Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 411 The Holy See, A Group Of Young Priests


As soon as Bella heard the word contract, her loving eyes lit up.

【Ding! Bella is excited... contract, master-servant contract, slave contract...]

[Host obtains system points +150]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Now, while Annie was still experiencing the card, Zhang Wei's mind came up with the thoughts in Bella's mind at this moment.

In Bella's mind...

She showed a bt smirk, panting and whispering, how does the master want to make a contract.


She said reaching for the succubus tattoo on her stomach.

Immediately afterwards.

The image of Bella's thoughts changed, and Zhang Wei appeared, and Zhang Wei in her mind was holding Bella's chin... Then he hummed, ping-ping-pong-pong, rumbling, babbling...

Faced with this picture of Bella's thoughts, Zhang Wei also felt the eager eyes of Bella in front of him, and couldn't laugh or cry for a while:

"Yes, contract, be my partner."

He opened his mouth quickly, for fear that Bella would make up his mind again.


Zhang Wei didn't write any ink, and bit his finger to make a contract with Bella.

"Come, make a contract with me."

"Okay, master."

Bella opened her mouth after hearing the words, and opened her mouth to Zhang Wei's finger to suck.

Zhang Wei was taken aback:

"What are you doing, Bella?"

"Ah? Master doesn't want a contract? Doesn't it make me..."

"Ahem, Bella, you misunderstood, I asked you to stretch out your palm."

"I'm sorry master, I'm dirty."

Bella said and stretched out her palm.

next moment.


The light of the contract bloomed brightly, dazzling and gorgeous.

Same time.

Zhang Wei's back also glowed brightly, and a tattoo appeared.

It was a big tree in the sky, under the tree a fat man was sitting cross-legged, beside him was a bloody flag fluttering in the wind, and on the branch of the willow tree lay a lazy cat that looked like it was basking in the sun .


There is also a beautiful figure, she is smiling, sitting on the other branch opposite to the cat, her bare feet seem to be shaking her legs, her head has curved sheep horns, and there is a succubus tattoo on her abdomen.

The picture is weird and peculiar, but it is not out of harmony.

Finish these.

Zhang Wei explained to Bella, telling her that in the future, he would help Sen Luosi find ghosts, and give all of them the scent of succubi, so that they would be obsessed with Bella and obey him and Bella.

"With the scent of succubus blessed by system points, the ability of succubus will be greatly enhanced. Even if Sen Luosi has brainwashing methods, it can't compare."

Zhang Wei thought to himself.

"Okay, master, I will definitely complete everything you told me."

Bella nodded, with pity in her eyes, she couldn't go back to Daxia with her master, but it's okay, as long as she tries her best to fulfill all the master's orders, the master will definitely reward her when the time comes!

Just when Zhang Wei was about to leave for the plane.

Bella seemed to think of something, and stopped Zhang Wei again:

"Master, wait a minute, if you meet embroidered shoes in Senluosi, you have to be careful of her, she is also very capable, but with master's ability, you will definitely not lose to her, if you meet her, please Master don't kill her."


Zhang Wei looked over.

Bella didn't hide it, she seemed to make up her mind and gritted her teeth:

"The embroidered shoes are my good sisters. Master, you have to deal with Sen Luosi. No matter who you are, I don't want to see you get hurt. If the master really meets the embroidered shoes, please don't hurt her. I will find a way to persuade the embroidered shoes station On the master's side."

"Sen Luosi's high-level embroidered shoes?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Bella, now there are Fatty, Mr. Willow, and a tailor. If he can bring embroidered shoes to his side, then he will have more people on Sen Luosi's side.

"Okay, I'll see the situation when the time comes, I will keep my hand if I can."

"Okay, master, I will try my best to persuade the embroidered shoes."


Hawaiian Airport, Gate 4.

at this time.

Queues have already begun here, the plane has arrived, and passengers are boarding one after another.

"Fortunately, we caught up."

