Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 399 The Heart Of The Demon God Is A Treasure To Zhang Wei And Must Be Obtained

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei was slightly stunned, no wonder he took the initiative to kill the old vampire king. Although he just cut the old vampire king in half in order to get more wool, so that the vampire's recovery power would not kill him, but at least his own strength was outstanding, the middle-aged vampire Wang should have been afraid, but he seemed dignified in the end, but he didn't run away.

"It turns out that there are ghosts from hell."

Zhang Wei murmured in his heart, and couldn't help but think back to when he killed the fallen angels last night. He still remembered that the two fallen angels in the back both carried weapons, which were also ghosts from hell, and they were only possessed by angels.

the other side.

After the middle-aged vampire king said those words, the old vampire king beside him also healed his upper and lower body together again:

"Are you all right?"


The old vampire king nodded, moved his severed waist, and said with a gloomy face:

"Be careful, the Great Xia people are very strong, Morde really deserves to die, where did he find such a monster, fortunately you were careful and brought the heart of the demon god, otherwise we will all die here."

The middle-aged vampire king agreed noncommittally:

"No matter what, with the heart of the devil, I will bless you and me next. With the heart of the devil, our healing power will be increased by more than ten times. Unless we are blasted to pieces, otherwise, with our improved healing power, he It's hard to kill us."

in words.

The two looked at each other, and they both had a tacit intention to kill Zhang Wei alive, after all, they are not much different from being unkillable now.


The middle-aged vampire king and the others started.

Taking advantage of the black mist-like haunted domain generated by the demon's heart, they ignored the cover of the black mist and clearly found where Zhang Wei was, and then attacked Zhang Wei from left to right. Grabbing Zhang Wei's heart, one blasted towards Zhang Wei's head.

It all happened so fast.

With the influence of the black mist vision, when Zhang Wei noticed, they all jumped up and hit the exact position where they wanted to attack Zhang Wei.

boom! ! !

Chi! ! !

Two sonic boom-like sounds exploded. It was the sound of the two vampire kings exercising their ghost energy, entangled in their five fingers and protruding out, piercing the air.


"Huh? Hit?"

"Did I overestimate the opponent, this hit?"

The two vampire kings were overjoyed. From their point of view, such a left-right attack with a gap in vision is almost dead to other exorcists, but Zhang Wei is different. He has the strange thunder and lightning katana , can easily escape this life and death crisis.

However, to their surprise, they thought Zhang Wei would be able to escape, but it turned out not to be. This made them think that they overestimated Zhang Wei, thinking that the samurai sword had limitations, could not be used infinitely, and had a cd limit.

But the next second.


"Back quickly!"

The two vampire kings reacted quickly and felt the touch from their hands. Although they hit each other firmly on the head and chest, why didn't the expected blood splatter and brains fly, instead it was like hitting a hard stone. Like on the block.

Can't help it.

They looked at Zhang Wei and were stunned for a moment.

at the same time.

Not only them, because they attacked with all their ghost energy, and the ghost energy wind they brought up turbulently dispersed the black mist. For a while, the vampire kings and drowning ghost kings in the distance were all shocked. I can see what's going on inside, and I can't wait to see it.

This look.

【Ding! The Drowned Ghost King and the others were dumbfounded. 】

[Host obtains system points +260]

【Ding! The vampire kings are sluggish, Dad/Master, what are you doing in the black mist? 】

[Host obtains system points +300]


In the center of the black mist, a strange scene appeared.

I saw Zhang Wei standing there straight, motionless, and there were two figures standing on the left and right sides of him, they were the middle-aged vampire king and the old vampire king. The middle-aged vampire king on the left stretched his fingers and stuck to Zhang Wei's. The left cheek seems to be stroking Zhang Wei's face.

As for the old vampire king, it was even more outrageous. He grabbed Zhang Wei's chest with five fingers, with great force, and wrinkled the clothes on Zhang Wei's chest, just like the squeezed dragon's claws in the movie "The Secret Agent Zero Hair".

This scene.

It was as if the picture was frozen in the eyes of the vampires.

Do not.

It's not that the picture is frozen, but that the situation in front of me is really frozen. The two vampire kings shocked Zhang Wei's stubborn resistance, and he was absent-minded for a while.

To this.

The vampires who didn't know the truth were stunned, feeling that their minds were full of question marks.

What's the matter with this Nima?

Dad/Master, aren't you fighting inside?

Think about it.

They subconsciously looked at the movements of the two vampire kings touching their faces and grabbing their hands. The corners of their mouths twitched violently. Is this a fight? Are you sure you want to fuck a Daxia person, or anal a Daxia person?

【Ding! Vampires... It's time for a good day, my father/owner has a habit of breaking sleeves? 】

[Host obtains system points +310]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

the other side.

The middle-aged vampire king also came back to his senses, and said in shock:

"how so……"

His words just came out.

Zhang Wei's voice followed closely behind:

"Do you think I'm hard and didn't hurt me? Didn't I just say that I'm 'Diaozhu' Zhang Wei. I must be as hard as iron. Besides, don't grab me, old man. Huns are usually only caught by my girlfriends, if you catch them like this, my girlfriends will be angry."

in words.

Zhang Wei maintained the posture of being hit by them, and turned his head slightly to look at the middle-aged vampire king. No matter how he looked at it, the middle-aged vampire king could tell that his punch just now did not hurt Zhang Wei at all.


The middle-aged vampire king: "..."

Old Vampire King: "!...¥"

next moment.

Without the slightest hesitation, they retreated quickly to keep a distance from Zhang Wei. At the same time, the middle-aged vampire king urged the black ball to control the black mist to continue to spread.


The idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.


Accompanied by Zhang Wei, a cool voice came out.

"The breath of thunder, the shape of land, thunder and thunder."

With Zhang Wei as the center, countless black lightning-like slashes instantly exploded like thunderstorms, and were released in all directions. The range was too wide and too fast. Even the middle-aged vampire king and the others would flee if they wanted to. If they didn't drop, they were all hit by the black lightning slash.


Two shrill screams resounded at this moment.

Those were the middle-aged vampire king and the old vampire king. Their bodies were like rags, with countless wounds cut open, and blood was sprayed like money.

Same time.

Zhang Wei also patted the shoulders of the two, and the voice continued:

"How about it, am I a dick? Is my Thunder Breath handsome or not?"

The voice speaks.

The corner of the middle-aged vampire king's mouth twitched, but he didn't have time to curse and respond. Under the protection of the black ball, his and the old vampire king's injured bodies were covered by black mist at a high speed, and the black mist melted into their wounds and healed their injuries.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they recovered from their injuries.


They quickly submerged into the black mist, trying to take advantage of the black mist to block their vision and wait for an opportunity to sneak attack Zhang Wei.

To this.

Zhang Wei noticed this scene, his eyes brightened and he said:

"Hey, is this the backhand you mentioned just now? I thought only the black mist was hiding my vision. Does it have such a fucking ability to heal?"

The words fell.

Zhang Wei added in his heart:

"I don't know if this thing can heal my physical strength. If it can, then I won't be afraid of running out of physical strength when I fight with Xiao Mantou and Xiaoxue in the future. I won't even be afraid of my Cao Duancock. If it is possible, I must get this thing!"


Zhang Wei's eyes revealed an unprecedented firmness.


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