Zhang Wei's voice echoed in his ears.

The blasphemer and Weisili were all stunned for a moment, almost thinking they were hallucinating, but Zhang Wei's next actions let them know that there was no auditory hallucination.

"Hurry up and summon. By the way, do you need anything for the summoning ceremony? If necessary, I can wait for you to prepare. Don't worry, I can wait."

Fearing that the blasphemer would not hear his words, Zhang Wei pointed to the black puddle of blood that summoned the horned devil.


The blasphemer was completely stunned, his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost:

"Uh... are you sure?"

He thought about what would happen to him, including the bad end of being tortured and killed by Zhang Wei, and the good end of Zhang Wei letting him go, but he never expected that Zhang Wei would ask him to continue summoning the devil.

What the hell is going on?

Is this Jade Emperor too arrogant to look down on devils, or what does that mean?


The blasphemer didn't think too much, just looked at Zhang Wei with piercing eyes, and asked him if he really wanted to summon him.

When Zhang Wei nodded affirmatively again.

The blasphemous god was excited, and there was ruthlessness and madness in the depths of his eyes... Haha, bless Satan, you asked for this! !

【Ding! The blasphemer sneered, you think you are very powerful, don’t you, but do you know that the devil with horns is not my strongest means of summoning?]

[Host obtains system points +120]


The blasphemer is going to laugh like crazy. In his opinion, Zhang Wei is arrogant, thinking that he killed the goat horned devil, and he can control himself at will, so he wants to pretend in front of Matt and the others, and deliberately let himself continue to summon the devil. Continue to kill, anyway, the devil with horns can kill him, so are you afraid that he will summon other devils?

But it is not.

The horned devil is not the strongest method of the blasphemer. He still has a hole card, which he didn't intend to use at first. After all, he will suffer irreversible trauma if he summons a powerful devil that exceeds his own strength.

Also for this.

The blasphemer didn't intend to use it at first, and chose to catch Matt instead of using this method to deal with Zhang Wei, but now Zhang Wei came to him and gave himself such a chance. Under the threat of death, he went all out and fought with death In comparison, an irreversible injury is nothing.

at the same time.

They were also lost in Weisili, they didn't expect Zhang Wei to act like this.

Matt was the first to come back to his senses, his eyes full of worship and said:

"The Jade Emperor is so kind. He didn't intend to use the big to bully the small. He gave enough opportunities to the blasphemer. Let him die convinced."

As soon as his words came out.

Wisley and the others didn’t laugh. Compared to Matt’s blind worship, they were much calmer, and worried one after another:

"Matt, don't bring the crooked Jade Emperor... No, Mr. Zhang, have you forgotten what the church taught you about the methods of blasphemers?"

"Mr. Zhang, no, blasphemers can summon devils, and it is said that powerful blasphemers can pay a heavy price to summon devils much stronger than themselves."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, don't give the blasphemer a chance, he may summon a devil more terrifying than the shofar devil."

"Mr. Zhang..."

As exorcist priests, they know a lot about blasphemers, and they obviously think the same way as blasphemers, thinking that Zhang Wei is proud, even arrogant, relying on his own strength, looking down on "weak" blasphemers, and worrying about it Zhang Wei will suffer.


Before they could finish speaking, Zhang Wei interrupted with his hand first:

"Fry, Mr. Wesley, it's okay, I have my own measure, I'm not arrogant, after all, we Daxia people are the most modest."

in words.

Zhang Wei added in his heart:

"Everyone, don't talk about it. What if the blasphemer doesn't summon the devil? It's all money! I have to rely on the blasphemer to deal with the large number of 'ghost kings' from the Department of Defense."

Think here.

He looked at the blasphemer:

"Don't say I won't give you a chance, quickly summon the devil."

"Okay okay."

The blasphemers seemed to be pardoned, and stared at Weisili without any trace, as if they were silently saying, "You almost spoiled my good deeds. When I send this Jade Emperor to see God, you will look good."


Fearing that Zhang Wei would repent, the blasphemer beckoned for the Dark Bible, unfolded a page, and took out a dagger with a skull handle, cut the palm of his hand, clenched his five fingers, and let the blood flow from the fingertips on the black blood in the water.

same time.

The devilish language was babbled out of his mouth, as if Satan was whispering, and this holy church followed his words at this moment, becoming weird and gloomy, as if this was no longer a holy church, but the burial place of Jesus, but A church of the devil.

With this change, Weisili and the others changed color.

Since they are believers in God and have a special sense of the devil, they can feel that the devil summoned by this ceremony is terrifying, definitely much scarier than the devil with horns.

Can't help it.

They spoke one after another, trying to ask Zhang Wei to stop the blasphemer from continuing to summon.

It's a pity that Zhang Wei was unmoved even if they tried to persuade him with a blunt mouth. What's more, for some reason, they seemed to see a trace of... happy in Zhang Wei's eyes?


Zhang Wei kept his eyes on the blasphemer, and said straight in his heart:

"This devil's aura is so strong. It seems that the devil you have attracted is very strong. I guess the bloodline is not low. You can do it as a blasphemer. It's so powerful. I give you a thumbs up, okay?"


The summoning ceremony is very cumbersome.

After a long period of summoning, it can be seen that the current blasphemer's face is pale, and he has released too much of his own blood. If Zhang Wei was not there to support him, he would feel like he would lose blood and faint in the next second.


Even though he lost a lot of blood, the eyes of the blasphemer were burning with excitement... Haha, it worked! !

next moment.

Accompanied by the blasphemer's roar of devil language:

"Show yourself! Messenger from hell!!"

sound up.

boom! ! !

The blood puddle that was dyed black and red by blood, at this moment, blood gushed like a spring, and the spring column rushed straight up, reaching a height of three meters. At the same time, the blood spread towards the surroundings, with the blood puddle as the center , forming a blood-condensed devil circle.

They were all terrified in Wei Sili, all because... they recognized the devil's magic circle.

That is.

The Satanic Circle is a direct nobleman who summons Satan! !

Also at this time.

The three-meter-high blood column condensed into a human figure, a man with black angel wings and pale as withered skin.


Wesley and the others were shocked to the extreme.

Fallen Angel!

There is no mistake, it is the same as the shape recorded in the Bible, it is a fallen angel from heaven who has fallen to hell!

I never thought of it.

The blasphemer actually summoned the terrifying existence of fallen angels.

Just when they were terrified in Weisi.

The summoned fallen angel spread out its black wings, scattered black feathers fluttered down, looked around, and opened its mouth slowly:

"Who summoned Ben Luotian...Pfft!!"

The words are not finished yet.

Including the blasphemer, Zai Weisili and the others were stunned.

A fist hit the fallen angel's face.

That is Zhang Wei.

With the appearance of the fallen angel, Zhang Wei did not know when he appeared in front of him. He punched out, and while the opponent was flying upside down, he grabbed him and flew out of his ankle. Angel Lun smashed.


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