Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 382 The Bible Flew Out, Zhang Wei Signed It To Show Off

Knowing the truth, Weisili and the others were furious. You must know that without Zhang Wei's action, they would have lost face to the Holy See today because of the blasphemers.

"Stand back, Fry, Darcy and I will take down this blasphemer!"

Weisili was furious, and shot at the blasphemer without saying a word, while Darcy also shot at the side.

Both unfold the Bible in unison:

"God does not allow blasphemy, you damn blasphemer, accept God's judgment."


A war broke out between the two sides.


Even though Weisili and Darcy were both ghost kings in strength, in a two-on-one situation, even if they tried their best, they still couldn't compete against the blasphemer.

I saw the dark bible flipping in the hands of the blasphemer, and devilish whispers came out of his mouth from time to time.


The Jesus on the cross sculpture trembled violently, blood and tears could not stay, and even the place where his hands and feet were tied to the cross began to bleed. This time it was killed by a demon!


There were demonic wailing sounds, the sound was terrifying, it disintegrated the attacks of the two people in Weisili, and even knocked them back, causing the seven orifices to bleed.

"not good!"

Frye and the others, who were hiding far away in the corner of the church, changed their colors. Like Wesley and the others, they recognized the behavior of the blasphemer...

He is going to summon the devil in hell!


Wei Sili and the two wanted to stop it, but there was no way, the other party was stronger than the two of them, and they had prepared in the church early on, setting up many demonic magic circles and other measures. can't hurt him.

"Damn blasphemer, you actually summoned the devil in the church, you will be judged by God!!"

"God judge me? Hahahaha, God can't even save you, how can you judge me?"

Facing Wei Sili's angry rebuke, the blasphemer smiled wildly:

"It's useless even if God comes in person today. I just want to summon the devil on God's territory. No, I still want to shit here and blaspheme your God, hahahaha."

The words fell.

The blasphemer opened his arms and uttered the last words of the devil, and the dark bible in his hand was also suspended at this moment, bursting out with monstrous dark light, covering the light of the bible in the hands of Weisili and the other two.

for a while.

This holy church was shrouded in darkness, and the glass murals of angels painted on the ceiling lost their light, and clusters of dark clouds like dark fog gathered, as if the church that symbolized heaven was covered by darkness, interrupting the road to heaven.

at this moment.

The angel was stained with blood, God cried blood, and the scene was horrifying.

Also at this moment.

A devil roar exploded.

A large amount of black blood erupted from the pages of the dark bible, erupting like a fountain, forming a black puddle of blood on the ground, with bubbles constantly bubbling from it, and suddenly a hand covered in blood rushed out of the puddle of blood .

It was the devil's hand, with sharp claws and covered with strange lines.

Immediately afterwards.

That hand crawled out of the puddle, revealing its head and body, and a devil, covered in black blood and exuding a terrifying hell atmosphere, appeared from the puddle.

"Damn it, it's the devil directly under Satan..."

Darcy frowned.

The devil has goat horns, the lower body is goat feet, the upper body is a shirtless humanoid, and the chest has demon patterns. It is said that Satan's devil is the lower body of sheep feet and sheep. This is a devil directly belonging to Satan, and his blood has Satan's blood , the strength is very powerful.

at the same time.

Compared to Weisili and the others with serious expressions, the blasphemer laughed out loud, admiring the masterpiece he summoned:

"It's good to be in God's place, but I actually summoned Satan's direct devil, hahahaha, it's really useless for God to come now."

in words.

The blasphemer was not idle, speaking the language of the devil, pointing in Matt's direction, and giving orders to the shofar devil.


The ram horned devil looked sideways at the blasphemer when he heard the words, nodded in response, and then walked straight towards Matt.

After hiding behind the statue before, he knew who Matt was, and knew that Matt had the closest relationship with Zhang Wei. If he wanted to take them as hostages, Matt had to be the first to catch them.

Weisili and the others also noticed this, and immediately took action to stop it.


