Liz noticed that Zhang Wei was not looking at this side at this time, showing a half-bent posture just about to sit down, and then looked up and looked forward as if attracted by something, Liz couldn't help being curious:

"Mr. Zhang, what are you looking at?"

in words.

Liz also stood up slightly and looked in Zhang Wei's direction.

However, there is nothing special in front. Rows of passengers are sitting. Because the seats are facing away from each other, only the back of the head can be seen. The only person who can see the front face is the stewardess standing at the exit of the economy class.


Liz snickered and said:

"Mr. Zhang, you like uniforms to be confusing, but it's normal. There are often movies where boys play stewardesses. Boys like to watch them, but she doesn't look as good-looking as I do. So can I just change the uniform of a flight attendant to attract Zhang?" gentlemen?"

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei came back to his senses, heard Liz's words, and knew that the other party had misunderstood:

"Miss Liz, you misunderstood, I am not looking at the stewardess."

As he spoke, his eyes moved, as if he wanted to pass through the place where the economy class leads to the first class.

just now.

When he found his seat, he didn't wait to sit down. Relying on his own strength, he felt an aura, to be precise, an unfamiliar ghost aura. Although the aura was sealed and did not overflow, Zhang Wei still noticed it.

"Is there a ghost following on the plane? The strength is not weak."

Muttering in his heart, Zhang Wei couldn't help but look at the Vampire King and Drowning Ghost King sitting in the seat behind them. The two were looking around there, joking that they hadn't been on a plane for a long time.

Immediately afterwards.

They noticed Zhang Wei's gaze and said in unison:

"What's the matter, my lord? Do you have any orders?"


The two guys didn't notice Fang Yin's possession, Zhang Wei shook his head and said:

"It's nothing, you continue to talk."

Also at this time.

Liz's voice came:

"If you don't look at the flight attendant, what are you looking at? Mr. Zhang, your explanation is very pale. Look at the flight attendant, and the rest are the back of the head. If you don't look at the flight attendant, then look at a ghost."

"I was just watching a ghost."

Zhang Wei said with a casual smile.

Liz was amused when she heard the words, thinking that Zhang Wei was joking, but Zhang Wei didn't explain, after all, the other party was just an ordinary person, and it was useless to tell her about the situation, it would only increase panic, and even startle the snake.

"Speaking of which, what did Miss Liz tell me just now?"

Although the ghost got on the plane, Zhang Wei didn't care. Instead, he was very happy. Unexpectedly, on the last day of leaving Hawaii, Hawaii gave him a farewell gift, which is really nice~

"It's about this kid."


Liz pointed to the little priest's tablet next to her, and said what she just said.

Zhang Wei listened to it and said in English:

"Oh, isn't this the theatrical version of "Armor Warrior: Emperor Hero of Armor Warrior"? I can't tell. You, a foreign kid, would like to watch my special film of Daxia."

"You know armored warriors?"

The little priest was very surprised. It seemed that Zhang Wei didn't expect that Zhang Wei would like to watch anime.

"Not only do I know, I've even seen it. I've watched all five armored warriors. Among them, I like the first one the most. You must have watched the first one, kid. Otherwise, how would you watch the movie version?"

"Wow! Have you watched all five? I just watched the first one. I just finished watching it yesterday. I'm going to watch the second one after finishing Emperor Xia."

Knowing that Zhang Wei also watched it, the little priest suddenly became interested:

"Armor warriors are really good-looking! I was originally called by the archbishop to go to Daxia to communicate, and then I thought that I could find some common topics with friends in Daxia, and then anime and special movies are the best, so I wanted to watch it Da Xia Te took the film."

"After looking at it, I found that it looks pretty good, doesn't it?"

Zhang Wei took over the conversation.

The little priest nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, it's really good-looking. In fact, I really like special shots. What about Super Sentai and Kamen Rider? I thought Sakura Country would do well. I didn't expect Daxia to do it too. Yanlongxia and Fengyingxia are good. handsome!"

The words did not fall.

