Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 398 The Breath Of Thunder, The Shape Of One, The Flash Of A Thunderbolt

The voice echoed, and the thunder light bloomed, accompanied by the sound of thunder resounding like a dragon's chant.

This scene.

The vampire king and the drowning ghost king were stunned.

【Ding! The two ghost kings were stunned. Is this a toy knife? ! Are you kidding me...]

[Host obtains system points +220]

As ghost kings, they felt it very clearly. When the sun wheel blade in Zhang Wei's hand swung horizontally, the power of thunder that burst out could be clearly felt to be released from the toy knife. In other words, the terrifying thunder was a toy knife out.

Knowing this situation, they felt that they were going crazy, and a picture kept appearing in their minds.

It was noon today, Zhang Wei took out 9 dollars and bought this Thunder Sun Wheel Knife.

【Ding! Two Ghost Kings Crazy... $9, $9, $9...]

[Host obtains system points +240]

at the same time.

Not only the Drowning Ghost King and the others, but the middle-aged Ghost King and the others have also changed their colors. Although they don't know the origin of the Sun Wheel Knife, they can feel the terrifying thunder power emanating from the Sun Wheel Knife, causing their pupils to constrict suddenly.

But it didn't wait for them to be horrified.

Zhang Wei has already made a move.

The moment he finished speaking, he couldn't help but bend down to put the knife into its sheath, put on a bowed posture, slowly spit out the breath, and murmured a cold voice in his heart:

"The breath of thunder, the shape of one, the flash of a thunderbolt!"


Like thunder falling, Zhang Wei's body was full of thunder, and his eyes were also filled with thunder.

boom! !

A thunderous golden thunder burst out, the speed was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, the golden lightning bullied himself in front of the old vampire king, revealing the appearance of thunder.

Look intently.

Where is the golden thunder, it is clearly Zhang Wei, the speed is so fast, wherever it passes, it seems to turn itself into lightning.

【Ding! The old vampire king's pupils shrank sharply, not good! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

Although he could see Zhang Wei clearly, the speed was too fast, and the old vampire king had no time to react. When he was about to raise his hand to fight back, Zhang Wei had turned into thunder, passed in front of him, and came behind him.

all of these.

Lei Guang comes and goes quickly.

It blooms in the blink of an eye, disappears in the blink of an eye, until all the vampire kings present can clearly see the figure of Zhang Wei...


Zhang Wei still maintained the posture of drawing the sword just now. If it wasn't for the dissipating thunder light at the top of the scabbard and under his feet, and the change in Zhang Wei's position, he would still be a hundred meters away in less than a second. In the next second, it was a hundred meters away, behind the old vampire king.


All the vampire kings subconsciously looked towards the old vampire king. At this look, the pupils of all the vampire kings dilated.

Old Vampire King: "How could this be..."

Vampires: "!!!!"

【Ding! The vampires tremble]

[Host obtains system points +500]

Seeing that the old vampire king was the first to react, feeling the pain from his body, and the eyes around him looking at him, he instinctively looked down, and then saw... his body, at some point, was able to squeeze his waist. Divided into two, the upper and lower body are separated and cut into two evenly.

Accompanied by two bangs.

The old vampire king's upper and lower body fell to the ground, his upper body clinging to the inside, his head on the ground, staring at the back of Zhang Wei behind him, with horror in his eyes.

at this time.

As if sensing the gazes of the vampire kings, Zhang Wei got up slowly, turned his head and grinned and said:

"How is it? Isn't this handsome?"

The sound came out leisurely.

All the vampires came back to their senses, and the middle-aged vampire king also growled solemnly:

"Exorcist, who are you?"

in words.

The middle-aged vampire king could no longer pay attention to the vampire king, and his attention was all attracted by Zhang Wei. Although it was only one move, Zhang Wei's oppressive force and strength made it difficult for him not to concentrate, and his spirit was extremely tense.

Without even hesitating, the middle-aged vampire king took out a glass ball with black light. It was a town-level ghost that he had spent a lot of money to get. It was originally used as a trump card to deal with the vampire king. It is used, but in the face of Zhang Wei, it has to be used.


The ghost power was injected instantly, and the black ball burst out with black light, like the center of darkness, and a large amount of black mist spewed out, covering this abandoned land, and also wrapped it around the old vampire king who was healing his upper and lower body. Obviously, he wanted to protect the old vampire. The vampire king healed, so the two sides joined forces to deal with Zhang Wei.

at the same time.

Facing the questioning of the middle-aged vampire king.

Zhang Wei didn't care about the middle-aged vampire king's treatment of the old vampire king, and replied with a smile:

"Who am I? Hello, I'm from the Ghost Slayer Squad. I'm the latest pillar of the Ghost Slayer Squad and the strongest member of the Ghost Slayer Squad. I'm nicknamed 'Diaozhu' Zhang Wei. So, I'm asking you. Was it a dick or not just now!"

"Ghost Killing Squad? What kind of organization is that? A subordinate unit of the Department of Health?"

The middle-aged vampire king replied subconsciously when he heard the words.

As the Great Xia ghost exorcist organization, the Department of Health and Dao naturally knows about it, but they have never heard of the name of the ghost killing team, but they also know that the Department of Wei Dao is stationed in the form of small teams.

Zhang Wei immediately replied:

"Yes, you have some knowledge."

His words speak out.

【Ding! The middle-aged vampire king has a stern face... It seems that I met the captain of a certain team of the Great Xia Weidao Division. Damn it, why is the captain of the Great Xia Weidao Division so young and fierce]

[Host obtains system points +140]

The system prompt sounded instantly.

The drowning ghost king and the vampire king not far away, they also saw the dignified expression of the middle-aged vampire king, and the drowning ghost king couldn't help but look at the vampire king beside him, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

In the next second, two more system prompts sounded.

【Ding! The drowning ghost king is holding back his laughter... Ma De, your lord is too messed up, that vampire king, you are dignified!]

[Host obtains system points +140]

【Ding! The vampire king covered his face... It's a draft, how can I be an enemy with this guy, sober up, please don't put on a serious look, okay]

[Host obtains system points +140]

The middle-aged Vampire King and the others have never seen Ghost Slayer: Blade of Ghost Slayer, and they don’t know about the Ghost Slayer Team, but they do know about the Drowned Ghost King. Zhang Wei and Liz discussed the Blade of Ghost Slayer this morning. What is the kill team.

In other words.

There was a ghost king in front of them, and after hearing the organization of the anime, they were dignified and cautious over there...

the other side.

Accompanied by the words, Zhang Wei looked around. At this time, under the action of the black ball, the surrounding area was filled with black mist, let alone seeing the surroundings clearly, and he couldn't see his fingers.

at this time.

Sensing Zhang Wei looking around, the voice of the middle-aged vampire king sounded:

"I now understand why Morde surrendered to you. I admit that you are strong, but do you think I have no backup?"

The words did not fall.

The middle-aged vampire king came to the old vampire king, checked his injuries, his eyes fell on the black ball in his hand, and he let out a sigh of relief.

【Ding! The middle-aged vampire king heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he exchanged his blood for this demon heart from hell, otherwise I will suffer. Damn Maude, you wait for me. When I kill the captain of the ghost killing team, I will to kill you]

[Host obtains system points +150]


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