Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 383 The Jade Emperor Ran Out Of The Bible, Where Is God?


Looking at the Daxia text on the Bible, the blasphemer was stunned, a little confused:

"What's the situation? Why does God still use Chinese characters?... Isn't it God?"


The blasphemer couldn't help but look at the Bible, that's right, he read it right, it was a Bible.

Just when he was wondering.

A loud cry of surprise sounded, interrupting the defiler's thoughts and pulling him back.

"It's the Jade Emperor, haha, thank you...wrong, thank the Jade Emperor for saving me!"

It was Matt who spoke.

He also noticed two Chinese characters in the Bible. Those two characters may not be familiar to the blasphemer and the shofar devil, but they are too familiar to him. I fell asleep only after praying, because it was the signature Zhang Wei wrote for him.

Can't go wrong.

Looking at the bible, which was blooming so that even the goat horned devil would shy away, the number of pages it turned to was exactly where Zhang Wei's signature was located, and the two luminous words were Zhang Wei's signature, Matt was excited and knew Seeing that he was saved, although it was the Bible, it was the Jade Emperor who saved him.


The sound was so loud that it echoed throughout the church, even if the blasphemer was hard of hearing, he could still hear it clearly.

for a while.

The blasphemer stood there in a daze, undisguisedly dazed.

ha? Jade Emperor? Are you kidding me, a bible glows and you tell me the Jade Emperor protects you? Where is God?

Although the blasphemer hates Christianity and God, he also knows what the Bible is. It is God's "quotes" and the "symbol" that God spreads in the world. It's a slap in the face of God than shitting yourself in church.

This scene.

Very shocking.

It was like a chariot of God galloping out, and the next second, God just opened the door to go out, but God was pulled back by a hand in the chariot, and then the owner of that hand walked down first, that was the Jade Emperor.

at the same time.

Not to mention the blasphemer, even the horned devil was stunned, scratching his horned head and muttering:

"The Jade Emperor? Who is that? God? That doesn't seem like the breath of heaven."

Speaking of which.

The shofar devil couldn't help but turned back to the blasphemer, and asked curiously:

"What's going on? The Bible is polluted?"

【Ding! The shofar devil wondered, I have not been here for a long time, has the times changed, and the Bible has been polluted? 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

Compared with blasphemers and shofar devils, Weisili and the others were not much better, and even had greater emotional fluctuations.

"My God, this...Wesley, what's going on...That doesn't seem to be the case, God?"

It was Darcy who spoke first, and he cast disbelieving glances at Wei Sili beside him as he spoke.

When seeing that bible fly out.

Dalsey couldn't be more excited, especially when he saw the shofar devil hurt by the light from the Bible, he was so excited that he was about to climax, thinking that it was a miracle, God appeared, and God came to save them, but what happened? It wasn't the Bible that was shining, but the Chinese characters in the Bible that were shining, and then God didn't appear, but the Jade Emperor came out to save them?

the other side.

To Darcy's question, Wesley, Father Dagger and the others didn't answer, they stared blankly at the words on the Bible.

Others didn't know what the word was, but they knew it, and some saw the word signed on the Bible with their own eyes. It was Zhang Wei's signature to Matt.

"That's Mr. Zhang's signature."

Frye, the dagger priest, muttered in a daze.

It all happened so fast.

Just when everyone lost their minds.

The bible exuding a terrifying light, seemed to be inducted, floated up, and floated to the front of the crowd. The word "Zhang Wei" on it burst into a brighter light, blocking the crowd behind them and in front of the horned devil.


The horned devil roared angrily when he saw this, and said in the devil's language:

"It's not God. How dare you play tricks in front of me and tear you apart."

In its view, since it is not a manifestation of God, then it does not need to be afraid.

【Ding! The horned devil snorted coldly, it doesn't matter if you are the Jade Emperor or some other emperor, if you are not a god, you will die! 】

[Host obtains system points +220]

The system prompt sounds.

The devil with the horns also rushed up, bursting out with a devil's breath, blowing the church into a dark wind, reaching out and grabbing the bible, trying to tear it up.

To this.

