Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 415 Emperor's Armor, Fitting Together

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Zhang Wei didn't pay attention to it, he flicked the emperor's belt to his waist casually in his hand, and put the emperor's belt on his body in an instant.


He walked straight to the first class cabin.

On the way, Zhang Wei could not help squinting at the system panel as he felt the aura of the ghost king ahead.

【Host】: Zhang Wei

[System Points]: 181990 (ghost king level)

【Exorcism】: ghost back pattern

[Props]: 40-meter broadsword, infinite yellow talisman, one-time ability 'temporary endowment', fallen angel spear and other equipment, demon heart, one-time skill 'Waku Waku, Annie sub-adult version'...

His eyes fell on the 'System Points' column.

After this trip, Zhang Wei has already accumulated as many as 180,000 system points, and thinking that this place is on an airplane, the ghost king is quite strong.

Can't help it.

As Zhang Wei walked towards the first-class cabin, his thoughts moved.

【Ding! Bless the Emperor's Belt 181990 system points]

at the same time.

Seeing Zhang Wei wearing the emperor's belt, the little priest and the others were stunned, even Matt and other priests, as well as all the poor passengers were stunned.

"What is this person doing? Is it the air police? By the way, what happened to the screaming in front just now? Is the air police going to deal with it?"

"I'm afraid you are not an idiot. That buddy is definitely not an air police officer. Have you ever seen an air police officer with an emperor belt?"

"The emperor's belt? What the hell."

From the perspective of all the passengers, Zhang Wei probably fell ill in the second class. He heard the big movement on the plane, and then the second class wanted to incarnate as the "light and shadow embodiment of justice-Emperor Xia" to go to the rescue.

Matt and the others are not much better...

"Great, Mr. Zhang is going to help."

Matt saw Zhang Wei get up, his eyes were covered with admiration and fanaticism.

However, the words just came out.

"Um, Father Matt, are you sure?"

A little priest beside him said, his face could hardly conceal his strange look.


Matt nodded affirmatively in response:

"Sure, you see that Mr. Zhang has already taken out the magic weapon. Have you seen that big belt? It doesn't look like an ordinary belt."

"It's definitely not an ordinary belt, because it's the emperor's belt."

The little priest replied immediately, looking at Matt like an idiot.


The little priest didn't hide it, and bluntly told the story of Emperor Xia. As the little priest who communicated with each other, not only the little priest Dannock, but also the other little priests watched Dashate's film and animation together, and he knew better than Matt , what is that belt.


Matt, Frye and others were stunned:

"Huh? Toy belt?"

The little priests were also speechless, and many of them looked at Matt with suspicious eyes. The eyes were self-evident...Father Matt, are you sure that Mr. Zhang you said is very powerful? I can't see it.

Just when they were thinking.

"Father Matt, Dannock is following up!"

When the little priest watched Zhang Wei go out earlier, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly saw that not long after Zhang Wei had gone out, his companion Danok hesitated, unbuckled the safety buckle, and followed Zhang Wei.


Dannok watched Zhang Wei go to the first class, he looked at Zhang Wei, and then at the emperor's belt around his waist, feeling confused.

Is Mr. Zhang joking?

Take the emperor's belt to fight the ghost king?


Mr. Zhang must have gone crazy with fright. I have to prevent Mr. Zhang from dying. Oh, Father Matt really likes to brag, and he also said that Mr. Zhang is amazing. He is really crazy. Watching a special film is worse than me as a child middle two.

I thought about it.

Dannok quickly opened the safety buckle and ran towards Zhang Wei.


at the same time.

Inside the first class cabin of the plane.

I saw the money-worshiping stewardess before, with a face full of panic, ignoring the stewardess's etiquette, sitting down on the aisle, pointing to the luggage rack in front of her head in panic, and shouting incessantly:

"Ghost, there is a ghost!!!"

"Damn you, what did you do!"

Also screaming was the middle-aged man in a suit. After noticing the direction the flight attendant was pointing at, he couldn't help but look back at the luggage rack, and turned pale with fright on the spot.


The suitcase he put on the luggage rack was opened at some point, and a trace of black air gushed out of it. Looking along the gap of the suitcase where the black air overflowed, one could see that there was a bloody man in the gap. Red eyes, and a bloody face.

"It's over."

Seeing this, the middle-aged man in the suit had a terrified expression on his face, with a hint of despair undisguised.

No one knows better than him what is in it. It is a ghost king, which is transformed into a ghost king by one of his enemies. Fortunately, he paid a lot of money to ask someone to capture this ghost king. Although he suffered heavy casualties, he succeeded. Catch it and prepare to take it back for Feng Shui.

the other side.

The money-worshiping stewardess couldn't listen to the other party's words at all, and she was full of fear. Just now, as the plane was flying smoothly into the sky, another first-class passenger was going to get things from the suitcase. As a first-class stewardess, she naturally came to serve.

At this time, she saw the suitcase of the middle-aged man in the suit. Recalling the previous touch, out of curiosity, she took advantage of the fact that the middle-aged man in the suit was not paying attention, and wanted to open the suitcase. grimace.

at this time.

The behavior of the money-worshiping stewardess attracted the attention of other stewardesses and first-class passengers, who also saw the strangeness of the suitcase.

But wait for them to react.

The middle-aged man in the suit was the first to shout out:

"Come and help me, close the suitcase with me, or it will be too late!!"

As he spoke, he reached out to press the gradually opened suitcase first.

But at this time.

"Do you think it's open, and there is still a chance to close it? It's too late."

He heard a cold sneer coming from inside the suitcase.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the horrified eyes of the money-worshiping stewardess, the middle-aged man in a suit, and others, the suitcase opened and closed with a bang, black air gushed out like a spring, flowed from the luggage rack, and landed on the pavement, forming a blood-stained figure of a ghost .

It twisted the limbs of the figure, and made the sound of rattling bones, looked at the surrounding environment, and said solemnly:

"On the plane? It seems that you, Zhou Baisheng, want to transport me back to China for disposal, but there is no chance. This is all thanks to this money-worshiping woman, hahahaha.

in words.

Looking sternly at the middle-aged man in the suit:

"Zhou Baisheng, now that I don't have the help of the Siamese head-down master, let me see how you can deal with me."

The voice just fell.

"So what if there is no head-down master? On my Daxia passenger plane, where do I need the help of ghost exorcists from other countries?"

A cool voice followed.


The blood-faced ghost king was stunned when he heard the words, and instinctively followed the sound, and saw the person who made the sound. It was a young man with a very bluffing belt.

【Ding! The blood-faced ghost king sneered, he thought it was someone who dared to be a young ghost exorcist]

[Host obtains system points +160]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

The Bloody Ghost King also spoke:

"I don't need ghost exorcists from other countries, so you can stop me, Daxia's ghost exorcist."

His words speak out.

Zhang Wei shook his head and said slowly:

"I'm not Daxia's exorcist."

"Then what are you?" The blood-faced ghost king subconsciously asked.

"What am I?"

Zhang Wei grinned, and under the watchful eyes of the blood-faced ghost king, he stretched out his fingers and touched his emperor's belt, and said with a chuckle:

"Big Xia's armored warrior."

The words fell.

next second.

Together with the blood-faced ghost king, as well as Danok, Wesley and others who rushed over, everyone was paying attention.

Zhang Wei put a badge that looked like a Taiji regiment in his belt.

Accompanied by a voice.

From his mouth came out leisurely:

"Emperor armor, fit together!"


The golden light burst into bloom in the center of the belt! !


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