To this.

Looking at the change of the female succubus's face, I especially noticed the pair of eyes of the female succubus, whose loving pupils were shining. Zhang Wei smiled in his heart:

"Sure enough, it works, then..."

This is the end of the words in my heart.

Zhang Wei had a thought again and increased the system point blessing.


Bella yelled

With the blessing of system points, Bella's succubus ability to others does not affect others, but herself... Bella is charmed!

"Wodefa! What did your lord do?"

It was the drowning ghost king who spoke.

As soon as his words came out.

The other ghosts all looked over, their expressions were self-evident, obviously they had the same thoughts as the Drowned Ghost King.

【Ding! All the ghosts are stunned, it sounds like a pig slaughtering]

[Host obtains system points +1000]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

"This...that Daxia man and Lord Bella..."

The half-step ghost king who served as the seat murmured.

in words.

It was difficult to conceal the shock on his face, and his expression was indescribably complicated, with envy, shock, horror, and disbelief.

Not only it.

Including the drowning ghost king, all ghosts are the same. As foreign ghosts, how could they not know the succubus race, which has a high defense.


The facts were before their eyes, and even before they could react, Bella yelled like a pig.


Such momentum in front of him. Even if the ghosts present couldn't pay attention, they looked towards the office one by one.

"As expected of an adult."

The Drowned Ghost King murmured.

As soon as his words came out.

The other ghost kings and ghosts were stunned when they heard the words. You must know that they are also Bella's suitors and admirers. Now the drowning ghost king is praising Zhang Wei in front of them.

It's a pity that before the words were spoken, recalling Zhang Wei's previous overbearing and terrifying strength, they fell silent.

For a long time.

The half-step ghost king who was acting as the seat choked out a sentence:

"Just wait and see, Lord Bella is amazing. I admit that you adults are very powerful, but our Lord Bella is even more powerful."

The words fell.

The Drowning Ghost King frowned, and was just about to refute, and even kill this ghost who dared to look down on adults, but at this time, Zhang Wei didn't know what he had done, and the sound of ascension to heaven came.

Listen carefully.

It was from Bella.


All the ghosts were stunned, and there was only one thought left in their minds.

【Ding! All the ghosts lost their minds, did Bella go to the Paradise of Paradise in the West Paradise? 】

[Host obtains system points +1600]

The system prompt sounds.

at the same time.

In the office where all the ghosts were watching, Zhang Wei was just sitting on a chair, quietly watching a figure in front of him.

That's Bella.

And take a closer look.

Where does Bella still have the temperament and strength of the queen before.


Under the power of the succubus, Bella didn't know that Zhang Wei was sitting there.

this moment.

Bella looked crazy, screaming continuously in front of Zhang Wei, under the reaction of her own ability blessed by the system point, she was hurt by her own ability.

This scene.

Bella imagined that the situation that should have occurred under the use of her own ability in the past did not affect Zhang Wei, but herself, but she didn't know it, and fell into the illusion of ability under the influence of Zhang Wei's system. , she took the illusion as reality.

for a while.

There was a strange scene.

Zhang Wei was sitting on a seat, playing with his mobile phone, but Bella in front of him, who was about to overwhelm even the King of Ghosts, was dancing there, in his hallucination...

And Bella couldn't see Zhang Wei at all, and some of them were Zhang Wei in hallucinations.


In the illusion under the blessing of system points, time goes by.

Bella's expression is changing more and more

【Ding! Bella...! 】

[Host obtains system points +150]

【Ding! Bella...! ! ! . 】

[Host acquisition system +160]

【Ding! Bella...! ! ! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +170]

The system prompt sounds.

With a thought, Zhang Wei took back part of the system points. After the system points were reduced, Bella was not only not happy, but aggrieved.

This situation is like, I am the last game of the lol qualifying promotion match, as long as I win this game, I will be promoted, but seeing that the last game broke the three-way high ground, and the power went out at this time, I almost want to cry.

To this.

Bella's whole ghost suddenly became impatient.

【Ding! Bella is about to cry...! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +180]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Bella grabbed Zhang Wei's hand aggrievedly, but Zhang Wei shook it off, but Bella didn't get angry and could only pull Zhang Wei's sleeve, looking even more aggrieved.

She no longer cared about what she thought before, only requests were left in her mind.


Facing Bella's plea.

Zhang Wei smiled calmly, and said softly:

"Is this how you beg for help? It's not sincere enough."


Bella was furious when she heard the words. This was the first time she begged someone like this. You must know that others begged her in the past, and she had never begged like this.

Just before she got angry and said something, Zhang Wei raised the system point of the succubus ability of blessing again.

next moment.

Before Bella was happy for two or three seconds, Zhang Wei withdrew part of the blessing system points again.

Bella: "o(╥﹏╥)o"

【Ding! Bella wanted to cry... how could you do that! 】

[Host obtains system points +190]


With Zhang Wei withdrawing more system points, Bella became impatient and completely lowered her posture. She was no longer the Bella in the eyes of the ghost king in the past, just like the emperor who stepped down from the throne. Become a servant, and obey Zhang Wei.

"That's right."

Zhang Wei smiled at the status quo, and at the same time a system prompt sounded in his mind:

【Ding! Blessing capacity of 150,000 system points]

【Ding! Bella...! ! ! ! ————]

[Host obtains system points +200]

the other side.

Regarding Zhang Wei's words, Bella would definitely be angry when she heard it before, but now she doesn't. On the contrary, she looks very obedient.


Bella looked at the man in Daxia in front of her, and remembered that Zhang Wei was from Daxia. She couldn't help but think of what her friend embroidered shoes had said to her not long ago, to find a man to go to Daxia.

Think back to the words of embroidered shoes.

this moment.

No one knows what Bella is thinking, except Zhang Wei.

【Ding! Bella... you are so right about the embroidered shoes! Good sister, I understand your idea! 】

[Host obtains system points +220]

The system prompt sounds.

With this idea, Bella fell to the ground and passed out under the blessing of 150,000 system points.

To this.

Zhang Wei pulled Bella up, and then took out a black glass ball from his pocket.

If the King of Drowning Ghosts and the King of Vampires were here, they would definitely be able to recognize this thing. It was... the heart of a demon god.


He used the demon heart ability to restore all of Bella's physical strength:

"As a ghost, how come you are worse than me as a human being."

His voice came out.

Bella, who was pulled up by Zhang Wei, felt her strength recovering again, and at the same time looked at Zhang Wei's look and said:


The words are not finished yet.

Zhang Wei said bluntly:

"Call master."

Facing Zhang Weiqi's domineering words, if Bella was still the emperor, Bella would definitely yell and kill, but now Bella doesn't have it, so she straightened her identity and said obediently.

"Okay ~ Master."

【Ding! Bella... ok! 】

[Host obtains system points +220]


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