Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 380: The Figure Behind The Statue Of The Cross Of Jesus

Seeing that Akro's strength improved and surpassed them in the blink of an eye, the Drowned Ghost King and the others couldn't sit still.

"My lord, in fact, although your friend and my family are on a blind date, this does not prevent me from admiring you like a river. I am willing to be your servant. After all, humans and dogs have always been loyal masters and pets."

Ord the werewolf spoke first, and the vampire king and the others wanted to become Zhang Wei's slaves one after another.

【Ding! The devil sighs, huh! One second you were still ignoring slaves, and the next second you will be unable to climb high]

[Host obtains system points +180]

I thought about it.

The devil does not forget to show his loyalty:

"My lord, I, Akro, am willing to serve you all my life. Oh, no, it is my Akro family who are willing to serve you around."

That's all for words.

The devil even made up his mind...tonight I will ask Elizabeth to come over to serve my lord, let him have a good time, and fully reflect the value of my family!

To become a ghost king, no one is a fool, the demons can see clearly, Zhang Wei's strength is terrifying, and his methods are weird, especially now that he is still randomly improving the strength of the ghost king, you must know that it took them more than ten years to reach their current level , but Zhang Wei will help them improve in a single thought, and if you follow him, you will definitely not be bad in the future.

at this time.

The devil didn't know that it had a relationship with the slave collar, even if the devil didn't trigger emotions, Zhang Wei knew all about his thoughts.

Also for this.

Upon learning of the demon's thoughts, Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but think of the message Zhang Chao sent to him before, asking him to pay attention to the female demon Elizabeth.

Think here.

Zhang Wei coughed and said slowly:

"Now you know the benefits of following me, as long as you can serve me wholeheartedly, there are some benefits for you, and you."

Speaking of the last sentence, Zhang Wei looked at Ord the werewolf and the others:

"Although I only chose the devil as my slave today, it doesn't mean that you have no chance. If you perform well in the future, I don't mind charging you more. What I can give to the devil, I can also give to you. Of course, you, the devil Don't be complacent, what I can give you, I can also take back from you."

The words fell.

With Zhang Wei's thought, he took back all 40,000 system points on the slave's collar.

【Ding! The devil is terrified, my strength has retreated? ! Do not! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +190]

【Ding! The other ghost kings were horrified, Nima's strength is still taken back, so hanging! ? This guy can't really be the Jade Emperor, can he be so powerful? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +390]

Without exception.

Including the demons, the four ghost kings have decided at this moment that they must follow Zhang Wei and serve Zhang Wei well. Even if Zhang Wei really wants Cao’s woman, he will give it to him. what.


The drowning ghost king hastened to show his loyalty and flattered him:

"My lord, I will contact the succubus right now and let her come to Hawaii."

The words fell.

The drowning ghost king thought about Zhang Wei's arrangement of a blind date for Zhang Chao, so he quickly covered his mouth with his hands and said in a low voice:

"My lord, that female succubus is very pretty."

Zhang Wei frowned, and looked at the Drowned Ghost King speechlessly, what did these guys think of themselves.

"I say you……"

Just when Zhang Wei was about to say something, his voice stopped abruptly.

next moment.

It seems to have a feeling.

Zhang Wei looked in one direction.


Matt, what happened to them?

Just now, Zhang Wei felt that Matt and the others were in danger by signing the blessing system point on Matt's bible.

"What's the matter with you, my lord?"

The demon noticed Zhang Wei's expression, and quickly knelt down on one knee and asked.

Seeing this, the other ghost kings also knelt on one knee and looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei came over after hearing the attention, his eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking, and said suddenly:

"I remember you said that you were called here by a ghost exorcist, right?"


the other side.

Inside a church in Hawaii.

That night.

After working until the evening, Matt and the others finally dealt with the follow-up matters of the supernatural incident on the beach.

"It's been dealt with, I'm exhausted, I can swear, this is the most exhausting supernatural event I've ever dealt with in my life."

A priest hammered his waist and said.

"Can you not be tired? There are thousands of people, but let's be content. If there is no Mr. Zhang, we will be even more tired now."

Father Dagger patted his head.

As soon as his words came out.

It was unanimously agreed by Wisley and the others:

"Indeed, if there is no Mr. Zhang, what we have to deal with now is not to appease thousands of people, but the corpses of thousands of people, as well as the appeasement work and pensions of thousands of families, etc., my God, Just thinking about it makes me feel exhausted."

"Families of thousands of people have been comforted all the way, let alone a day, I don't think it will be finished in three days, so just talk about it."

"That's why I said, Mr. Zhang is a god. If we just pray to God, I bet God is not as good as the Jade Emperor to save us. Oh, the Jade Emperor I am talking about is Mr. Zhang, and the Jade Emperor will enjoy the blessings forever~"

in words.

They couldn't help recalling what happened on the beach, especially Weisili. When they thought of the scene of Zhang Wei fighting the four ghost kings, they fell into a daze again.

It wasn't until a voice sounded that Weisili and the others withdrew their thoughts.

"I said, this is the first time you have exaggerated, sir, why are you still blaspheming God?"

It was also a priest who spoke.


He is not a priest from Hawaii, but one of the priests urgently mobilized by the Holy See after the supernatural incident in Hawaii. A priest with comparable strength to Wisley, besides a dozen other priests, it was they who helped deal with it. In order to deal with the follow-up matters so quickly.

Same time.

It was also dealt with with Wei Sili and the others. They learned that Zhang Wei fought with the four ghost kings, and he turned the tide with his own power. Among them, Matt praised the heavens.


But they were skeptical and joking. A young exorcist fought against four ghost kings. Forget about such a deed, and even tilted a Hawaiian beach, almost turning the world upside down. Is this exorcism? Are you sure it's not a battle of gods and demons?

They even wondered whether Wisley and the others had been brainwashed, and Matt was the best evidence.

To this.

How could Wesley not know how to fight, and said to the priest:

"Darcy, don't worry about Matt, he is a fan of Mr. Zhang. He was rescued by Mr. Zhang when he was traveling in Daxia before, and he said he was the Jade Emperor. But to be honest, we didn't lie about this supernatural incident. I also hope that it will be reported truthfully.”

"I said Weisili...huh? Who's there!"

Dalsey was about to respond, but in the middle of speaking, his pupils shrank, and together with Wesley, they both looked at the cross statue of Jesus hanging above the cathedral.

Between drinking and roaring.

Darcy and Wesley held a cross in hand, took out the Bible, and put on a fighting stance.

Matt and the others were taken aback by the sudden move.


Don't wait for them to wonder.

A demon-like gloomy voice sounded from behind the statue of the cross:

"It seems that I underestimated you a little bit. I was able to find me. I was thinking of taking you down without anyone noticing. It seems that there is no way."


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