Before facing the blasphemer, they were unable to deal with it, but now that the ram horned devil appeared, they were even more unable to stop it.

can be seen.

The ram horned devil walked in the church, crushed the wooden seats of the church with one foot, and walked straight towards Matt as if he was in no one's land. Even though Weisili and the others attacked them, it turned a deaf ear to it. Hurt, can't hurt it at all.

The only effective attack was when Wesley and Darcy used their joint efforts to draw the angel's holy sword.

that time.

The horned devil didn't choose to ignore it, and raised his hand to catch the angel's holy sword, and then broke the angel's holy sword abruptly with a knee and elbow.


The horned devil showed a mocking smile, and uttered a devil's language,

Wesley: "..."

Darcy: "..."

Their eyelids twitched, obviously they understood what the devil said, they were mocking them... If it was Michael's holy sword, I would still be afraid, but this ordinary holy sword can't threaten me, Just as a toy for me.

The words fell.

The goat horned devil had already stepped forward and whipped Wesley and Darcy away.


The two flew out as if hit by a bullfighting bull, knocking a row of seats apart, sawdust flying across, and coughing up blood.

It's just that they didn't have time to observe their injuries, so they stood up with difficulty, looked at Matt, and cried out with tears in their eyes:


"No, stop!"


The horned devil had already arrived in front of Matt and the others. It ignored the attacks of Frye and the others, and directly stretched out its hand to grab Matt who was protected by everyone at the back.

His attack was fierce, and he didn't care whether Matt was injured or not. He only cared about life and death. Even if Matt didn't die, his arm would definitely be twisted off, or even torn apart.

at the same time.

Matt was also terrified. Looking at the horned devil who was close at hand, his pupils dilated, and seeing that the other party was about to reach out, he seemed to have made a decision, gritted his teeth and took out a dagger:

"Devil, Fake squid!! If you want to threaten Mr. Zhang with me, I won't let you succeed even if I die."

Faced with being a threat to himself, Matt chose to commit suicide with a knife, not giving the blasphemer a chance to threaten the "god" he believed in.


The horned devil noticed his move, and Lengheng quickly stretched out his hand to grab it.

It all happened so fast.

The horned devil reached out to grab Matt, and Matt drew a dagger to commit suicide.

However, the next second.

All this changed when the horned devil reached out and was about to touch Matt.

Chi! ! ! ! !

The anomaly is prominent.

Seeing a blazing light burst out from Matt's chest, the light was like a big sun, the horned devil screamed and shot for the first time, did his hand touch the burst of light, as if burned by hell, he stretched out his hand in pain.

Also at the same moment.

Everyone has seen it.

It was a bible, and it flew out of Matt's chest, and it was the blazing light from that bible that hurt the shofled devil.

"Fack? That's...the Bible, can't it, it really alarmed God?!"

The sudden scene frightened the blasphemer. Looking at the flying Bible, his heart beat wildly.

Even the ram horned devil changed color and uttered a terrified cry in the devil's language. Weisili and the others understood the meaning of the devil's words:


Even blasphemers and goat-horned devils are like this, not to mention them in Weisili, all of them are very excited:

"Haha, God bless! God has appeared!"

"Have you seen the blasphemer, you dare to blaspheme God, God has taken action."


Voices come and go quickly.

Just when they were excited and the devil was trembling, the bible burst out with light to force the devil away, and the bible also moved without wind. The bible book opened, revealing a page, and at the same time, a cold voice followed came:

"My friend, do you dare to move?"

Its sound came out.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes widened in the next second, and Matt's face flushed with excitement... No, isn't it God? ! This voice is too familiar, it is...

Same time.

Everyone, including the devil with the horns, could see clearly that the page of the Bible that flew out of Matt's chest stopped on one page, and there were two words glowing on it, and the light was exactly what drove the devil with the horns back. of terror.

Look carefully.

Those two characters are not the words in the Bible, but the words of Daxia——Zhang Wei!


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