The little priest asked the favorite question for a fan of special photography:

"Mr. Zhang, which armored warrior do you like in the first part? I liked the Black Rhinoceros the most. I thought he was handsome because he looked thick and domineering. But after watching Emperor Xia, I think Emperor Xia is the most handsome and the most handsome. Liked it."

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement when he heard the words, he gave a thumbs up and said:

"The Emperor's Man is really handsome, and I like it the most, and I think that among the five armor warriors, the Emperor's Man is also the most handsome, bar none. Although the Asura armor is also handsome, I think the Emperor's Man is even more handsome."

The little priest nodded in agreement:

"Although I don't know what Shura armor is yet, it doesn't prevent me from agreeing with Mr. Zhang. Emperor Xia is so handsome! How about you, sister, what kind of armored warrior do you like?"

in words.

The little priest looked at Liz.

Liz was stunned for a while, smiled and rubbed the little priest's head:

"Little friend, I haven't watched Armored Warriors. I don't like watching anime, but you can talk to Mr. Zhang next to you. He likes anime more than you probably."

"It's a special feature film, not an anime, but what my sister said is right, Mr. Zhang is indeed crazy, he actually watched all five of them."

"He didn't just look at it, I think he even bought toys, right, Mr. Zhang."

Liz recalled the time when she went to a handicraft store with Zhang Wei, and learned that Zhang Wei had several handicraft walls in his home, and he liked to collect anime and other peripherals.

Zhang Wei smiled:

"Yes, I did buy armor warrior toys, especially those of Emperor Hero. I basically collect everything that should be collected."

As soon as his words came out.

The little priest next to him is more energetic:

"Really? Mr. Zhang, you are so amazing! Now I understand why Mr. Matt said that you are so powerful that you are omnipotent. You are so powerful that you collect toys."

"Really, what's the point of lying to you, just wait."

Zhang Wei checked the time and saw that the plane was still a minute away from take-off. He got up and opened the storage rack above his head, reached into the suitcase and quickly took out a pair of exquisite and cool armor belts.


The little priest's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he recognized the belt:

"My God, it's the emperor's belt!"

"Hey, yes."

Although he was showing off like a child, Zhang Wei was still very proud. He handed the emperor's belt to the little priest and said:

"Well, I didn't lie to you, I really collected belts, and I not only have the belts of Emperor Xia, but also those of Yanlong Xia and Feng Yingxia, but I gave them to my girlfriend and her a few days ago. friends."

"So handsome."

The little priest held the Emperor Xia belt, happily like a 200-jin fat man, cheerfully, while holding the belt, he paused the tablet version of the Emperor Xia movie, the screen stopped at the Emperor Xia, and compared the belt there.

"Mr. Zhang, where did you buy this? Is it expensive? I want to buy one too. Can I show it to my friend?"

The little priest made a gesture to get up, and showed the emperor's belt to the other little priests.

Zhang Wei interrupted:

"Wait until you get off the plane and watch it, the plane has taken off."

He said and pointed out the window.

Only then did the little priest realize that the plane had already started to take off and was gradually rising into the air. Seeing this, he gave up on undoing the safety buckle of the seat, and suppressed his excited temper and said:

"Then when the plane arrives, I'll talk to my friends."


While Zhang Wei was playing with the emperor's belt for the little priest, he was chatting about the armored warriors.

Not long.

"I also want to buy this emperor's belt! Where can I buy it, Mr. Zhang? Is it expensive?"

The little priest played with the emperor's belt, and couldn't put it down.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"It's a bit expensive, a few thousand yuan, and if converted into US dollars, it's almost a few hundred dollars."

"It's a bit expensive, but it's okay, I'll buy it after gnashing my teeth, hehe."

"Haha, what you said, kid, I'm very optimistic about you, then when I get off the plane, I'll take you there..."

Just when Zhang Wei was about to say the word 'buy'.


A scream rang through the cabin.

Listen carefully.

The voice came from the first-class cabin in front.

Same time.

Accompanied by the sound, whether it was the Drowning Ghost King, the Vampire King, or Weisili, their expressions changed, as if feeling something, they looked in the direction of the sound, and their pupils shrank suddenly.


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