The word "Zhang Wei" in the Bible also erupted into the sky.

【Ding! Bless Zhang Wei with 72380 system points]

boom! ! !

this moment.

The word Zhang Wei burst out with monstrous brilliance, as brilliant as the sun, blazing and dazzling, sacred and inviolable, and the light illuminated the entire church, restoring it to the sanctity of the past, and even more holy than ever.


The screams startled.

The horned devil was hit by the light, and flew out. The impact was so great that it smashed the solemn and solemn cross Jesus sculpture on the church platform at the rear. For a while, dust and gravel flew, and only half of the sculpture head of Jesus remained. It landed next to the fallen devil with horns.

that move.

As if silently telling the devil with the horns... look down on me? Dare to mess with me? Don't say you are a devil, even if God comes, I will blow my head off.

"Fake? What the hell is this?! Is it really the Jade Emperor?"

The Defiler was frightened, and looked in horror at the shofar devil who had fallen to the ground with one of his hands smashed.

Just the contact of the burst of light, the hand of the horned devil, which can break even the holy sword of an angel, was melted like this, and the wound was bloody and bloody. You must know that this is a devil directly belonging to Satan.

Just when the idea of ​​the blasphemer came up.

The word 'Zhang Wei' has moved again.

see you...

After the word "Zhang Wei" burst into light, it seemed to have supreme spirituality, and it floated up from the Bible. Then, in the eyes of everyone's horror, the opened Bible seemed like a door, and the word "Zhang Wei" came out of the door. , the word glows, floats up, and turns into a figure composed of rays of light.

That figure was so divine.

The whole body is condensed by the holy light, and the face can't be seen clearly, but everyone recognizes it from the clothing made of the holy light and its figure, including the blasphemer.

"It's him!! The Bactrian who defeated Akro."

The blasphemer's pupils shrank suddenly.

Matt also called out at the same moment:

"Haha, it's really Mr. Zhang, no, the Jade Emperor, Weisili, look quickly, the Jade Emperor has shown his might!"

Wesley and the others are also dumbfounded:

"It's Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

If there were any doubts before, then after seeing the word "Zhang Wei" transformed into the figure of Zhang Wei formed by the holy light, all their doubts were dispelled.

Also at this time.

The condensed figure of the holy light of Zhang Wei, like a god, walked towards the devil with horns step by step. Wherever he passed, he stepped on the footprints of the holy light one by one, just like the miracle of God walking, growing grass and flowers on the ground, turning into a peaceful scene lawn.

With holiness and majesty.

The holy light version of Zhang Wei lifted up his hand, and the light surged, pouring down like a waterfall, the devil with horns who got up from the ground and burst forth to welcome him.

can be seen.

The horned devil was terrifying, roaring, its previously bloody severed hand grew back, and then rushed towards Zhang Wei.

But it was the next second.

The waterfall of light came over, blasting the horned devil away again.

Immediately afterwards.

It was just like Weisili and Darcy fighting against the ram horned devil before, but this time it was reversed, allowing the ram horned devil to do whatever it wanted, using all kinds of devilish methods, even using curses.

"In the name of Satan, no matter who you are, I curse you!!"

The horned devil roared, sacrificed one of his arms, and launched a curse.


That arm turned into a cursed light, and quickly bombarded Zhang Wei's chest in the holy light version. Zhang Wei stopped, then looked down at his chest, and swept it with his hand, as if wiping away the dust on his chest, and then continued Go to the horned devil.

To this.

Seeing this, the horned devil who cast the curse and was damaged couldn't help constricting his pupils and coughing up blood.

【Ding! The devil with the horns stared wide-eyed, my Satan, it's impossible! How could this be, Lao Tzu's curse? Cough...(ヾ????)]

[Host obtains system points +250]


Even the horned devil is terrified. I know the curse best. It is so powerful that even an angel will be cursed. But how can I deal with it? Is it really... a god? ?

At this moment.

A voice followed, and it was Matt who spoke. He couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene:

"How can the curse of the Western devil work on the Great Xia gods, you idiot devil, the Jade Emperor's life is equal to the sky!!"


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