Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 386 That's... God's Most Proud Work 'Angel'

It all happened so fast.

From the appearance of the fallen angel to Zhang Wei's attack, the time passed in the blink of an eye. Before they had time to panic in Weisili, they were afraid that the one summoned was actually a fallen angel. The fallen angel had already been punched out by Zhang Wei, and then grabbed Its thighs hit the ground like a crazy up and down wheel.

Bang bang bang!

It was as if the sound of boulders and heavy objects falling down spread.

can be seen.

When he appeared, the black wings spread out, the feathers fluttered down, the incomparably noble hell noble fallen angel, how could there be any nobility and power at this moment, every time Zhang Wei fell, the marble floor shattered.

The gravel was flying and the dust was flying.

A marble pit appeared, and amidst the sound of the pounding, the pit was constantly being smashed down.

Look carefully.

There was black blood spilling out of the pit, which was the blood of fallen angels.


There was also a scream of "Ah~ah~ah~ah~", which could not stop echoing in everyone's ears.

This scene.

Wei Sili and the others stared blankly, stuck in place as if they had been petrified, and felt their minds went blank.

That's right, a fallen angel.

But why apart from the shape, everything else is different from the description in the Bible...

It was agreed that fallen angels are the nobles of hell. Even if they are fallen, they still have the blood of angels. They are naturally powerful and terrifying. They are also Satan's most loyal companions.

One thought here.

Wei Sili and the others couldn't help but look at the slammed fallen angel caught in Zhang Wei's hands, and fell silent for a moment.

What about strong?

How about terrifying strength?

Why is this fucker like a toy, being blasted by Mr. Zhang?

Backhand! Resist! Fight! Stop screaming, fallen angel! ! move! ! !

At this moment.

Just when they thought so.

Matt's words were accompanied by the screams of the fallen angel:

"Fry...that's...the most proud work created by God, 'Angel'..."

Weisili and others: "..."

Blasphemer: "..."

Fallen Angel: "!¥¥Ahh~ah~"

Not only them in Weisili, but also the blasphemers were stunned in place, even worse, for no other reason than he summoned the fallen angel, and no one present knew better than him...the power of the fallen angel.


At this moment, the blasphemer felt his head was in a daze.

【Ding! Blasphemer... Satan of Wojnima? ? The fallen angel I summoned? Am I calling wrong. 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

The system prompt sounds.

The blasphemer looked at Zhang Wei's hand, the fallen angel that had been turned so hard that it was almost an afterimage. The blood-black feather recognized that it was indeed a fallen angel.


【Ding! Blasphemer... What the hell is I doing, donating so much blood just to summon such a thing? quick! Somebody tell me it's not real, it's not real, tell me I'm not crazy, the fallen angels I've summoned aren't like this! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

Hearing the screams of the fallen angels echoing in his ears, and the sound of heavy wheels smashing.

The blasphemer's whole body is not well, his face has become crazy due to excessive blood loss, and he can't help but growl again:

"How did this happen, how did this happen...Fallen Angel, don't you fall down, please get up! Stand up quickly, you fight!"

Shout to the end.

The blasphemer didn't know whether he lost too much blood or what, he knelt on the ground weakly and murmured:

"Don't be depraved if you are riding a horse, okay, fallen angel, prove that you are an angel, you are a noble fallen angel, don't just prove your depravity there."


Don't call it a blasphemer.

Even the fallen angel himself was stunned.

【Ding! Fallen Angel...Where am I, ah~ Puff~ Who am I...Pfft, what am I doing...Pfft, ah! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +200]

Feeling the severe pain from the whole face and body, and the constant impact of the holy light.

The fallen angel recovered from being hit by a wheel.

【Ding! Fallen angel... This is me, being beaten? 】

[Host obtains system points +210]

for a while.

The fallen angel was stunned, although he really wanted to resist and to say something, but the swift and violent impact of the smash made him gasp for air as soon as he opened his mouth, and he could only utter intermittent inarticulate devilish voices, which made people feel uncomfortable. I can't hear clearly at all. As for resistance, it is even more impossible. I am suppressed by the holy light.

face this situation.

The fallen angel wanted to swear.

I am a dignified noble of hell, although he is not the top of the angels, he is still a fallen angel. He once followed Satan to resist the existence of God, but now he seems to be beaten by a single person.

I would have known not to be summoned from hell.

It never occurred to him that he was still in hell just now, talking and laughing with other fallen angels, being served by a group of female devils, and even he was about to have a few rounds with the female devil servants, but... a summoning voice came.

The fallen angel knew that it was Satan's summoning ceremony, and there were Satan's believers in the world who were performing the ritual summoning. As Satan's companion, how could he let it go, and immediately preempted other fallen angels and stopped this activity:

"It seems that the believers of God are fighting with the believers of Satan. Everyone, wait for me to make a move and bring back the heads of the believers of God to add to the fun. I'm going."

Finish this sentence.

The fallen angel went to the world in high spirits.

【Ding! The fallen angel wanted to cry... Why did I take the initiative to take the job, and who was beating me, this holy light, could it be that an angel came down? 】

[Host obtains system points +220]


Fallen angels can't help but think about it.

At this time, he was no longer a noble image of a fallen angel, but more like a patient lying in a critical ICU whose electrocardiogram may become a straight line at any time.

I do not know how long it has been.

There was another loud bang.

Perhaps Zhang Wei was tired from the impact, or maybe he knew that the fallen angel was dying, so he finally stopped, grabbed the fallen angel's ankle, and lifted it upside down.

Take a closer look.

The pale face of the fallen angel no longer had a noble and handsome temperament. Some had a bruised nose, a swollen face, blood all over his face, and a mouth full of teeth that fell out at any time. A lot of black feathers had fallen off. It was so tragic that God wanted to hold his heart and cry out. speak out.

It is also this moment.

Trying to open his bloodshot and swollen eyes, the fallen angel saw the appearance of the person who beat him.

【Ding! The fallen angel froze, huh? Not an angel? 】

[Host obtains system points +230]

Maybe it was the reflection of the light, or maybe it was because he wanted to die to understand, the fallen angel braced himself for serious injuries, and spoke in an ancient language:

"who are you?"

Zhang Wei was a little puzzled when he heard the words. He hadn't studied the language of heaven, so he didn't know what he was talking about.

To this.

Matt and the others also saw Zhang Wei's doubts, and before they had time to feel Zhang Wei's horror, they quickly translated:

"That fallen angel is asking you who you are."

As Matt said, he volunteered to look at the fallen angel, and spoke excitedly with ancient words:

"Fallen Angel, that's the Jade Emperor."

The words fell.

Matt replied to Zhang Wei:

"I have already told the fallen angel your name."

Zhang Wei nodded and replied:


Then he didn't have any ink marks. Since the other party already knew his name, it was enough to pretend that the other party was worthless. He immediately pierced his chest with one hand and crushed his fallen angel's heart.

【Ding! The fallen angel wanted to curse before he died... Has the Jade Emperor descended to earth? No, which kind of cub summons Lao Tzu, you step on a horse to summon Lao Tzu to fight the Jade Emperor, there is something wrong with you, is that a level, you step on a horse to summon Satan]

[Host obtains system points +250]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Ignore the absent-minded Wei Sili, the blasphemer and others.

Zhang Wei dragged the corpse of the fallen angel to the blasphemer, and smiled:

"Don't be dazed, keep calling."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to give the blasphemer a cheering gesture, and said in fluent English:

"Keep working harder and summon someone with a stronger bloodline, so you might be able to beat me. Come on! I like you, so call it quickly."

Weisili et al.: "¥&&..."

Blasphemer: "!¥...&..."


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