Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 396 Ghost Slayer Blade, Sun Wheel Knife

As soon as Liz spoke.

Perhaps the topic was drifting before, but at this moment, although Liz was having a serious conversation with him, Zhang Wei said in his heart:

"Indeed, I think Xiaomantou and Xiaoxue are very hard but not soft."

Just thinking about it.

The voice from Liz continued:

"In many people's minds, no matter whether it is a foreign country or a big summer, they think that girls are not capable of doing business, and it is precisely these traditional concepts that lead to the fact that as long as girls do business, they will be very strong, because they all want to prove themselves of."

"So Mr. Zhang, you can only deal with strong women. If you are soft, it is easy to cause problems, especially in business."

"of course."

"This trick is also suitable for picking up girls. Most strong women like men who are more capable than themselves. To put it bluntly, if you are not better than her, how can you control her, unless she is so weak, except for this kind of woman."

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally, agreed with his point of view and asked:

"Miss Naris, how do you say it's hard?"

"Well, let's see what happens. Anyway, she is stronger than you, and you are stronger than her. It's hard to give an example, because business needs to change according to the business situation. It's not like falling in love with a strong woman. .”

Liz covered her mouth and smiled as she said:

"Speaking of which, Mr. Zhang, I remember you said that the strong woman is very beautiful, so wouldn't it be better if you date her directly? As long as you date her, you can not only get a beautiful woman, but also make her obey you in business. Docile post, kill two birds with one stone, and your eagle and your big eagle are still very cool."

That's all for words.

Liz's open nature couldn't bear it anymore, and said bluntly:

"Why don't you pick a strong woman, Mr. Zhang? You don't know that I am also a strong woman, so I know a lot of skills that can make a strong woman feel comfortable. I can demonstrate it myself."

The words did not fall.

Liz also stretched out her hands and gestured for her skills, her beautiful eyes crookedly smiling.

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Miss Liz, I've learned how you deal with strong women. I mean dealing with it seriously. In short, it's right to be stronger than her. She said go east, but I won't, I'll go west, anyway I'm not used to her, I have to do what I want, I can't let her take her away, be tough to the end."

"Yes Yes."

Liz nodded and agreed:

"Let me tell you, in fact, don't look at those strong women, they look like queens, but in fact they are eager to be conquered, whether it is business or physical, there is no woman who does not have a delicate side, It's just that I haven't encountered anyone who is fiercer than them."

"Learned, learned."

Zhang Wei nodded and smiled, and added something in his heart... This method, I feel, can also be used on Xiaomantou and Xiaoxue when I return to Daxia, Wuhu~ I suddenly can't wait to go back.


The two chatted and arrived at the seafood shop.

Just got out of the car.

Before Zhang Wei entered the store, a familiar Japanese voice sounded, which attracted Zhang Wei's attention:

"The breath of water, the shape of one!"

next second.

He followed the sound and looked towards a store not far away, and his eyes lit up in an instant:

Look closely.

It was a handicraft store, and there was a signboard, which read—today's big discounts around "Demon Slayer: Blade".

"There is actually a handicraft shop."

When Zhang Wei saw that there was a figure shop, he couldn't sit still, especially when he saw that there were still special deals on anime goods.

Liz noticed Zhang Wei's actions:

"Mr. Zhang, I can't see that you are still interested in children's things."

"That's not something for children, Miss Liz, it's called anime, and it's suitable for all ages."

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, you are the legendary Two Stinging Ape. Can't you tell, let's go and see, hey, there are actually toys for 'Demon Slayer: Blade' sold over there. I accompanied this anime before. My friend saw the movie and it was pretty good."

Liz said, fearing that Zhang Wei would be embarrassed, she took the initiative to pull Zhang Wei to the handicraft shop.


They entered the figure shop and looked around. As written on the signboard, many counters were placed around the "Demon Slayer: Blade", including Demon Slayer: Blade figures, clothing, key chains and so on.

To this.

Zhang Wei walked around the store happily, and he didn't neglect Liz during the period, and talked with her about Ghost Slayer:

"In Demon Slayer: Blade, that move is very cool. Although I haven't watched many anime, I think those breathing moves are very cool. Even girls will like it very much."

"Haha, Ms. Liz is very discerning. I also like those breathing methods, and I like the breath of thunder the most."

"I also like the breath of thunder the most. It's so handsome. That thunder light, I think it's a good thing for the first time. To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhang, you're a joke. I'll chat with my friends after watching the movie, and talk to the end I also put a thunderous breath on my head, it's a shame, I guess I'm the only girl like this."

"Miss Liz was joking. Not only you like it, but my girlfriends also like it. There was a time when I was asked to shout and perform breathing moves."

in words.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but watch the Ghost Slayer: Blade movie. He took Qiu Xiaolin to watch it. That night, at Xiaolin's suggestion, he yelled at her, "The breath of the eagle, the shape of one, and the spread of the wings of the eagle", "The breath of the eagle" Breathe, the shape of the second..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei's eyes fell on a hand-made counter.

There are a bunch of samurai swords with handsome shapes and different blade colors. They are around the weapon of Demon Slayer: Blade, imitating the weapon "Nichirin Sword" held by those members of the Demon Slayer Team in Demon Slayer: Blade. Figures.


Zhang Wei went straight forward and picked out a few sun wheel knives.

next moment.

【Ding! 50,000 system points for blessing the Sun Wheel Knife]

Several system prompts sounded.

Zhang Wei smiled.

Not long.

When he had to walk out of the handicraft shop, Zhang Wei had a pack of handicraft bags and three sun wheel knives in his hands.

Seeing this, the drowning ghost king and the vampire king hurried up to show their courtesy:

"My lord, let's get these."

Hearing this, Zhang Wei didn't refuse, he casually threw three Japanese knives and handbags to them, and took Liz to eat seafood.

Also at this time.

With the drowning ghost king and the vampire king took over the sun wheel knife.

The system beep sounds again.

【Ding! The two ghost kings are confused, what's going on? Why do the toys bought by adults give me an inexplicable sense of danger...]

[Host obtains system points +250]

Immediately afterwards.

The drowning ghost king and the vampire king also noticed the change in each other's expressions. After asking each other, they were stunned when they learned that the other party had such thoughts. Scared? ?


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