Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 410 Wholesale Sen Luosi's Ghost?


Zhang Wei felt his mind, and the screen was filled with Bella's thoughts of master, the huge amount of information, even Zhang Wei was taken aback.

"I seem to have a little too much ability to bless Bella, it won't be broken."

Feeling Bella's thoughts at this time, Zhang grumbled like a mosquito.

"Master, what did you say?"

Bella, who was always paying attention to Zhang Wei, heard the words, hurriedly came up, blinking her eyes full of caution and said.

"Cough, it's nothing."

Zhang Wei turned slightly to the side, and at the same time, all Bella's thoughts flooded into his mind:

[What's wrong with the master? Is it because I'm sick? I'm too busy taking care of myself. I didn't notice if the master was tired just now.]

【However, the master is really nice】

with this thought.

A picture appeared in Zhang Wei's mind, which was Bella's current thought, and she was thinking about the various pictures that had fallen into hallucinations before.

Looking at the almost mosaic image on the screen, Zhang Wei finally understood what Bella went through. It was too tragic and cruel. The succubus ability under the blessing of the system point turned out to be like this. No wonder the succubus can bewitch people No wonder... Bella recognized her master and collapsed.

Can't help it.

With a thought, Zhang Wei blocked these images. While Annie can fully accept the other party's thoughts, she can also choose to block them independently.


Even if only Bella's thoughts are left, Zhang Wei is still overwhelmed by the full screen of Bella's thoughts:

【Hey, I never thought men smelled good before, but why does the master smell so good, master, master, master...】

[I don't know if I tell the master this idea, will it be praised by the master, or forget it, in case the master thinks I'm bt. 】

【Yes, let’s not talk about it, absolutely can’t let the master hate me, absolutely can’t! 】

【Ok? Why is the master looking at me like this, wow, the master’s eyes are so good, no, now is not the time to pay attention to the beauty of the master, why is the master looking at me like this, you won’t see through my BT thoughts]

[Probably not, after all, I didn't show it on the surface, yes, the master definitely didn't know. 】

【It's better for me to behave more obediently. After all, the master is very strong. I can't be as strong as before, at least not in front of the master. Otherwise, what should I do if the master hates me...】


All kinds of bt-like thoughts swiped Zhang Wei's mind.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and murmured in his heart:

"After Bella's ability buffing system is activated, it's not anti-injury, it's almost anti-armor, and it's true injury, but it's good, at least it's confirmed, Bella has been taught by me, and she won't betray I."

A minute passed quickly.

Annie's ability experience has expired, but in this minute, after using it, Zhang Wei has mastered the use function of Annie's ability.


Zhang Wei looked at the time:

"I didn't expect it to be dawn. It's almost time for the plane to arrive."

Zhang Wei, who was in a hurry to go back, looked at the time, and without hesitation, he was about to leave on the spot, not wanting to miss the flight.

before leaving.

Zhang Wei asked Bella:

"I heard that you are related to Sen Luosi?"

"Yes, master, I have cooperated with Senluosi to help them introduce ghosts. Isn't there a big event in the northeast of Daxia recently? I helped introduce some ghosts in Senluosi."

"So that's it. It seems that you and Sen Luosi have a very close cooperation."

"The master praised it, why do you ask this, master, do you have something to do with Sen Luosi?"

"Yes, it's still a little bit related."

Zhang Wei didn't hide anything, and simply told about his feud with Sen Luosi.

As soon as his words came out.

Bella's complexion suddenly changed, and she said in a panic:

"Master, Sen Luosi and I are just a cooperative relationship, not very close, don't get me wrong, really, you trust me."

【Ding! Bella is flustered... I cooperate with the enemy of the master, will the master hate me, and will the master not give it to me, ah! ! No! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

Fearing that Zhang Wei would misunderstand her and think that she was also an accomplice of the enemy, Bella panicked and did not hide it, her loving eyes were filled with tears, she did not look like a queen at all, she only had her master in her mind:

"Master, I cooperated with Sen Luosi because of the embroidered shoes. Without embroidered shoes, I would never cooperate with Sen Luosi. I will not cooperate with Sen Luosi in the future. I will go to tell the embroidered shoes that this time The list is not done."

Words come out.

Before Bella could continue to say something, Zhang Wei frowned and looked over:

"Huh? Are you still cooperating with Sen Luosi?"


Bella nodded:

"I only tell the master about this matter. My good sister found me a few days ago, that is, embroidered shoes. She is a good sister to me. Please let me help her find the half-step ghost king..."


Bella told all about the recent cooperation with Sen Luosi.

Zhang Wei couldn't help being stunned.

Although he was surprised by the relationship between the embroidered shoes and Bella, he didn't have time to think about it. He was more attracted by a more exciting news. Senluosi urgently needed members with high combat power to make the next plan, and... Bella was helping to introduce high combat power.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei's complexion became strange:

"Bella, are you sure you didn't lie about what you just said?"

"Sure and sure, master, I will not lie to you, if I lie to you, I curse that I will never be able to get the love of the master again, and I will never be able to breed with the master!!"

Bella held Zhang Wei's hand tightly.

Immediately afterwards.

With the confirmation of the information, Zhang Wei regained his spirits, with a hey smile on his face:

"Sen Luosi asked you to introduce high combat power..."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei looked at Bella and said:

"Bella, I'm going back to Daxia now, but before I leave, I have a task for you. How about you help me complete it? Just don't refuse to cooperate with Sen Luosi, and try your best to complete it."

"Ah? Don't refuse? Okay, master, whatever you say is what you say, I won't refuse."

Bella looked at Zhang Wei intently and continued:

"Master, I have done my best to cooperate with Sen Luosi as soon as possible, and then I will go to Daxia to find you, master, wait for me."

"Bella, I'm not finished yet."

Zhang Wei interrupted her:

"I hope that after you cooperate with Sen Luosi, don't let go of cooperating with Sen Luosi, continue to find more opportunities to cooperate, and help them introduce more powerful ghosts, but before the introduction, I need you to let these introduced ghosts, like Like these ghosts, listen to you."

As soon as his words came out.

Bella already understood Zhang Wei's thoughts:

"Master, you are planning to pretend to let ghosts enter Senluosi. In fact, these ghosts are all my ghosts. They all listen to me in the end. After all, they listen to me, which is equivalent to listening to the master."


"Master, your idea is very good, but you can't do it. My ability can make ghosts obsess me, but Sen Luosi also has his own method to make ghosts obey their orders, and this method is more mandatory. stronger than mine."

Bella spoke bluntly, like a child who did something wrong:

"Master, I'm sorry, I'm too bad, I'm not as powerful as Senluosi, so master, you want to put your own people into Senluosi, it's hard to realize, I'm sorry, I'm sorry master."


Zhang Wei smiled, and didn't care about Bella's thoughts.

In fact.

He had thought about this a long time ago. Senluosi must have his own means to survive for such a long time. It is impossible to completely believe in the ghosts introduced by Bella. After all, Bella's ability is there. Obviously Senluosi has his own stronger Means to urge ghosts to be loyal to Sen Luosi.

"You don't need to apologize, I know what you said, but you don't have to worry about it, because as long as your ability is stronger than theirs, wouldn't it be fine?"

As soon as his words came out.

Bella was taken aback for a moment before her eyes lit up:

"Master, do you have a way to make me stronger?!"


"What way?"

"Make a contract with me."

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

As long as Bella is contracted with the ghost back tattoo, I can give Bella ability to bless system points at any time. You must know... the ability to buff with system points can restrain all evil, and the method of brainwashing loyalty is evil no matter how you look at it.


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