Since it was discovered.

The figure with the gloomy voice no longer hid, spoke directly, and walked out of the cross statue.

It was a white-haired old man with disheveled hair, which could be vaguely seen. Under the wide cloak, he was wearing a shabby priest's attire. However, compared with the image of priests like Wisley and the others, he was not holy at all and looked messy. There is even a kind of darkness.

at the same time.

Wei Sili and the others also noticed his clothes, and when they took a closer look, they all changed color:

"It's a blasphemer!"

It was Darcy who spoke. He said, his eyes fixed on his neck. The other party was not only wearing a priest's costume, but also a cross, and holding a Bible. However, not only Darcy, everyone present knew that the other party was not a priest. But believers who have rebelled against God.

The reason.

Just because the cross pendant on the other party's neck is an upside-down cross, and the bible is also pure black.

This is the attire of a priest who betrayed God. When some exorcist priests betrayed Christianity and went to the dark side, they no longer believed in God.

As if to test their conjecture.

The moment the dark priest walked out, it seemed that God sensed that his church of faith had been invaded, or it might be the work of the dark priest...

A strange scene appeared.

On the platform of the church, the statue of Jesus tied to the cross left two lines of blood and tears on its crooked head. The blood seeped from the eyes of the statue of Jesus and left along the statue, dyeing the platform of the church red. It was originally sacred. The church at this moment became bloody and smelly.


"You are presumptuous! How dare you blaspheme God!!"

Weisili and Darcic were furious, shouted, opened the Bible in their hands, the pages were turned without wind, and a holy and holy light burst out, and the words of the holy Bible were read out of their mouths.

The light burst.

The blood on the red-stained church platform was forced back.

next moment.

The holy rays of light converged into swords of light that surrounded the blasphemer in all directions, including the top of his head. With the order of the two of them in Weisili, dozens of swords of light shot at the blasphemer.

But at this time.

"The ability is not small, but unfortunately, it is of no use to me."

The voice of the blasphemer came out.


All the swords of light that approached the blasphemer stopped less than a foot away from him. The blades trembled violently, but they never got close.

can be seen.

The blasphemer just raised one hand, and the dark bible in his hand opened at some point, and the dark light overflowed from it, blocking everything:

"Under the shelter of the great Satan, the light of God does not reach me at dawn."

The blasphemer grinned wildly, and as he finished speaking, he squeezed his hand, and all the swords of light seemed to be pinched by invisible hands, and all of them shattered, turning into shining and holy stars.

Ghost king class? !

Weisili and their pupils shrank suddenly, and they recognized each other's strength. This is not an ordinary blasphemer. He has reached the ghost king level, and his strength is much stronger than the two of them combined. He has already accepted a lot of Satan. baptism.


Weisili didn't dare to take it too seriously. While watching the blasphemer's every move, he didn't forget to say:

"Frye, take everyone out of the church and seal the church so no one can come in."

As soon as his words came out.

Father Dagger Frye nodded, knowing that he and others could no longer participate in this scene, so he could only take Matt and the others away.

Their actions were seen by the blasphemer, but he had no intention of making a move. He just watched them leave quietly until Matt and the others came to the gate and were about to push it open. I found that the door couldn't be opened no matter how hard I pushed.

At this moment.

The blasphemer finally let out a devilish laugh:

"Do you think I'll let you get out so easily?"

"Similar to the demon formation in the ghost domain?"

Weisili glanced back from the corner of his eye, and when he saw Matt and the others using their priestly power to bombard the gate, a black demon circle lit up at the gate, blocking all the attacks, and he understood what was going on.

The blasphemer didn't come here on a whim, he clearly made preparations early on.

And it is.

The blasphemers came for them, in order to catch them and use them as hostage chips.

"This is my demon formation, connected to my life, as long as I don't die or defeat me, you can't get out, don't be afraid, I won't take your lives, I want your lives to protect me Life."

His words speak out.

They were all stunned in Weisili, not understanding what the blasphemer meant.

It was thought that the blasphemers came to the church to attack the believers of God. After all, the blasphemers are the opposite of God, but this blasphemer does not seem to be the case, and wants to capture them alive? But what does that last sentence mean? Use their lives to save your own?


Wei Sili and the others were not stupid, and quickly realized the situation...something threatened the lives of the blasphemers, and they needed to be taken as hostages and shields.

Think here.

They were a little surprised, who could threaten this blasphemer? You must know that the other party is not an ordinary ghost king, but is it an archbishop in our Holy See? Otherwise, why take our lives to protect him.

At this time.

The blasphemer seemed to read their thoughts from Weisili's surprised eyes, and the eyes of disgust were undisguised:

"Don't guess, it's not people from the Holy See who threaten me. A mere believer in God, what right do you have to threaten me?"

in words.

He showed a bit of disgust. As a believer of Satan, he was considered to be threatened by a believer in God. He felt ashamed and disgusted. Of course, he did not intend to hide it, because in his opinion, as long as the person who threatened him came to him, Weisili and the others will know the situation sooner or later, so it's better to tell them so that they can catch them without a fight.

One thought here.

There was pain in the eyes of the blasphemer, and he murmured:

"Xie Te, it's really unlucky for Nima. I originally planned to use Akro to make trouble. I brought the Holy See of Hawaii here. Why did such a big Xia monster appear?"


A figure appeared in his mind, it was... Zhang Wei.

Not long ago, the blasphemer wanted to attack the Holy See. After all, the blasphemer itself was against the Holy See. Both sides wanted the other to die, so the blasphemer planned this supernatural event and chose Hawaii Beach, where the largest number of people, once a supernatural event occurs , enough to kill a large number of people, the Holy See organization in charge of stationing here will definitely lose face.


He planned so carefully that he invited four ghost kings in one go, and with him, a total of five ghost kings. Such a lineup was foolproof, but it turned out that there was a 'monster' from Daxia who appeared. Not only did he overthrow the four ghost kings alone, but he also easily defeated them.

When the blasphemer saw this situation, he didn't dare to make a move, and chose to hold his head back. But at the same time, he was also afraid that Zhang Wei would come to his door, because he had heard the call between Zhang Wei and Matt, and knew that Zhang Wei and Matt The priest knows.

to this end.

Thinking that Zhang Wei might find him, the blasphemer can't sit still, he would rather take the initiative to attack than wait for death, so he came to the church and prepared to capture Matt and others that Zhang Wei knew as chips.

Its complaints were not loud, but Weisili and the others heard them all, and immediately called out:

"So it was you, you called those ghost kings on the beach today?!"

"No wonder you are following us. So you are afraid that Mr. Zhang will trouble you afterwards."

"Damn blasphemer."


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