That night.

Hawaii, at the entrance of the national chain hotel.

"Mr. Zhang, are you sure you don't want to sit in the room? There might be a cat in my room that can do somersaults."

Liz blinked at Zhang Wei.

Since Liz's company has already ordered the subordinates of the branch to take care of it, she is free all day today, and Zhang Wei has nothing to do. After eating seafood at noon, the two of them, led by Liz, wandered around Hawaii until Back to the hotel at nightfall.

at this time.

Facing Liz's invitation, Zhang Wei smiled and shook his head:

"No, let's see next time."

Liz didn't hesitate when she heard the words, she nodded and kissed Zhang Wei on the cheek:

"That's fine, I'll go back and rest first, see you next time when I'm free, Mr. Zhang."


Watching Lisi away, before Zhang Wei could make a move, the Vampire King came up behind him with big bags and small bags:

"My lord, the time I agreed with the Chou Family Ghost King is coming soon."

Zhang Wei nodded lightly, glanced at the time in the hotel lobby, it was 7:40 in the evening, and the vampire king made an appointment with the enemy ghost king at 8 o'clock.

next moment.

Zhang Wei turned around and squinted at the vampire king beside him:

"Lead the way, go meet your enemy, after all, this is the last time you will meet him."

"Okay, my lord, wait a moment. Barrick and I will take the things you bought back to the room first, and we will come down soon."

"Well, okay, but wait a minute."

Zhang Wei stopped the vampire king and the drowning ghost king who were about to get on the elevator, and under their puzzled eyes, Zhang Wei stepped forward and took out three solar knives from a bag in their hands.

The vampire king and the others recognized the three solar knives at a glance. Aren't they the toy knives that Zhang Wei bought at the handicraft store at noon today?


The Drowning Ghost King glanced at the time. At this time, there are still 20 minutes before the appointment, and he will arrive almost on time. He couldn't help asking:

"My lord, we're almost up to time. It's very likely that we won't have time to play this game at this time. What if the ghost king can't wait for us to leave?"

In his view, the adult is a childlike ghost exorcist who loves toys, and now he just wants to play with them.

How could Zhang Wei not know what he was thinking, and said bluntly:

"Who said I want to play, I took it to meet the ghost king."

As soon as his words came out.


The drowning ghost king and the vampire king cried out at the same time.

【Ding! Two ghost kings...Bringing this thing to the ghost king, sir, is he trying to make himself mentally retarded and make the other side take it lightly? 】

[Host obtains system points +250]

At the same time as the system prompt sounded, the Vampire King also asked:

"What is your lord going to do with this to meet the ghost king?"

"Why else can I take it? I can't take it to play with the ghost king. Of course I should take this to kill it."

in words.

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Drowning Ghost King: "Huh???"

Vampire King: "What?"

【Ding! Two ghost kings... Are we crazy, or are adults crazy, killing the ghost king with a toy knife? My lord, do you think our ghost king is a toy? We... are not so weak! 】

[Host obtains system points +280]


the other side.

An abandoned drive-in movie theater in Hawaii.

at this time.

A valuable extended Lincoln car drove up from a distance, entered here, and stopped there. Several figures alighted from it, and the leader was a middle-aged man.

If you look closely, there are traces of blood on the corner of her mouth, and there is a cold female corpse lying on the car. There are two holes in the neck of the corpse, and looking at the tragic state of the corpse, it is obvious that the blood on her body has been sucked alive. The vampire king is here, so he can definitely recognize the middle-aged man.

That was the enemy of the Vampire King, another Vampire King.

"Father, will he really come? Will there be fraud."

It was a young man beside the middle-aged man who spoke.

Just last night, the middle-aged vampire king received a call about the vampire king. With some reasons, he called the middle-aged vampire king to use Western duel etiquette to decide the outcome, but in order to avoid attracting other vampire kings to spy , they secretly choose here to decide.

