissors in a two-out-of-three game.


【Ding! The devil has a dead gray face, damn it, why did I lose all the rock-paper-scissors, is it because I am a devil, so my luck is all negative? God damn it, I curse you! 】

[Host obtains system points +190]

【Ding! Survival of Other Ghost Kings]

[Host obtains system points +290]

Zhang Wei ignored the demon's despair and threw a collar around the demon's neck.

A system prompt sounded in my mind.

【Ding! Defeat the demon Akro, meet the conditions of the slave collar, and the slave collar will be opened]

Zhang Wei intuitively feels that he has established a strange connection with the demon Akro in his heart. Unlike the ghost's back tattoo, his life and death are under his control, and he can even know exactly what the other party is thinking.

Also at this time.

In addition to his own system panel, Zhang Wei has a system panel about Akro:

【Slave】: Akro

[Identity]: Devil

[Strength]: Junior Ghost King

[Give system points]: 0

"Huh? Can slaves be ordered by my additional system? Interesting."

Zhang Wei murmured in his heart, and with a sudden thought, the system points were blessed on the demon Akro, and 40,000 system points were added in one breath.


Under the shocking eyes of Akro and Werewolf Odd, the aura of the ghost king on the demon Akro's body soared like a rocket, and quickly crushed the ghost king present, making them feel palpitations.

【Ding! The devil is confused, Falk? What's going on, I'm... so strong! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

【Ding! The other ghost kings were stunned, what happened to Akro? Wearing a dog leash leads to a powerful orgasm? 】

[Host obtains system points +350]

Can't help it.

Including the demon Akeluo, all the ghost kings looked at Zhang Wei with shock in their eyes.

Although I don’t know why Akro’s strength has skyrocketed, but one thing they are sure of is that all of this must have nothing to do with Akro. No matter how you look at it, it’s because of the collar that the “adult” gave him, and it was the “adult” who made him improve greatly. strength.

learned the truth.

The devil and the others were stunned again.

【Ding! The devil is excited, I Cao, thank God, my luck is not bad, hahahaha, this slave is... so cool! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

【Ding! Other ghost turns out that the clown is actually me, I thought I won, but we lost, what should I do...I also want to be a dog for adults o(╥﹏╥)o]

[Host obtains system points +360]

this moment.

The drowning ghost king and the others felt regret like never before. Why did they win with rock-paper-scissors? For the first time, they longed to be a dog, even a watchdog.


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