Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 400 The Middle-Aged Vampire King: The Heart Of A Demon God, What Kind Of Trash Ghost

next moment.

Zhang Wei looked at the two vampire kings who had disappeared into the black mist, but their expressions were calm, and he looked towards a peaceful place filled with black mist as if feeling something, and said softly in his mouth:

"Thunder's Breath, One's Shape, Thunderbolt Flash·Six Links!"

The sound falls.

Zhang Wei turned into thunder, the golden thunder light bloomed, drew six lightning bolts irregularly, and plunged into the black mist, and the black mist rolled in an instant, blown by the strong wind brought by Zhang Wei's rapid speed, the black mist rolled and was drawn out There are six lightning trails without black mist.

Immediately afterwards.

The scream of the middle-aged vampire king came.

All the ghosts looked at the spreading black mist, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they saw the figures of the middle-aged vampire king and Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei accurately found the middle-aged vampire king, and cut him in half with a single knife. The incision was smooth and smooth.

【Ding! The vampires couldn't believe's impossible! How did he find the father/owner]

[Host obtains system points +330]

Let alone them.

Even the old vampire king hiding aside is like this. As the family members and accomplices of the middle-aged vampire king, they are well aware of the ability of the 'Devil's Heart'. The black mist released by it not only blocks vision, but also blocks hearing, Sense of smell and other five senses.

Say it bluntly.

Unless the black mist is blown away, it is almost impossible to find the middle-aged vampire king in the black mist, but the fact...

Also at this moment.

"How did you do it?"

The middle-aged vampire king who was cut into two halves screamed in shock, with a black mist, he did not die, and the cut body healed together again.

Zhang Wei smiled when he saw this, and while he was more satisfied with the 'Devil's Heart', he responded:

"Because I'm from Daxia, in the dark fog environment like yours, for our hardworking Daxia people, we all get up early and go out to buy vegetables and go to work before dawn, so we are not afraid of this kind of environment."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei went on to add another sentence:

"How about it, we Daxia people are not dicks."

【Ding! Middle-aged vampire king... are you kidding me]

[Host obtains system points +130]

The middle-aged vampire king didn't believe Zhang Wei's words, and decided that Zhang Wei should be a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.


Next, Zhang Wei shot again and again, each time he accurately found the middle-aged vampire king, even the old vampire king, and each time he accurately split them in half without changing the position of the split.

"It's hit again, I'm not a dick."

Accompanied by Zhang Wei and said again.

【Ding! The two vampire kings doubted life... Could it be that he didn't lie, that Daxia people are really immune to the black mist of the devil's heart? 】

[Host obtains system points +260]

It would be okay if it happened once or twice, but if it was hit seven or eight times in a row, and the same place was hacked, no matter how coincidental, it would be impossible for this to happen. Rao they all have to doubt that the Daxia people would not really be greedy for the dark because of getting up early , So I developed a pair of eyes that are not afraid of the dark.

Not only them, but other ghosts present are suspicious.

【Ding! The vampires are palpitating...Damn it, are Daxia people so dicks? No wonder it is rumored in Daxia that staying up late is cultivating immortals and practicing kung fu, and this nima is practicing eyesight? 】

[Host obtains system points +340]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei laughed in his heart. As the instigator, he naturally knew the truth, but he didn't intend to say it, so that they should be so afraid. It would be better to spread this rumor, so that in the future, when Daxia people are abroad, at least ghosts will not dare Too many people from Daxia.

In fact.

The reason why they were able to find the middle-aged vampire king in the black mist was that they attacked Zhang Wei for the first time before. At that time, Zhang Wei patted them on the shoulder, and at the same time blessed their clothes with 1 system point. Zhang Wei was able to find them accurately with the help of the sensor of the system point.

This is what Zhang Wei discovered by accident when researching the system not long ago. The system not only blesses things, but if it buffs something on the enemy, it is not the same as a tracker, and the opponent cannot find it.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei looked at the middle-aged vampire king who was split in half by himself again, and said bluntly:

"It seems that your ghost can heal you infinitely, so here comes the question, do you want to see my other breath of thunder moves?"

As soon as his words came out.

Looking at Zhang Wei's white teeth.

【Ding! The hearts of the two ghost kings thumped]

[Host obtains system points +270]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.


After more than a dozen times of slashing, Zhang Wei has figured out the ability of the 'Devil God's Heart', and decided to snatch the 'Devil God's Heart', but before that, he has to squeeze the wool first.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei made a move.

It's just that it's different from before, Zhang Wei no longer casts 'Thunderbolt Flash', but chooses other Thunder Breath moves.


A scene that made all the ghosts tremble.

Then Zhang Wei said:

"Thunder's Breath, Two's Shape, Rice Soul."

sound up.

Zhang Wei appeared in front of the old vampire king, slashed out with a knife, and five brilliant black thunders bloomed in a row, roaring like a black thunder dragon, and landed on the opponent.


The old vampire king screamed.

Zhang Wei smiled and said:

"How about it? I'm not a dick, and this is not a handsome move."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei shot again, this time in front of the middle-aged vampire king:

"The breath of thunder, the shape of the three, gathering mosquitoes into thunder."

sound up.

Zhang Wei revolved around the middle-aged vampire king at high speed, leaving wavy black lightning on his own trajectory. At first glance, the scene was spectacular. The middle-aged vampire king seemed to be trapped by a cage made of wavy black lightning. Sleepy.

Accompanied by the middle-aged vampire king was chopped to pieces.

Zhang Wei's voice also sounded:

"How about it, am I a dick or not, and this move is handsome or not."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei turned around and looked at the old vampire king who had just healed up after being cut into five pieces. His eyes looked at the old vampire king with fear.


It was as if time was stuck in a loop.

As Zhang Wei said:

"The breath of thunder, the shape of brilliance, far away thunder."

The middle-aged vampire king died.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded again:

"How about it, am I a dick or not, and this move is handsome or not."

next second.

"The breath of thunder, the shape of Wu, the thunder of the hot world."

The old vampire king died.

Zhang Wei's voice sounded again:

"How about it, am I a dick or not, and this move is handsome or not."

That's it.

With the heart of a demon god, the two vampire kings have amazing healing powers. Every time they are hacked to death, they will quickly heal and revive.

Also for this.

The middle-aged vampire king and the old vampire were successively killed by different gorgeous lightning moves, and the process of the former dying, the latter dying, the latter dying, and the former dying was repeated.

【Ding! The two ghost kings regret... the heart of the demon god who drafted it, what kind of garbage ghost is this! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +280]

The system prompt sounds.

The two vampire kings regretted everything they did before, regretting why they used the devil's heart as a backup, regretting why they used the devil's heart, they might as well have been hacked to death in the first place.

at the same time.

Zhang Wei's voice came again:

"The breath of thunder, the shape of Qi, the god of fire and thunder."

this time.

The middle-aged vampire king died, his head was chopped off, and he felt the picture in front of him flying down in a parabola:

【Ding! The middle-aged vampire king was numb and wanted to cry... I died, my head was chopped off this time, how many times have I died? seven times? eight times? 】

[Host obtains system points +180]


Zhang Wei's familiar voice came again:

"How about it, I am not a dick, this is handsome or not"

His words speak out.

【Ding! Two vampire kings... I'm a dick, don't be a dick, I beg you, don't be a dick]

[Host obtains system points +290]

at the same time.

Not only the two vampire kings were numb, but the other vampires were also numb in place, unable to recover for a long time.

The reason.

just because...

From just now to now, they have been watching their dear father/head of the family, all kinds of fancy ways to die in front of them.


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