Vampires have always regarded themselves as noble and elegant, so the middle-aged ghost king agreed to the request, but for the sake of safety, the middle-aged ghost king called all the strong members of the family, the weakest were half-step ghost kings, and even paid for it. , brought a ghost, and found a colleague of the vampire king to sit in the town.

"Even if there is fraud, we are not unprepared."

The middle-aged vampire king responded.

Same time.

His eyes smiled at an old man, that was an old vampire king he had invited, and he made an appointment with the old vampire king, if the vampire king cheated, the old vampire king would take action and kill the vampire king together with him, If not, the middle-aged vampire king will kill it.

The old vampire king also noticed his gaze, and couldn't help saying slowly:

"Don't worry, if he dares to cheat, I will fight with you. I'm not afraid that he will bring another ghost king to plot against him, but if I make a move, remember to share half of his family's resources with me according to the agreement."

The middle-aged vampire king nodded.

Just when he was about to say something, he and the old vampire king looked towards the entrance of the parking lot as if they had sensed something.


The other vampires noticed the movement, looked closely, and saw three figures approaching the door over there.

Among this.

At a glance, they noticed the figure on the left, which was the Vampire King.

Seeing this, the middle-aged vampire king sneered:

"Sure enough, you didn't come here alone, so I said Maude, you will not be at ease."

in words.

He looked towards the two figures beside the vampire king. He had agreed with the vampire king to fight alone without any accomplices, but both of them came with their accomplices by coincidence.

Also at this time.

The middle-aged vampire followed his gaze, and when he saw Zhang Wei, not only him, but also the old vampire king were all stunned:

"Huh? Human?"

Although a little surprised, why did the vampire king bring two accomplices, but before they were surprised, they found Zhang Wei's figure, isn't that human? !

"Maude, you are really damned. You actually conspired with the exorcist to deal with us vampires. It really embarrasses my vampire family."

The old vampire said.


Its voice sounded, but what was exchanged was not the voice of the vampire king, but the human youth who spoke:

"Hey, I said vampire, you did a good job. Is this still a buy one get one free?"

Zhang Wei also noticed the old vampire king, his eyes lit up immediately.

The words fell.

【Ding! The vampire king was surprised, that's great, my lord laughed]

[Host obtains system points +120]

next moment.

While the middle-aged vampire king and the others were unbelievable, the vampire king ignored them and knelt down on one knee towards Zhang Wei:

"Thank you for your praise, my lord. This is all an unexpected gain. My lord, do you think we should do it now? By the way, the old man over there is the ghost king of my vampire clan, and his strength is stronger than that of me and my enemy."

It's not loud.

But the middle-aged vampire king heard it all, and they were stunned for a while, staring straight at the vampire king Maud, who was kneeling on one knee, they never expected such a development.

【Ding! The middle-aged vampire king was sluggish... What's going on, why did my enemy kneel down to humans, and my enemy became a servant of humans? 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

【Ding! The old vampire king was in a daze... what's going on? Is it because Hawaii is too hot, making me dizzy with bone fever? How did Maude become a human servant? 】

[Host obtains system points +160]


Before the middle-aged vampire king could think about it, why did the noble vampire king Maude go to Hawaii and become a lackey of a human being, or a dog of a great Xia.

But Zhang Wei moved.

He didn't give the middle-aged vampire king and the others a chance. After the vampire king's voice was spoken, Zhang Wei replied directly:

"No need, I'm enough alone, you stand back and prepare to watch my performance."

The voice fell.

next second.

While the Vampire King and the Drowning Ghost King were stunned, Zhang Wei raised his hand and pulled out the Thundering Sun Knife from the three Sun Knife pinned to his waist.


The blade is drawn out of its sheath.

The golden thunder light suddenly appeared, and exploded like a spider web, surging around the whole body, blooming this dark abandoned land.

Also at this moment.

Zhang Wei drew his knife horizontally, his eyes fell on the vampire king in front of him, and his voice echoed loudly:

"Before I kill you, allow me to say something in the middle of the day with the Sun Wheel Knife... Wu Mi, come out to bask in the sun!"


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