Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 401 Old Vampire King: Damn It Without Misery


Like the middle-aged vampire king, the vampires don't remember how many times the middle-aged vampire king died, but one thing is for sure, if they apply for the Guinness Book of Records now, they will definitely be one of the world's "how dad died" Finally, I saw with my own eyes that my father died in various ways.

This visual impact made them silent for a while.

at the same time.

The vampire king and the drowning ghost king are equally sluggish, especially the vampire king. He and the middle-aged vampire king are feuds. Not just once, but consecutively.

the other side.

When all the ghosts are watching.

Zhang Wei was not idle, and continued to use the Breath of Thunder until all the moves of the Breath of Thunder were played, and he rarely stopped and said:

"My Breath of Thunder moves are all done."

As soon as his words came out.

【Ding! The two vampire kings were ecstatic, it's over, is it finally over! Great...]

[Host obtains system points +260]


Before the joy appeared on his face, Zhang Wei did not finish his sentence, and continued in the next second:

"Next, let's switch to other breathing moves."

in words.

Under the watchful eyes of all the ghosts, Zhang Wei put away the Thunder Sun Saber, and pulled out another Fire Sun Saber with a fiery red blade on his waist.


With a wave of Zhang Wei's hand, the blade formed a beautiful arc, and at the same time, the raging sun-like flames gushed out like a dragon:

"How is it? My breath of flame is not a dick, isn't it very handsome?"

He said, walking towards the middle-aged vampire king who had just healed his body:

"To be reasonable, although you are not Wu Mi, but like Wu Mi, you have a strong healing ability, which is great~"

【Ding! The two vampire kings want to cry, although I don't know who Wu Mi is, but I hate the ability to heal when I'm riding a horse]

[Host obtains system points +280]

With the 'Devil God's Heart', they can't die at all, but the fact that they can't die doesn't mean that they won't hurt after being cut, the pain is still there, and now they are experiencing the pain of death again and again, but they won't die.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei swung his knife and cast the breath of flames, slashing at the two vampire kings:

"The breath of flame, one type, Shiranui."

"The breath of flames, the shape of the second, ascending to the blazing flames."

"The breath of flames, the three types, all phenomena of qi and inflammation."


During this period, even if the middle-aged vampire king begged for mercy, or even learned that the vampire king must recognize Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei remained indifferent, using the breathing method to let them die in gorgeous flames again and again .

Not long.

When the breath of flame was finished, Zhang Wei didn't stop, and took out the third sun wheel knife.


Before Zhang Wei could open his mouth to introduce the sun wheel knife, the two vampire kings couldn't sit still.

【Ding! The old vampire king can't hold back anymore]

[Host obtains system points +120]

"Raul, release it!!! Quickly release the Demon God's Heart, I...I can't take it anymore..."

The old vampire king screamed with his eyes tearing apart.

Facing the pain of death again and again, he was either cut by electricity or burned by fire. Even if it was a ghost king-level ghost, the old vampire king couldn't bear it anymore, and there was only one picture left in his mind...

It was not long ago that Zhang Wei had just performed the Breath of Flame and told them that these moves were actually invented to deal with a ghost called 'Wu Mi', isn't it very powerful.

Think here.

【Ding! The old vampire king roared in his heart... Damn it! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Not far away, the middle-aged vampire king seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back when he heard the old vampire king's words.


The black mist surged, and at this moment it was like an ebbing tide, and it quickly gathered, and finally returned to a black glass ball that was placed not far away from the grass.

Feeling the power of the demon heart in the body fade away, the two vampire kings smiled, and the old vampire king even laughed out loud:

"Hahahaha, it's gone, I won't be cured anymore, I can only die once, come on, kill me, no matter how powerful your knife is, you can only kill me once now."

【Ding! The two vampire kings are happy... finally freed]

[Host obtains system points +260]

To this.

Zhang Wei really didn't care, his gaze was fixed on the Demon God's heart. Although he couldn't continue to play the breathing technique, his ultimate goal was for the Demon God's heart, and now he finally got it.


He didn't care about the two vampire kings anymore, and casually ordered:

"Water ghosts, vampires, go and kill them."

