Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 403 All The Ghosts Burst Into Laughter

Zhang Wei nodded upon hearing the words:

"Let's not talk about this first, you wait and pay attention, don't let what happened here spread, if there are ghosts escaping, stop them."

"Yes, my lord, we must not let a ghost walk out of this dock."

"My lord, don't worry, don't say it's a ghost, even a fly, I won't let it go."

The drowning ghost king and the others spoke one after another.

Zhang Wei smiled and pointed to a fly in the distance:

"I seem to have seen a fly fly over there just now."

Drowning Ghost King: "..."

Vampire King: "..."

【Ding! The two ghost kings... Shit, sir, you can raise the bar, is that how you raise your strength?】

[Host obtains system points +220]

Zhang Wei smiled and ignored their resentful eyes, and his eyes fell on the pier ahead.

Through the story of the Drowned Ghost King and the others, Zhang Wei knew that the female succubus had many subordinates, including even the Ghost King. Although she made an appointment with the Drowned Ghost King, it was impossible for her to come alone, and she would definitely bring her men.

at this time.

As he looked towards the pier, with his own strength and his eyesight, Zhang Wei could detect that the pier in front of him was full of ghosts, and there were a few terrifying auras in it. It was not so much a pier as a haunted place where many ghosts gathered .

"It's bigger than expected."

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled.

I thought that when the female succubus comes, at most one or two ghost kings will follow her. After all, no matter how powerful the female succubus is, it is impossible for many ghost kings to follow, and how can there be so many ghost kings? The ghost king is also a ghost that must be paid attention to by the ghost exorcism organization wherever he goes.


Unexpectedly, there were three ghost kings and two half-step ghost kings beside the female succubus this time.

"There are so many ghost kings, if one escapes, he will die."

in words.

Zhang Wei took out the Demon God's heart, and planned to want it all today, whether it's a female succubus or other ghost kings!


at the same time.

Dock, inside a warehouse.

I saw...

A half-step ghost king, lying on the ground like a dog, let the female succubus sit on his back, it remained motionless, acting as a seat, and beside it stood two ghost kings, one on the left and one on the other. Right, like a bodyguard, protecting the female succubus.

"How long until the appointed time."

The female succubus crossed her legs, her slender legs swayed slightly, and she was playing with a mobile phone in her hand.

His words speak out.

A ghost-level ghost in red clothes responded:

"Master Bella, there is still half an hour."

The female succubus nodded, as if thinking of something, her beautiful eyes squinted at the two ghost kings beside her, and then asked:

"How about the matter that asked you to investigate?"

The words fell.

The red-clothed ghost said respectfully:

"Master Bella, I have sent ghosts to investigate, to see if there are any other ghost kings in Hawaii, or half-step ghost king level ghosts, they will bring news before midnight tonight."

"And Master Bella, another ghost king you brought, a half-step ghost king level ghost, they have checked the surroundings, there is no danger, there are no other ghosts, they asked me to come back and bring it to you, later They have arranged the security positions of the ghosts around them, and they will come back and tell you."

The female succubus nodded in satisfaction:

"Good job, you are better than the ghost kings and ghosts I knew before."

Due to the order of embroidered shoes, the female succubus has been doing her best to find half-step ghost king-level ghosts in the past two days, in addition to completing other businesses. Relying on her connections and her subordinates, she quickly recruited three One ghost king, two half-step ghost kings.

However, she did not slack off, and when she was going to do business with the Drowned Ghost King, she would not let Hawaii go. That's why she asked the ghosts to investigate before, and planned to take over the Hawaiian Ghost King and reach a business with embroidered shoes.

"Thank you Bella..."

Just when the red-clothed ghost was about to respond.

It seems to have a feeling.

Together with the female succubus, the three ghost kings present, and the half-step ghost king who served as a seat, all looked out of the warehouse.


It used to be outside the warehouse door where you can see the sunset on the sea outside the pier, but the scenery has long since disappeared. When you look closely, you can only see a piece of darkness, as if the warehouse where the ghosts are no longer in Hawaii, but has come to a dark abyss. Inside the warehouse.

