Think here.

The fat man was not idle, got up and went to the tailor.

Although the tailor's main body is the soul-calling flag now, she can still control her own human body and the Yaya form, and she can use it for three purposes. The soul-calling flag is now placed in Senluosi, but the human body and Yaya are not. After returning from Hawaii, Fatty placed him in Luxia City.

before leaving.

The fat man couldn't help murmuring:

"I hope Zhang Wei can meet some ghost kings in Hawaii, otherwise I have nothing to do recently, why don't I go to his friend Zhang Chao who Zhang Wei gave me a few days ago? I remember Zhang Wei said that Zhang Chao's mouth is very Ling, let Zhang Chao say that Zhang Wei is going to meet the ghost king? Hehe, my idea is really villainous."


the other side.

Time is in a hurry, 11 o'clock at noon.

Hawaii, at the entrance of the national chain hotel.

at this time.

Zhang Wei is wearing white short sleeves and big beach pants, ready to go out for a stroll in Hawaii.

can be seen.

When he walked out of the gate, he was followed by two middle-aged men, one with dark circles and one with a thin face. They were the drowning ghost king and the vampire king.

"The beach may not open until a little later. It's a pity. If I knew it wasn't so fierce yesterday, I won't be able to see the young lady now. Where should I go shopping next?"

Zhang Wei murmured, thinking of the havoc on the beach in Hawaii yesterday, Matt said that it would reopen at noon tonight at the latest.

Just when Zhang Wei was thinking.

"Mr. Zhang."

A voice sounded.

Zhang Wei looked over along with the sound, and couldn't help raising his brows:

"Miss Liz? Why are you here, haven't you returned to Daxia yet?"

I saw a European and American woman walking in front of me. It was Liz, a blond foreign beauty whom Zhang Wei met on the plane when he came to Hawaii.

"I've been back to Daxia, but I'm here again. The company sent me to deal with some things about the Hawaii branch."

Liz was very happy to see Zhang Wei, so she ran straight over, hugged Zhang Wei, and gave Zhang Wei a European and American kiss on the cheek to say hello.


Feeling the touch of Liz's two white flowers on his arm, Zhang Wei smiled:

"Miss Liz is very busy, flying back and forth, have you finished it? I'm going to eat, have you eaten, do you want to go together?"

Out of politeness, he casually replied with a big summer greeting


Liz nodded and smiled when she heard that:

"It's not over yet, okay! Mr. Zhang treats you, I'll definitely go."

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Liz had company matters to deal with, so he asked politely, but the other party actually agreed, but Zhang Wei didn't refuse either:

"That's fine, let's go, what does Miss Liz want to eat?"

"eat you."

Liz blinked her blue eyes with slender eyelashes, smiled playfully, and held Zhang Wei even tighter, and Bai Huahua leaned forward with all her strength, making Zhang Wei feel how thrilling the steepness of the Himalayas is.

To this.

Zhang Wei, who has long known Liz's open nature, said with a smile:

"Eat me at noon, that's not good, easy to get angry, I will take Miss Liz to eat fresh sashimi, to cool you down."

"Fresh sashimi, it seems that Mr. Zhang likes the smell of the ocean very much."

"Yes, the taste of the sea, whoever eats it will know. Although I eat too much gout, I am painful and happy."

"Me too. I like the taste of sashimi the most. Oh, I really look forward to the sashimi that Mr. Zhang will let me eat. It must be very delicious."

The two of you talked to each other, chatted happily, and then drove to the seafood shop together.


The Drowned Ghost King and the Vampire King looked at each other, and both could see the weirdness in each other's eyes.

【Ding! The two ghost kings are confused, what did I hear what they said, why do I feel that the two of them are not on the same topic and chatting happily, but they seem to be talking on the same topic again]

[Host obtains system points +230]

Immediately afterwards.

The drowning ghost king stopped the vampire king who wanted to ride in the same car with Zhang Wei:

"Wait a minute, let's take the taxi in the back and follow the adults. Their sashimi topic is suitable for two people to talk about."

"What you said makes sense."

The Vampire King nodded, and at the same time reached out to stop a taxi and got on it, saying:

"Then shall we still follow? I'm very scared. What if my lord really goes to eat sashimi? We can't follow the past."

"Come on, I think adults should eat sashimi."

"Okay, taxi driver, follow the taxi in front."

at the same time.

What they said made the driver beside him look confused... What are you talking about, are you sure you are talking about the same topic? Why can't I understand, how can I eat or not eat sashimi? Then am I sure I want to follow?


After confirming to follow the car again and again, the driver started the car and followed the taxi with the sashimi-eating passenger.

The Drowned Ghost King also continued at this time:

"By the way, I have contacted Bella Jeanne, how about you?"

"I also contacted another guy who died in my place, and he is expected to arrive tonight."

"What race?"

"A vampire like me, one of my enemies."

"Huh? You're going to borrow a knife to kill people. I'm not afraid that adults will dislike you for using him after they find out."

"No, because even though it is my enemy, it can be solved quickly by the adults, and it will not delay the adults to deal with Bella Joan, and I don't really want to borrow a knife to kill people. I really have no goal. Don’t go out less, I don’t know as many ghost kings as you.”

The vampire said bluntly:

"Besides, when I was brushing my teeth this morning, I told my lord that that was my enemy. I said it in advance, lest my lord misunderstand."

"Then it seems that your enemy is going to scold someone. He came here to fight with you, but you brought a fierce man to kill him. It happened that I went online to learn about Daxia yesterday. There is a saying about Daxia that I just learned. The words are very suitable for your enemy's situation, that is... he really has suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck."

the other side.

When the Vampire King and the Drowned Ghost King were talking.

In front of Zhang Wei's vehicle:

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to stay in Hawaii until the day after tomorrow? Isn't it seven days of travel time? Are you in love with Hawaii and are reluctant to leave, or are you reluctant to part with the bikini girls in Hawaii?"

Just now, Liz knew that Zhang Wei was coming to Hawaii for a seven-day tour, so she couldn't help but invite Zhang Wei to go back together at that time, but she learned that Zhang Wei would go back the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Zhang Wei smiled:

"No, I have a woman to meet the day after tomorrow. In order to deal with this woman, I will leave the day after tomorrow."

"Huh? Woman? Look, Mr. Zhang, you still said that you don't want to miss the bikini lady."

"Miss Liz was joking. That woman is not a bikini lady. Although she is a beauty, she is strictly hostile to me. How should I put it? A company similar to Miss Liz is the same as a hostile company."

Although Liz knew about ghosts, Zhang Wei didn't plan to tell more. After all, for an ordinary person like her, the more she knew, the more dangerous she was.

"That's how it is. Mr. Zhang, you have to be careful. If your business opponent is a woman, it can be very difficult. Strong women are sometimes more careful and insidious than men. I have experience in this area, after all I'm a woman too."

Liz said with a smile:

"How is it? Mr. Zhang, do you want me to teach you some experience on how to deal with female opponents."

"Haha, okay."

Zhang Wei became interested when he heard the words. Although Lisi didn't understand the meaning of her words, the experience she imparted may not be useable. After all, the opponents in business are also opponents.


Liz moved closer to Zhang Wei's ear and said slowly:

"Mr. Zhang, you may not know that for girls, they usually prefer to be soft rather than hard, but those who do business are strong women, and they prefer hard to soft..."


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