Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 409 Trigger Special Rewards! Waku Waku

Seeing Bella's reaction, Zhang Wei was very satisfied, and murmured in his heart:

"With a few more blessings and recycling of system points before and after, I should be able to teach her thoroughly."

in words.

Zhang Wei looked at the Demon God's Heart in his hand:

"This is really a good thing, and it has no side effects."

He said that the figures of Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue appeared in his mind, and he made a decision in his heart to finish this matter quickly, and then go back to Daxia to find Lu Lianxue and the others.

While thinking about it.

Zhang Wei activated the Demon God's Heart again to restore Bella's strength.

the other side.

outside the office.

The Drowned Ghost King and the others were still impatiently listening and waiting for the news from the office.

"It seems to be over?"

The half-step ghost king who served as the seat listened carefully, and found that the office was quiet. He looked at the time in surprise, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

【Ding! The half-step ghost he finally healed? An hour has passed since just now]

[Host obtains system points +90]

Not only it, but the Drowned Ghost King and the others thought the same way, but just as the words were spoken, the ghosts were waiting for Zhang Wei and Bella to show up.

It was a quiet office, but there was movement again, and the situation has not changed a bit from before.


"Is this... war again?"

"No way."

【Ding! All the ghosts were stunned... Shouldn't it be, the Daxia people are not only powerful, but also physically strong? That's Bella]

[Host obtains system points +1000]

Although they didn't want to believe it, what happened before them, they knew it happened exactly as they thought.


More than an hour later, they prepared to wait for Zhang Wei to come out again, but he still didn't come out, and the quiet office was bustling again.


More than an hour later, they both prepared to wait for Zhang Wei to come out, but he still didn't come out, and the familiar movement boiled again.


In the next hour and hour, a full seven or eight hours passed...

Same time.

During this period, the system prompts kept ringing in Zhang Wei's mind.

【Ding! All the ghosts were surprised... still coming? 】

[Host obtains system points +1200]

【Ding! All the ghosts were shocked... again? 】

[Host obtains system points +1400]


【Ding! All the ghosts were shocked... Hiss! This Great Xia is so strong...]

[Host obtains system points +1800]

Accompanied by the sound coming from her ear, Bella shouted incessantly.

【Ding! All the ghosts doubt life... My God, this Daxia man... God of War! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +2000]


Whether it is the ghost king or other ghosts, without exception, they only have one thought... Now I understand why Daxia people have a tenacious and unyielding spirit. It turns out that this is not bragging, it is true, gift crab!

Immediately afterwards.

They seemed to have thought of something, and they all looked towards the warehouse door at the same time.

Although they were in the warehouse wrapped in black mist, they looked at the time and knew that it was already dawn on the pier outside, and the first ray of the sun was shining down.


The egg-broken ghost king Youyou murmured:

"Its daybreak."

As soon as his words came out.

The drowning ghost king and the others instinctively looked towards where Zhang Wei was... Yes, it was dawn and the sun was up, but the sun had not yet set over there.

Immediately afterwards.

Another period of time has passed.

In the long-awaited, with a creak, the door of the office finally opened.


All the ghosts stared towards the door, and they saw a graceful figure limping, staggering, and walking out wearily.

That's Bella Jeanne!


The drowning ghost king and the others changed color, and the other ghosts were overjoyed.

"Haha!! It's Lady Bella, let me just say, she is the most powerful..."

The one who spoke was the half-step ghost king who was acting as a seat. He and the other ghosts noticed that even though Bella was exhausted, the excitement and joy on her face seemed to be the joy of victory. This must be the victory over Zhang Wei. , otherwise how could you be so happy.


Before they could think too much, they didn't even finish their sentence. The voice stopped abruptly under the scene they saw next.


After Bella came out, a figure came out right after her. It was Zhang Wei. He embraced Bella's arm with respectful hands, and he was dumbfounded by his small and graceful appearance and behavior. All ghosts.



They rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and after confirming again and again, they were sure that they were not hallucinations. The Lord Bella they admired was just like a maid, extremely well-behaved, and... Seeing her actions, the reason why Bella came out first It was not what they thought at all, they clearly wanted to come out first and open the door for Zhang Wei first, so as to prevent Zhang Wei from going to bother to open the door.


It was too late for them to pay more attention to Bella's actions, and their eyes fell on Bella's eyes.

Know that the look in the eyes is not deceiving.

And they all saw that Bella's loving eyes were staring at Zhang Wei all the time, not only that look, but that look, no matter how you looked at it, they were not willing to leave Zhang Wei for a moment, as if leaving for a second, She was afraid that Zhang Wei would disappear from her eyes.

Take note of this.

All the ghosts were silent.

【Ding! All the ghosts... how come this is impossible! Absolutely impossible... Queen Bella has found the king? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +2200]

【Trigger special reward】

[The host acquires a one-time skill—Waku Waku, Annie sub-adult version]

[Waku Waku, Annie:

Using this skill, the host can temporarily obtain the Annie sub-ability of "Spy Playing House", and it is an enhanced version of Annie's sub-ability, referred to as the adult version, which is the enhanced ability of Annie when she grows up.

The adult version of Annie's sub-ability can not only spy on the other person's complete thoughts, but also see the other person's mind image.

in addition.

This skill is a one-time skill. There is a time limit after it is cast, and the time effect is one day. In view of the cumbersomeness of this ability, I will show the host a one-minute experience in advance, and ask the host to choose the object to spy on. 】

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up.

This is not an enhanced version of Annie's sub-ability, but an enhanced version of the system ability. You must know that your system needs to trigger the ghost's emotions to get the other party's thoughts, but Annie's sub-ability does not need to be triggered, it can be directly obtained by force, and the target It's anyone and ghosts.

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei didn't go to the ink marks. The system gave him a minute to experience the skill. He couldn't waste it. He quickly looked around at the ghosts and monsters, planning to find a target to experience this ability so that he could use this skill in the future. can.


Zhang Wei looked around at the ghosts, and finally fell on Bella beside him.

Bella's race and bloodline are very strong, and she is also related to Weidaosi. Based on these alone, Zhang Wei does not want to kill her, and wants to use her to deepen the connection with Senluosi:

"Just to confirm whether she has really surrendered to me."

Zhang Wei murmured in his heart.

next moment.

He used Annie's ability to spy on Bella's mind at this time, and suddenly waves of Bella's thoughts came into Zhang Wei's mind.


Bella was looking at Zhang Wei with admiration, her eyes were full of caution, and she kept repeating broken thoughts in her heart:

【Master, master, master, master...】


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