Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 406 Zhang Wei Who Threw Himself Into The Trap?

The words fell.

Before the female succubus recovered, Zhang Wei looked at the ghost king behind him.

【Ding! Ghost King was startled]

[Host obtains system points +140]

can be seen.

Behind him, the ghost king was still slashing at Zhang Wei. In addition to shock, there was also a trace of fatigue in his eyes. Every time he slashed, he tried his best, but he was so tired after slashing all the way, but he didn't see Zhang Wei being killed. Pierce and cut yourself.

And when Zhang Wei turned his head suddenly, it was startled.

Just after it subconsciously wants to exit the sound:

"What are you doing..."

Zhang Wei's voice also sounded one after another:

"Have you had enough acupuncture there?"

【Ding! The ghost king wants to scold people, although I don't know what acupuncture is, but you must be scolding me, you are on the horse...]

[Host obtains system points +150]


"Go away for me."

Accompanied by Zhang Wei's voice, the ghost king's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling a crisis of death hit his heart, and instinctively released all his ghost energy to resist.


Even though it reacted quickly, Zhang Wei also made a move, turned around and kicked the opponent.

boom! ! ————

Like a cannonball, its turbulent ghost energy could not be stopped under this foot for even half a second, and it collapsed in an instant. The reinforced concrete wall of the warehouse.


The ghost king blasted a big hole in the wall, and the cobweb cracks spread around, and the trend continued unabated. His figure flew into the black mist outside the warehouse, leaving only the black mist billowing outside the wall.

Deathly silence.

Rao the female succubus's breathing froze, and all the ghosts present were terrified, and they were stunned in place.

【Ding! All the ghost kings are terrified...then it's the ghost king, so it can be solved with one kick? 】

[Host obtains system points +160]

The system prompt sounds.

Without stopping, Zhang Wei turned around and looked at the two ghost kings in his hands.

The two ghost kings whose heads were being grabbed had their hearts jumping suddenly, kicking again and again Zhang Wei's feet stopped suddenly, just like that, his feet drooped, his body appeared straight, and Zhang Wei grabbed him and said:

"No, I dare not, Bella is yours now..."

"Wait, I don't dare anymore, I won't pursue Bella anymore, please let me go..."

They want to beg for mercy.

Zhang Wei ignored it and calmly replied:

"No wonder my sister won't reveal it to you. She doesn't have any manliness at all. Learn from me and be strong."

As Zhang Wei said, he pressed his five fingers hard, trying to squeeze their heads hard.

at this time.

Seeing that the two ghost kings were about to die, the female succubus couldn't sit still, and could no longer maintain her charm and composure, she screamed out:

"don't want!!"

【Ding! The female succubus' eyes are about to burst, don't! That was the one I managed to recruit to Sen Luosi! 】

[Host obtains system points +170]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei, who was about to make a move, raised his brows lightly... These ghost kings are the ghosts who are going to Senluosi?


Zhang Wei stopped his hand, and then looked at the female succubus who was holding his hand tightly, trying to stop him:

"What? My sister doesn't want them to die?"

Feeling Zhang Wei's dark eyes, the female succubus hurriedly shook her head, quickly calmed down, and put on a pear blossom with rain:

"After all, they are my subordinates and my companions. Brother, I know I was wrong. You are indeed very strong. My sister is convinced by you. You don't have to do anything anymore. My sister believes that you are very strong."

in words.

The female succubus stretched out her slender thighs, leaning against Zhang Wei, her beautiful eyes looking forward:

"Brother, please let them go, I promise they won't do anything to you again, please~"

Perhaps under the crisis of death, the female succubus once again exploded with potential, and the charm she displayed this time was unprecedentedly charming.


Zhang Wei still shook his head and refused:

"No, even if you are the woman I want to conquer, I will not agree to your request."


Just when the female succubus heard the words and knew that she hadn't attracted Zhang Wei, she was so angry that she was about to stamp her feet to death.


Zhang Wei changed the subject:

"But it's not impossible to let them go. As long as you agree to my request, I will let them go."

As soon as his words came out.

The female succubus was taken aback for a moment...

【Ding! The female succubus' eyes lit up, haha, here's my chance! 】

[Host obtains system points +180]

Others don't know what the succubus is capable of, but as a succubus, the female succubus knows very well. The reason why her race can make anyone and ghosts "surrender" under her pomegranate skirt is not only the charming smell she emits, but also There is a well-known ability that often appears in anime.

In fact.

This is the strongest ability of the succubus. The female succubus has the current strength. It is precisely because of this ability that the strength can be improved, and at the same time, the opponent can be subdued.

Also for this.

Knowing Zhang Wei's request, the succubus was overjoyed.

【Ding! The female succubus wanted to laugh, she wanted to find a chance at first, but I didn't expect that I didn't need to find a reason, so you took the lead]

[Host obtains system points +190]

【Ding! The female succubus wants to laugh more and more...]

[Host obtains system points +200]

Zhang Wei's strength is too strong, the female succubus has already seen it, she knows that she can't defeat him by besieging him alone, and can only rely on her own succubus ability.

Thinking of this, the succubus was happy.


Joy blooms in my heart, but the female succubus is tactful on the surface.

"Okay, I promise you."

in words.

The female succubus wrapped her arms around Zhang Wei's neck.

【Ding! The female succubus sighed, come on, after three years, I finally got another satisfactory prey]

[Host obtains system points +210]

The system prompt sounds.

next moment.

Zhang Wei nodded, and then put down the two ghost kings in his hand:

"Since you promised me, that's fine. I'll let them go, but they don't deserve capital punishment, and they can't escape."


With two bangs, Zhang Wei kicked the two ghost kings.

【Ding! The two ghost kings are in pain, screaming in pain]

[Host obtains system points +260]

Finish these.

Only then did Zhang Wei smile in satisfaction, then grabbed the female succubus and led her to an office in the warehouse.

before leaving.

Fearing that these ghosts would escape, Zhang Weisen shouted:

"Wait here for me, no one wants to leave, whoever dares to leave will end up with those two ghost kings."


at the same time.

outside the warehouse.

The drowning ghost king and the vampire king guarded the warehouse in the black mist according to Zhang Wei's instructions to prevent the ghosts from escaping.

"It's been such a long time, my lord will be fine."

It was the drowning ghost king who spoke.

Although he was in the dark mist, he still heard the terrifying movement from Cang Curry. Thinking of what Zhang Wei said, the female succubus brought three ghost kings. They couldn't help but be afraid that something was wrong with Zhang Wei. The haunted ghost king-level succubus.

"I don't know, it should be fine." The Vampire King said uncertainly.

"But why is there no movement at all now? Is it over? But why didn't your lord come out?"

"You ask me who I ask, my lord should be fine, after all, he is so powerful."

"If it were another ghost king, I wouldn't be worried, but with Bella in there, if she charms your lord, it will cause you to be attacked by other ghost kings."

The drowning ghost king said, he couldn't help worrying:

"How about we go into the warehouse to see the situation?"


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