Zhang Wei stood at the last row in the line.

After he left the pier just now, he brought the vampire king and the drowning ghost king to the airport non-stop. Fortunately, he didn't miss the flight in time.

The voice just fell.

Zhang Wei was just about to wait in line to get on the plane, when a voice came from behind:

"Huh? Mr. Zhang!"


The sudden sound made Zhang Wei startled for a moment, then turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and said in surprise:

"Miss Liz? Why are you here?"

"Haha, what a coincidence, Mr. Zhang, it turns out that the ticket you bought is also for this flight."

Liz came with a small suitcase of luggage.


Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Miss Liz, why are you here? Are you going back to Daxia?"

"Yeah, I thought it would take a while for the branch office to deal with it, but the branch office was very helpful, and it was handled in advance. I bought a plane ticket and went back to Daxia. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Zhang."

Liz also smiled.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to reply.

"Ah! Yu...Mr. Zhang!!!"

"Mr. Zhang?"

Several more voices came from not far away.

Look closely.

A group of people came towards Zhang Wei and the others. There were a dozen or so of them, including adults and children, but without exception, they were all dressed in priestly attire, and even the children were dressed in childlike priestly attire.

"Matt, Mr. Wesley."

Zhang Wei recognized it, and was a little dazed. It was Father Matt and others from Hawaii.

"Mr. Zhang, are you going back to Daxia today?"

Matt walked up excitedly, happily lifted the suitcase in his hand and continued:

"Haha, we are also going to Daxia."

"Aren't you going to Daxia too? Matt, didn't you just become an exorcist priest? You traveled to Daxia right after you took office? You also invited Weisili and the others. Isn't Hawaii left unattended? Aren't you afraid that the Holy See will be angry?"

"Mr. Zhang, you have misunderstood. I am not going to Daxia for tourism, but for exchange and study. Look at these little priests."

Matt pointed to the five children behind him:

"This time we are serving the Holy See and going to Daxia to communicate with the Department of Health and Dao."

Zhang Wei was stunned when he heard this. Now is the era of rapid global integration. There is no such thing as a closed country, and there will be diplomatic exchanges from time to time. As a ghost exorcist organization from various countries, it is the same. They will send people to communicate after a period of time.


According to Matt's explanation, as Zhang Wei thought, Weisili and the others were ordered by the Holy See to bring the new generation trained by the Holy See to the Department of Health for exchanges. Matt, as Weisili's teammate, is also one of the entourage.

"Matt, you can do it. This kind of task has been assigned to me since I took office."

"Mr. Zhang was joking. How could Matt be so good? It was all thanks to Mr. Zhang Wei. You helped us deal with many supernatural incidents such as the beach in Hawaii. The Holy See saw that we performed well in handling incidents recently. Entrust me to escort the new generation to exchange."

It was Weisili who spoke, expressing his gratitude unabashedly.

Same time.

Weisili hurriedly beckoned the accompanying young priests to come over:

"Children, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Zhang. I told you before that the reason why our branch of the Holy See in Hawaii can handle the recent supernatural events is thanks to Mr. Zhang."

Matt is also excited to echo:

"Yes, children, he is the wonderful Mr. Zhang I told you about. He is very capable."

next moment.

Zhang Wei could feel that after they spoke in Wesley, those little priests greeted Zhang Wei with curiosity in their eyes, and some of them whispered:

"That's Mr. Zhang that Father Matt said, so young."

"Why does he look about the same age as my brother? Is it possible for him to be as powerful as Mr. Matt said at such a young age?"

"It must be very powerful. Father Wesley is exaggerating, sir. I think he must be very powerful."

"Hey, no matter how powerful it is, it will never be stronger than my merciful Lord. God is the strongest Lord of all things, Amen~"

"Is he the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen?"

"Shh, don't call him by that name, Mr. Matt said, Mr. Zhang is now called Zhang Wei, don't call him Zhang Bairen."


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