Their whispering was very low, but Zhang Wei still heard it.

To this.

Zhang Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, what kind of idea did Matt pour into them:

"It seems that it is necessary to find a time and give Matt a serious explanation."

I thought about it.

Zhang Wei talked with Liz and Matt, and handed the ticket to the security inspector while walking up.

Not long.

On the China Eastern Airlines flight from Hawaii to Daxia.

at this time.

A stewardess was standing at the entrance of the plane, smiling and welcoming every passenger to board the plane, but at this moment, she glanced at the passengers walking in the front aisle, her smile faltered, not only her, but also the people around her who were welcoming The flight attendant, the chief purser, and the other flight attendants were all taken aback.

can be seen.

In the passage ahead, a strange scene came, a group of priests led a group of church children, walking towards the passage.

They are no strangers to priests. They have seen priests come to Daxia before, but in the scene before them, a group of priests are talking and laughing at a young man from Daxia. The priests are all respectful, and one of them has that look in his eyes , How fanatical, it seems that it is not the young people of Daxia who are defending, but God.

"Xiaoxiao, is that handsome guy also a priest?"

"No, he's not wearing a priest's clothes."

"He's definitely not a priest. Look, there's a beautiful woman next to him. Can a priest pick up girls? I think it's the young man from Daxia who donated money to the priest. Don't foreign churches often receive donations? Especially those orphanages run by churches, don’t you think there are church children there?”

"It turned out to be funding the orphanage. Doesn't that mean that handsome guy is rich?"

is talking.

Zhang Wei and the others had already come, and they entered the plane under the polite welcome of the stewardess.

To this.

The stewardess was about to enter the cabin, looking for a chance to talk to Zhang Wei, but at this moment, the flight attendant stopped her:

"Wait a minute, there are still passengers who haven't finished boarding."

"Ah? Is there any more? Isn't this the last batch?"

As the stewardess spoke, she noticed that not long after Zhang Wei and the others entered, another passenger walked into the aisle. Seeing this, her money-worshiping eyes lit up.

It was a middle-aged man in a suit. His whole body, from clothes, trousers to belts, was famous brand. Even the suitcase he was carrying was made by Chanel.


How can she control Zhang Wei? Compared with Zhang Wei's youthful appearance and undetermined funding status, the middle-aged man in a suit in front of him is 100% rich.


The stewardess approached enthusiastically, and the purser and the others did not refuse, knowing how much their companion wanted to find a wealthy man.

"Welcome sir to take this flight..."

in words.

The flight attendant noticed that the middle-aged man’s suitcase was small, but it seemed a little heavy. The middle-aged man seemed to be a little tired, and he was struggling to drag the suitcase. She was trembling. shot:

"Sir, are you a first-class passenger? Let me carry your luggage for you."


The flight attendant habitually went to help carry the small suitcase, but when she touched the suitcase, she was stunned in vain.

at the same time.

The middle-aged man in a suit who seemed to be distracted saw his suitcase being touched, his pupils shrank suddenly, he pulled the suitcase straight and said:

"Don't touch my suitcase! No, I can take it myself, thank you."

He yelled, realizing that he seemed to have lost his composure, and added that he rejected the offer, then ignored the flight attendant and walked straight to the first-class cabin.

This scene.

Rao, the flight attendant, they were all taken aback:

"Scared me, this man is a bit rude, kindly help him carry his suitcase and put it on the luggage rack, why are you so angry?"

"Maybe it contained some valuables, such as his family's ashes."

"Xiaoqi, I don't think you can chase this kind of person, huh? Xiaoqi, what's wrong with you?"

As the stewardesses were talking, they turned their heads and found that the money-worshiping stewardess was standing there in a daze.

She didn't recover until the purser waved his hand in front of her.

"Xiaoqi, what's the matter with you? Are you scared by that rich man's violent temper?"


The gold-worshiping stewardess shook her head, stared at the direction of the first-class cabin of the middle-aged man in the suit, hesitated for a while, and responded:

"I don't know if it's my illusion, maybe I'm too nervous, or that suitcase is very expensive, I touched that suitcase just now... It's strange, that suitcase is so cold, it's very cold, like Like touching an ice cube."

in words.

The money-worshiping stewardess did not hide her bewilderment. Thinking back just now, when she picked up the suitcase, it was so cold that it was as cold as ice, or even colder than ice, which frightened her and froze in place.

To this.

The purser and the others didn’t care, they just thought the stewardess had an illusion:

"You must be nervous. That's a suitcase, not a refrigerator."

"Haha, Xiaoqi, are you so nervous, but yes, the man in the suit looks very rich, and his watch is 500,000 yuan."

When the money-worshiping stewardess heard the 500,000 yuan watch, she was taken aback for a moment, and then her eyes lit up again:

"Xiaoxiao, are you sure it's 500,000?"

"Yeah, I've seen one of the same style before."

"Then I can't miss this rich man, Xiaoxiao, you go to take charge of the economy class, there is also a handsome young man with a lot of money there, I will take charge of the suit man."


at the same time.

While the flight attendants are talking.

Zhang Wei and the others had already found a seat in the economy class. As soon as they sat down, a little priest beside him also followed, and then sat next to him, and Liz sat down with him.

"Huh? Liz, why are you here? Aren't you from seat 3e?"

Zhang Wei remembered that before boarding the plane, Liz said she was seat 3e.

"I exchanged it with Father Wesley."

Liz raised the ticket in her hand, then leaned over and whispered to Zhang Wei:

"I originally wanted to sit with Mr. Zhang so that we could communicate with Mr. Zhang. Unfortunately, there is a child next to me, so I can't communicate with Mr. Zhang about inappropriate content."

in words.

Liz didn't hide her pity, and then asked the little priest beside her:

"Little friend, tell my sister how old you are? I heard from other priests just now that Mr. Zhang is very powerful, why is he so powerful? By the way, what are you looking at?"

As soon as his words came out.

The little priest child who picked up the tablet to watch as soon as he sat down looked up:

"Sister, I'm eleven years old. I'm watching Armored Warrior. Mr. Zhang is very powerful. Father Matt said that he is super powerful. I don't know the specifics. Father Matt said too much. I didn't Remember, because in my opinion, God is the strongest."

"Armor Warrior? Isn't this a Daxia cartoon?"

Knowing that the little priest was actually watching Da Xia's cartoons, Liz couldn't help but think of Zhang Wei. Not long ago, she went to the figure shop with Zhang Wei and knew that Zhang Wei was a fan of anime.

Can't help it.

Liz said to Zhang Wei:

"Mr. Zhang, you see, this kid likes anime just like you, huh? What's wrong with you, Mr. Zhang?"


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