Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 407 Zhang Wei: The Experiment Begins

Facing the proposal of the drowning ghost king, the vampire king, who was also worried, agreed to the proposal:

"Then let's go and have a look. Anyway, there is black fog, and with the black magic circle I set up, I can immediately feel whether the ghost king has left the pier."

The words fell.

Without ink, they headed straight for the warehouse.

Not long.

The drowning ghost king and the others came to the door of the warehouse. Before entering, they already felt the breath of the strange ghost king inside. Regarding this, they rushed into the warehouse without hesitation to check the situation, but they were all stunned.

"What about adults?"

"Huh? Barrick?!"

It was the drowning ghost king and one of the opposing ghost kings who spoke.

The moment they entered the warehouse, they felt the aura of ghost kings from both sides, and they all looked at each other.

Looking at it, the colors of both sides changed. The drowning ghost king and the others discovered that Zhang Wei was nowhere to be seen except for the other ghost kings present, and even the female succubus was not there, and the other party had an ugly face. You must know that they will end up like this. Triggered by the drowning ghost king.

At other times, when I saw the drowning ghost king, the other ghost kings must have taken revenge, but now they were seriously injured and hurt by Zhang Wei's kick. Instead, after seeing them, they were more nervous than angry:

"What do you want to do, Barrick, you can't do anything to us, your adults said to let us go."

The latter ghost king covered his pants with one hand, and was supported by the half-step ghost king with the other.

Ok? ? ?

The Drowning Ghost King was taken aback for a moment, then quickly said:

"Where are my adults?"

He also noticed that the other party was seriously injured, and it was most likely caused by the adults. Although he really wanted to clean them up and ask the adults for credit, the most urgent thing is to find the adults.

To this.

The ghost king also understood his thoughts, instinctively looked towards the warehouse office in the distance, and responded:

"Your lord, he and Bella..."

The voice did not fall.

A cry sounded.

Both the Drowned Ghost King and the Vampire King changed when they heard the words, and thought there was something wrong, but the next second, the Drowned Ghost King reacted:

"Is this the voice of Bella Jeanne?"

Same time.

The drowning ghost king also noticed that the direction of the office that the other ghost king was looking at was the direction where the female succubus was yelling, and his worried expression became weird:


Although he didn't see the situation in the office, no matter how idiot he was, he could tell what the call was about.

as predicted.

After the ghost king narrated what happened before, the drowning ghost king and the vampire king looked at each other, and their expressions were surprisingly the same:

【Ding! Drowning ghost king... thick~li~crab———]

[Host obtains system points +120]

【Ding! Vampire King... Barrick, our worries seem unnecessary. 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

Although they didn't speak, at this moment, listening to the shouts from the office, they could see each other's thoughts...

Sure enough, Da Xia's sentence 'the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry' is correct, we are worried about a hammer, where does your lord need us to worry, you don't need us at all, look how long it has been, the ghost king has finished fighting, and now they are all starting to kill the charm It's crazy.

the other side.

Inside the warehouse office.

Although the system prompt sounded in his mind, Zhang Wei didn't pay attention to it, and all his attention was on the female succubus Bella Joan of Arc. Similarly, the female succubus also focused on Zhang Wei.

can be seen.

At this moment, the female succubus, with her beautiful and charming face, looking forward to the autumn water, put her arms around Zhang Wei's neck, blowing hot air into his ears, and said numbly:

"Brother, you..."

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Wei interrupted:

"It is recommended not to talk, just concentrate on calling."

【Ding! The female succubus... what you said, hehe~ is exactly what I want, just wait and submit to me, Daxia man]

[Host obtains system points +130]

just now.

Zhang Wei brought the female succubus into the office. In order to take down Zhang Wei as soon as possible, the female succubus took the initiative to post it as soon as the office door closed. Dimple, she is confident that no one can bear it.


Zhang Wei still looked calm.

To this.

The female succubus was not as discouraged as before when the charm of the scent failed, but continued to post. She knew that no one could control her body and the current situation.

At the same time, the female succubus began to use the ability of the succubus.


With its ability activated, even the drowning ghost kings outside the office became obsessed, staring at the thick walls of the office intently, each of them yearning for their eyes to be able to see through.

the other side.

In the office.

Along with this system beep, another system beep sounded at the same time.

【Ding! The ability to bless charm... 50,000 system points]

see you...

Regarding the psychological thoughts of the female succubus, Zhang Wei smiled heartily:

"Have you begun to charm, then... the experiment begins."

【Ding! The ability to bless charm... 5000 system points]

This was something he had thought of by accident when he was playing with Xiao Mantou and Xiaoxue before. Since system points can bless everything, even one's own body, what about buffing body parts alone?

in addition.

What if the ability of ghosts is added to the system? You know, the things blessed by the system point can cause harm to all evil things, so what will happen to the ability of the added ghost?

Can't help it.

In Zhang Wei's mind, the system beeped continuously.

【Ding! The ability to bless charm... 10,000 system points]

【Ding! The ability to bless charm... 20,000 system points]

【Ding! The ability to bless charm... 30,000 system points]


As the time goes.

Zhang Wei is gradually applying system points to himself, step by step increasing the point blessing of system points.

can be seen.

The female succubus' complexion gradually changed.

The female succubus, like Zhang Wei, didn't care about the situation outside the office, and kept making noises from time to time...

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Zhang Weiqi's mind.

【Ding! Female succubus...]

[Host obtains system points +120]

【Ding! The female succubus sighs...]

[Host obtains system points +130]

【Ding! The female succubus continues to lament...]

[Host obtains system points +140]


The female succubus' complexion changed,

【Ding! Female succubus... what's going on? Something is wrong]

[Host obtains system points +150]


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