As soon as his words came out.

【Ding! All the ghosts... Did I hear correctly? ? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +630]

this moment.

Not to mention the ghost king who asked the question, even the succubus, they were all stunned, looking at Zhang Wei like a ghost, but before they could be overwhelmed...

next second.

Accompanied by Zhang Wei's words for a moment, his eyes looked at the system panel in front of him, which system clicked the column.

【System point】: 158930

Now, with the constant brushing of ghosts, Zhang Wei has unknowingly reached more than 150,000 system points.


The system booster sounds.

【Ding! Bless the host with 158930 system points]

boom! ! ! !

An incomparably powerful aura erupted from Zhang Wei's body.

at this moment.

Under the terrifying aura inside the warehouse, a torrential wind blew up. Even outside the warehouse, it was also affected by the terrifying aura. The black mist surged like a volcanic eruption, like a black ocean. Trembling with strength.

at the same time.

Feeling the terrifying coercion of Zhang Wei coming like a tsunami, the faces of the female succubi all changed. This breath is too powerful, much stronger than any of the three ghost kings present. Not on one level.

【Ding! All the ghosts are shocked... My God, are you kidding me? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +640]

After seeing so many ghosts and ghost kings around the female succubus, Zhang Wei was already moved. Coupled with the relationship between the female succubus and Sen Luosi, Zhang Wei temporarily changed his decision. The female succubus, it seems that if she can take it into her own hands, it will be more profitable.

Also for this.

Recalling what Lisi said, Zhang Wei did not hesitate to bless himself with system points, reaching a strength of more than 300,000 system points, showing his current strongest strength. After all... since the opponent releases his breath strongly, he must be stronger than the opponent .

The effect is very obvious.


The succubus, they were all shocked and looked at Zhang Wei in disbelief:

"who are you?"

"Damn it, what is your relationship with Barrick? Where did he find this monster?"

It was the two ghost kings who spoke.

To this.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and pointed directly at the female succubus:

"Who am I? I am Zhang Wei, a young exorcist who is going to conquer that female succubus and take her under his tent."

As soon as his words came out.

The female succubus, who was still astonished before, froze for a moment, and then sneered with disdain.

【Ding! The female succubus laughed, thinking it was someone, but it turned out to be another one who was addicted to my beauty]

[Host obtains system points +150]

The system prompt sounds.

The voice of the female succubus also followed closely:

"Brother, many ghosts and people have told me what you said before. Unfortunately, none of them can conquer me. My sister kindly reminds you, don't be brave, but my sister likes your words~ How about it? Want to try it out?"

in words.

The heart-like eyes of the female succubus are mesmerizing, not to mention her swaying figure. Even if she is the tempting Zhang Wei, the surrounding ghosts, even the king of ghosts, are obsessed.


Knowing that Zhang Wei has taken a fancy to her, the female succubus directly used the ability of a succubus, exuding a charm that can make all life be obsessed by herself.

This is the ability of the succubus, and it is by virtue of this ability that the succubus can seduce anyone or any ghost, and the female succubus Bella Joan of Arc has the highest bloodline of the succubus, and her charming smell is the best, even if the other party is more powerful If you are strong, you will be fascinated by your own charm.

"My sister can give you a taste, but before that, can you give Barrick to me, he betrayed me, my sister is very sad."

The female succubus said, her beautiful face is so pitiful that I still feel pitiful.

This scene.

Voluptuous and moving.

To put it bluntly, even if the angel saw it, she would feel soft-hearted and wanted to fly down to heaven to give her an angel's blessing.


The expected Zhang Wei was fascinated and did not appear, but Zhang Wei strongly refused:

"No, Barrick is my servant and cannot be given to my sister."


The female succubus was stunned upon hearing this.

【Ding! The female succubus was stunned, why wasn't this person fascinated by me? Impossible, his strength is very strong, but he has not exceeded my charm limit. 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

Immediately afterwards.

The female succubus continued to release her charm, and the system prompts sounded one after another.

【Ding! Female succubus...Look at me seductive and tight, huh? Still indifferent? 】

[Host obtains system points +170]

【Ding! The female succubus... Damn it, the charm ability is fully activated! ! Add me the sexiest pose]

[Host obtains system points +180]

【Ding! ...]

Although the female succubus's charm ability is fully activated, she has various enchanting postures, such as winking, sucking fingers, spreading her legs, etc., but Zhang Wei has no so-called obsession or astringent eyes at all except for staring at her without blinking. Very calm.


The succubus froze.

【Ding! The female succubus doubts life. Could it be that this person is sexually indifferent, or is sexually incompetent? It shouldn't be. If I'm so flirtatious, God will have to drag his pants. 】

[Host obtains system points +190]

at this time.

Zhang Wei seemed to see that the female succubus had finished showing off, and said bluntly:

"Good! Very good! My sister is so flirtatious."

Female Succubus: "..."

【Ding! The female succubus is speechless, flirt with your sister, your pants are not even raised,]

[Host obtains system points +190]

Zhang Wei ignored the female succubus' expressionless expression and continued:

"For the sake of being so flirtatious, sister, let me give you a reward. Although Barrick can't give it to you, I will give you another ghost king, the one you stand guard outside."

The words fell.

With a thought in Zhang Wei's mind, it drove the heart of the Demon God.

for a while.

The black mist surged outside the warehouse, and a figure rushed out of the black mist. After a closer look, it was not the ghost king who was in charge of the defense earlier, and even another half-step ghost king was let in by Zhang Wei.

"Buy one get one free, how about it, this reward is not bad, as long as you are willing to surrender to me, the reward will be great."

Zhang Wei smiled.

The female succubus raised her brows. In the past, she was always the strong one, like a queen. She always rewarded others, and no one else rewarded herself.

Can't help it.

The female succubus took a deep look at Zhang Wei:

"Brother, I admit that I like strong men the most, but if you just talk about it, that's not okay. As for people who can only talk, I hate my sister the most, so I let my sister test it." Let's try it out."

in words.

The female succubus no longer used her charm, and following her gaze, three ghost kings and two half-step ghost kings walked up beside her.

In her opinion.

Zhang Wei ignored her charm, she was a huge threat, but fortunately, Zhang Wei was arrogant and let the ghost king in. You must know that although Zhang Wei is stronger than any of them, but now they have four ghost kings, plus two Half-step ghost king, a ghost king-level exorcist is definitely enough to deal with him.

next moment.

"Take him down!"

The female succubus let out a soft drink, and led the other ghost kings to kill Zhang Wei.

To this.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Oh? Sister, do you want more people? But I prefer one-on-one."


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