Looking at the scene in front of her, the beautiful face of the female succubus suddenly sank:

"This is what you said is ready?"

Even a fool can see that the pier where they are is trapped in some magic circle and has been besieged by the enemy.


The one who responded to the female succubus was not her red-clothed ghost. A voice came from outside the warehouse that was the first to be enveloped in black mist:

"I said, didn't I talk about business with you? Why did you bring so many ghosts here? Is this what Miss Liz said? Strong women like to be the first to steal the show, and they have to put on a good posture when they appear on the stage. Not to mention, this posture is very strong .”

Accompanied by this voice sounded.

"Barick, it really is, it's not Barrick's voice, who are you...huh? People?"

The female succubus immediately became angry when she heard about the business, and thought it was the drowning ghost king who was plotting against her. However, when she saw the figure walking out of the black mist outside the warehouse, all the ghosts, including the female succubus, froze.

【Ding! All the ghosts were stunned, are you kidding, is that a human? 】

[Host obtains system points +600]

Look at Zhang Wei who came out.

first timing.

The female succubi and the others felt that Zhang Wei was crazy. How could a young man dare to attack them? He was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. Couldn't he see the strength of himself and others? Although they didn't know who Zhang Wei was, they could tell from his words The female succubus knew that the other party must have something to do with the drowning ghost king.


The female succubus smiled charmingly:

"Where is Barrick, dare to shoot at me, dare not come out, just let a young ghost exorcist show up? Barrick, you don't think you can trap us with a little black mist, do you? This young ghost exorcist can't see Show our strength, Barrick, I think you can see..."

The words are not finished yet.

Zhang Wei interrupted her, knowing what she was going to say, and couldn't help saying:

"Barick is outside. Don't worry, he won't come in. He has to guard the outside to prevent you from escaping from the warehouse."

【Ding! All the ghosts burst into laughter... Fuck, what is this young exorcist talking about? To prevent us from escaping? 】

[Host obtains system points +610]

The female succubus was even more stunned, then covered her mouth and giggled charmingly:

"Brother, because you are so funny and make me laugh, let me tell you the truth, don't follow Barrick, he has nothing to do with us, he only has one ghost king, and we..."

The words did not fall.

The two ghost kings next to the female succubus seemed to know each other. At this moment, both of them and the female succubus burst out a terrifying ghost king-level aura, and the ghostly aura rumbled, shaking the whole warehouse.

Also at this time.

The female succubus stretched out her sweet tongue, licked her fingers, looked at Zhang Wei charmingly and said:

"We have three ghost kings, and there is even one outside. Do you think Barrick, a ghost king, can deal with us?"

From the female succubi's point of view, the drowning ghost king just wanted to deal with her, but the drowning ghost king didn't count, and brought so many ghost kings himself.

Also at this time.

The female succubus looked at Zhang Wei and said slowly:

"Why don't you tell us where Barrick is, take us there, because you are so interesting, and help us, sister will give you a big reward if she doesn't kill you."

In the end.

The female succubus even leaned forward slightly, her perfect body was graceful and seductive, her meaning was beyond words, this reward would be very... a lot of effort.

Faced with his words, Zhang Wei couldn't understand what he meant, he couldn't help waving his hands and said:

"A friend of mine told me that in the face of a strong woman like you, you have to fight back forcefully. You told me to go east, but I have to go west, so I refuse your request. In addition..."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei paused and said bluntly:

"My beautiful succubus sister, you made a mistake. It's not that Barrick couldn't come out, but I asked Barrick to guard outside, because I have to prevent ghosts from escaping when I deal with you."

"Huh? Deal with us, without Barrick, who can deal with us, what? Don't tell me, it's up to you?" A ghost king subconsciously asked.

To this.

Zhang Wei nodded and grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth:

"Yeah, it's up to me, after all, I'm the mastermind."


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