Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 384 You Are Not The Jade Emperor, Are You The Reincarnation Of Lord Satan?

As soon as Matt spoke.

The blasphemer was startled when he heard the words, and stared at him like a ghost.

He had heard Matt yelling there before, and he didn't care at first, but as the horned devil was beaten by Zhang Wei, he couldn't fight back, even casting a curse in the name of Satan couldn't hurt Zhang Wei, even No damage could be done, and the blasphemer had no choice but to have doubts.

Could it be true, the Daxia people, not the Daxia people, but the Daxia gods, the Jade Emperor?

Not just blasphemers.

Even Weisili and the others were stunned.

"Hey, Wisley, is that what Matt said... the Jade Emperor?"

Dalcy said in amazement, his eyes fixed on Zhang Wei's chest, and he didn't leave his eyes for an inch, but he was still disappointed, under the curse of Satan, the other party was indeed fine, and he didn't even stagger.

As priests, they are well aware of how terrible the devil's curse is, especially when the devil casts a curse in the name of Satan. It can be said that it is the most terrible curse, but now, after the other party is cursed, he acts like a normal person .

Had it not been for the humanized sluggishness on the face of the ram horned devil, Darcy would have almost suspected that the ram horned devil hadn't cast the curse.


The most sluggish thing in the arena is the goat devil.

Seeing Zhang Wei strolling over after being blocked, the shofar devil felt like he was going crazy, and it became even more crazy after hearing Matt's jokes.

【Ding! The horned devil... is it drafted? Can anyone tell me what is going on? Why is there a Daxia god in the Bible? Did the Daxia god capture heaven? Why didn't Master Satan tell me? 】

[Host obtains system points +250]

Like the blasphemer, the ram horned devil also believed Matt's words. There was no way, Zhang Wei's strength was no different from that of a god, ignoring the devil's attack and Satan's curse. What is this not a god?


The shofar devil gave the blasphemer a vicious look.

【Ding! The horned devil wants to curse, you Satanist, what did you do, how did you provoke the gods of Daxia]

[Host obtains system points +260]

【Ding! The horned devil regrets, he knew he would not be summoned]

[Host obtains system points +270]

The horned devil regretted it a bit. Although for Satan believers, summoning devils is random, but it is not counted as a devil. It just opens a portal in hell when summoning, and nearby devils can come if they see it.

Not long ago, the goat-horned devil was near the portal. At that time, many devils were also nearby and wanted to enter the portal, but they were deterred by the goat-horned devil in the end and gave up the opportunity to the goat-horned devil.

at this time.

If it weren't for being unable to attack the summoned person, the horned devil would have the heart to strangle the blasphemer...

It was agreed to call me out to deal with the believers of God, why let me fight with the gods now, it is still such a high-ranking god.

in its view.

The Zhang Wei in front of him was no different from the upper-level angels. It wasn't that a devil of his level could fight against him, and he couldn't hurt him at all.

Think about it.

The ram horned devil clutched at the wound on its severed arm, and ignored the blasphemer's horrified shout "Where are you going?" It turned around and rushed towards the glass window to the side, intending to leave here.

【Ding! The horned devil was scared, he couldn't beat it, so he slipped away]

[Host obtains system points +280]

This scene.

Wesley and the others were dumbfounded, and Matt was amazed.


The horned devil just made a move, before it jumped out of the window, Zhang Wei's voice came from behind:

"I wanted to run away after beating my friend, did you ask me?"

The holy light flickered.


The ram horned devil let out a scream, and when it jumped out of the window, a wall of holy light appeared at some point, blocking its way and causing it to fly back backwards.


The claw devil flew upside down and landed in front of Zhang Wei's feet.

Looking at Zhang Wei who was condescending and looking down at him, the horned devil was terrified. It reacted quickly, opened its mouth to breathe out the devil's breath, and shot at Zhang Wei in time.

To this.

Zhang Wei waved out the holy light with one hand, dispelling the devil's breath, and stretched out the other hand to grab the head of the horned devil and lift up his whole body. Even if the horned devil struggled hard, no matter how hard he hit Zhang Wei's hand , can't break free.

Zhang Wei also ignored the struggle of the horned devil, grabbed his head, and his eyes fell on his head:

"Your horns are goat horns. In our country, antelope horns and goat horns seem to be very valuable."

The words fell.


The scream of the shofar devil resounded through the church.


There were two bangs.

Zhang Wei abruptly broke off the two horns of the devil with horns. Although everyone couldn't see Zhang Wei's face shrouded in holy light, everyone could feel that Zhang Wei should be smiling now.


Zhang Wei began to look at the horned devil, and said slowly in his heart:

"The devil from hell, or the devil with the horns directly under Satan, should be more valuable than ordinary ghost kings. A pair of devil's horns, plus a corpse of a devil with horns, should be able to give at least two ghost kings. It's not bad."

The words fell.

Instead of begging for mercy from the ram horned devil, Zhang Wei pinched the ram horned devil's head with one hand, and grabbed the other remaining devil's arm with the other:

"You just used my hand to rape my friend, right?"

As soon as his words came out.

There was a clicking sound, and the horned devil screamed again.

He forcibly crushed the claw devil's arm.


The scene of the devil that made everyone and the blasphemers feel trembling was staged on the devil with the horns. Zhang Wei only heard one sentence after another, and Zhang Wei was destroying the body of the devil with the horns.

"You just spit on me, didn't you?"

"You just wanted to step on me with your left leg, didn't you?"

"When I came out, you looked like you were going to rape my friend's friends, didn't you, which leg did you use?"

The voice spoke out sentence by sentence.

The screams of the goat horned devil also followed.

Not long.

Looking at the devil with horns again, where is there any horror and ferocity of the devil, only dying and terrified.

【Ding! The horned devil is terrified, are you really the Great Xia Jade Emperor, aren't you the reincarnation of Lord Satan, you devil]

[Host obtains system points +300]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei also held the hand of the goat horned devil's head, and with five fingers, the holy light erupted and poured into the goat horned devil's body. As its body twitched, the next second the goat horned devil's body fell limply.

The Shofar Devil was killed by Zhang Wei.


The blasphemer was full of horror, he never thought that the shofar devil would die, and he died so badly.

at this time.

Zhang Wei looked over:

"You're still there. You're quite sensible. You didn't run away. This is commendable. I have to reward you."

Blasphemer: "..."

Run away from your sister, can I escape? When he saw that the goat horned devil couldn't beat Zhang Wei, the blasphemer wanted to escape a long time ago, but he soon discovered that the demon formation he had set up had completely changed. Infiltrated by Zhang Wei's holy light, he turned into a cage that trapped himself.

"My lord, no, the Jade Emperor..."

When the blasphemer heard the reward, he couldn't help trembling. Thinking of how the goat horned devil was being tortured, he knelt down in fright and begged for mercy. In his opinion, this reward must be death, after all, the emperor of Great Xia seemed to like giving people death.

But he didn't wait for him to finish speaking.

Zhang Wei's voice came first:

"I will reward you. How about you continue to summon stronger devils to beat me? Don't worry, I will stand still. You can perform the summoning ceremony at ease and summon stronger devils. If it doesn't work, you can summon fallen angels." How about hitting me?"

His words spread leisurely.

next moment.

Blasphemer: "????"

Weisili and others: "?????"


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