Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 405 Is This Horse Rider Human? Superman, Right?

In the face of Zhang Wei's words.

The female succubus also smiled charmingly. Although she knew that her charm ability would not affect Zhang Wei, she still habitually flirted:

"I also like one-on-one. Brother, if you want to one-on-one with me, you have to pass my ghosts first."

in words.

The female succubus has confidence in her heart. Zhang Wei is indeed powerful. In terms of his own strength, none of the ghost kings present can beat him, but they have a full four ghost kings, enough to deal with Zhang Wei, let alone two and a half steps The ghost king, the two added together, is equivalent to five ghost kings against Zhang Wei.

This lineup, not to mention Zhang Wei, is enough to destroy a big force.

at the same time.

Seeing the female succubus and other ghost kings attacking, Zhang Wei also saw her thoughts, so he just smiled and said:

"Okay, little sister, after I get rid of your pao friends, I'll come and have a one-on-one with you exclusively."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei faced the succubus and the others head-on.

【Ding! The ghost kings sneered, they dared to toughen us, courting death! 】

[Host obtains system points +500]

Didn't hold back at all.

Together with the female succubus, the four ghost kings shot together, the ghostly aura soared to the sky, and the power was fierce, like a volcanic eruption. In an instant, everything in the warehouse of the Nuoda Wharf was shattered, and even the ceiling of the warehouse more than ten meters high was blasted. Shattered and flew.

This scene.


Four ghost kings besiege and kill a ghost exorcist. The scene is hard to look away, and it is deeply imprinted on the eyeballs.

next second.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the attacks of the four ghost kings crushed the young ghost exorcist. Suddenly, smoke and dust rose up everywhere, and all the surrounding objects, no matter whether it was iron or wood, were all turned into dust and scattered, filling the whole field.

【Ding! The ghosts were pleasantly surprised and hit it! Haha, ghost exorcists who are overconfident, do they really think that they can do whatever they want because they are strong?]

[Host obtains system points +300]

The ghosts present all smiled when they saw this. Although they didn't know the situation of the smoke at this time, they all saw that Zhang Wei's body was accurate and he withstood the attacks of the four ghost kings before the smoke started.

Although they have not reached the strength of the ghost king, they have never seen pigs run, and they have eaten pork. They know the power of the ghost king. disabled.

"Why do you think it's a powerful ghost exorcist, that's it?"

"Hahaha, Master Bella is too powerful, not only beautiful, but also strong."

"My Lady Queen, Bella, is so beautiful even when she strikes~ah~~"

"Just thinking about Lord Cao Bella, come on, he is not even qualified to lick the swallows of Lord Bella... huh?!"

The last one to speak was the half-step ghost king who served as the seat before. It originally wanted to make a move, but unfortunately the ghost kings all made the move first, so he had no time to make a move, so he could only watch the show from the sidelines.


Before he could finish his sentence, the surrounding smoke and dust dissipated, and the scene inside was revealed. He looked subconsciously, and his pupils shrank suddenly:


Not only him, but other ghosts also noticed the scene, without exception, showing expressions of disbelief.

【Ding! Ghosts... Hallucinations? Dazzled? This, how is this possible...]

[Host obtains system points +340]

The imaginary scene of the young ghost exorcist being seriously injured by the four ghost kings did not appear at all.

The opposite of.

Some are... The young exorcist stood there, letting the two ghost kings hit his chest with his body, while his hands were holding the heads of the two ghost kings, one left and one right, and lifted them up, leaving them alone. No matter how hard he struggled to slap Zhang Wei's arm, his hand was as tough as meteorite and never moved.


The female succubus was one of the ghost kings who hit Zhang Wei in the chest. Her heart-shaped eyes were dilated, and she stared at her beautiful eyes with open horror.

However, before she could think about it, Zhang Wei's voice came over:

"Sister, it turns out that you like to grab pussies, but yes, my chest is wide and thick, and it is a haven that can give you a sense of security, but sister, don't be so impatient. After I clean them up, do you want to rely on my chest? You can catch it, but let me catch your hunk too."

in words.

Zhang Wei didn't hide his aggressive gaze, and looked directly at the two white flowers of the female succubus in front of him, with an expression that almost wrote "You are so tolerant, I love you forever" written on his face:

at the same time.

Regarding Zhang Wei's words, the female succubus didn't listen at all, and all her attention was on her hand that hit Zhang Wei.

【Ding! The female succubus is confused, is it because I am not strong enough, why you are not injured, it is impossible]

[Host obtains system points +150]


Before she had time to think about it, the female succubus noticed that Zhang Wei was grabbing other ghost kings, her pretty face changed suddenly, and she rushed to save them:

"Let me let them go!"

To this.

Zhang Wei responded:

"I do not!"

As he spoke, Zhang Wei exerted force with his hands and five fingers, and there was a crunching sound of the skull cracking, followed by two shrill ghost king screams.

Zhang Wei turned a blind eye to it, and even ignored another ghost king attacking him wildly from behind. He even took out a Western sword, slashed at his back, and said to the female succubus in front of him with a smile:

"Sister, what's the matter, my grip strength is pretty good, believe me, this pinch on your white flower can pinch you until you're breastfeeding."

"Who the hell are you...!"

The female succubus was stunned.

At this moment, she has no energy to pay attention to Zhang Wei's words, and her eyes are all on Zhang Wei's terrifying body.

What a joke.

Why his own attack is ineffective, it can be explained by the fact that the succubus is weak in actual combat, but why the attacks of other ghost kings have no effect.

at this time.

In the eyes of all ghosts.

That Zhang Wei stood there, holding two ghost kings in both hands. The two ghost kings had their heads squeezed by him, and the seven orifices were bleeding. They screamed and attacked Zhang Wei frantically. , face, hands, etc.


There is also a ghost king exuding a terrifying ghost aura, like an abyss demon king, and then holding a Western sword stained with demon blood, behind Zhang Wei, he slashed and stabbed Zhang Wei's back and head frantically. There is a Martian.


The female succubus also slapped Zhang Wei's chest with her palms. The wind in her palm was wrapped in the power of the ghost king, and it was so powerful that it caused a deafening sonic boom. A tank had to be shot through by her, and Zhang Wei's chest was thumping when he shot it.


Zhang Wei, however, acted like a normal person. Under their ferocious attack, he still smiled, teased the succubus calmly, and responded to her words:

"Who am I? Earthlings, Daxia people, men."

This scene.

All the ghosts were dumbfounded.

The four ghost kings were also stunned.

【Ding! All the ghost kings... Is this horse riding a human? Superman, right? 】

[Host obtains system points +660]

As the system beeps

The female succubus also couldn't help recalling Zhang Wei's previous words... she is the mastermind, and she is here to conquer her.

Also at this time.

Seemingly feeling the gaze of the succubus, Zhang Wei looked over, grinned and said slowly:

"Sister, the look in your eyes makes me want to say something domineering, that is... woman, you have attracted my attention, and I order you, immediately, immediately, to breed with me!"


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