The words fell.

He tossed the Thunder Sun Wheel Knife and the Flame Sun Wheel Knife to the Drowned Ghost King and the others, and walked straight to the Demon God's Heart, reached out to pick up the toy, and studied how to use the Demon God's Heart.

at the same time.

After receiving the sun knife from Zhang Wei, the Drowning Ghost King and the others were all stunned for a moment, subconsciously looking at the sun knife in their hands, and couldn't help recalling that when Zhang Wei took out the sun knife, they still felt that Zhang Wei He underestimated the ghost king, how could the ghost king be so weak that he could be killed with a toy knife.

But now it seems.

【Ding! The two ghost kings look at each other... It turns out that we ghost kings are so weak, adults can kill us ghost kings with toy knives, we are toys...]

[Host obtains system points +270]

I thought about it.

The Drowning Ghost King holds the Flaming Sun Wheel Knife, and with a wave of the knife in his hand, he also waved a blazing flame in the same way:

This scene.

Seeing the eyelids of the vampires twitch wildly, and a water ghost playing with fire over there, unleashing raging flames, who would believe it.

The Vampire King also came with the Thunder Sun Wheel Knife, looked at the middle-aged Vampire King who was lying on the ground in front of him, and said with a sneer:

"Raul, now do you know why I recognize the Lord, the times have changed, understand."

he said.

The Thunder Ridge Knife burst out with thunderous light, and it rested on the neck of the middle-aged vampire king:

"For the sake of fighting with me for so many years, if you have anything to say before you die, go ahead and say it first, don't ask me to let you go, the adults want your lives, you all have to die."

Face it.

The middle-aged vampire king stared at the vampire king, and finally became unwilling. He gritted his teeth and looked at the sun wheel knife in his hand:

"Tell me, what kind of magic weapon is this? Now Daxia can mass-produce magic weapons of this level."

The middle-aged vampire king could tell that the three sun-shaped knives looked like the same model no matter how they looked. In other words, they could be mass-produced no matter how they looked. The demon mirror and the gossip instrument are unique town-level magic tools.

As soon as his words came out.

The vampire king's face became weird, and he glanced at Zhang Wei who was playing with the heart of the demon god, not caring about their conversation at all, and then he said slowly with a weird look:

"Raul, this is not a magic weapon. It's just a toy knife that adults bought for $9 in a toy store today."

Vampires: "????"

Without exception, all vampires froze.

next second.

The middle-aged vampire king's face was gloomy, his teeth were about to bleed, and he roared:

"Maude, there should be a limit to insulting vampires, you think I'm an idiot!!! If this is a toy knife, you think it can kill me, and you want to humiliate me before you die, you should have said earlier, don't do it..."

The words are not finished yet.

The vampire king seemed to have expected his reaction, and casually took out a receipt from the plastic bag in his hand:

"What I said is true. Look, I still have the receipt for the toy knife."

in words.

He showed the receipt to the middle-aged Vampire King and the others, and it was clearly visible, with the words 'three sun-wheel knives x3, $9' written on it.

"If you still don't believe me, take a closer look at the toy knife in my hand. The label on it hasn't been torn off yet."


Under the gesture of the Vampire King, the middle-aged Vampire King and the others all looked at the handle of the Sun Wheel Knife. They were all stunned when they saw it. There was a price tag on it Knife toys 9 US dollars]

Deathly silence.

All the vampires stared, motionless as if petrified.

It wasn't until the vampire king and the drowning ghost king followed Zhang Wei's example and used the breath of thunder and breath of fire to kill them, and they came back to their senses.

【Ding! The middle-aged vampire king... I was killed with a toy knife? 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

【Ding! The old vampire king... I was invited to help out and died on a toy knife? 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

【Ding! Vampire kings... Our family was wiped out by two toy knives? 】

[Host obtains system points +300]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei, who was concentrating on playing, couldn't help being taken aback, and looked back at the Vampire King and the others:

"Just kill it, keep the whole body, I will keep the body and sell it..."

Just when Zhang Wei said this.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded from his mobile phone.

Picking up the phone, it was a message from Qiu Xiaolin.


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